Just like to add that every single Sky Poker player here yesterday - the TSP boys, the Qualifiers, & those playing on their own money - did us proud yesterday, & conducted themselves impeccably.
UL to those who never got through, & good vibes to run good today go to Ben, Ryan, Wayne, Darren, & not least, the man who made me so proud yesterday with his gritty patience & determination whilst under great pressure, Rich Orford.
Go get 'em lads. You know you can.
I'm doing tonight's Show, & hope to do a few 'phone calls to our heroes in Walsall. I'll have this page open whilst in the Studio, so keep me updated please!
Folds round to Wayne on the button. He attacks the absent SB (Praz) and Orford's BB. Orford defends with a shove. Wayne folds, so Orford picks up 2-3k more chips. Posted by Sky_Poker
Guys, I need to clear up a slight misunderstanding.
I have just read the last few pages of yesterday's Update, & lots of people thanked me for the excellent Updates.
I'm a little uncomfortable with that. In fact, TWO of us were Updating, being Mr Milner (aka HOPPY), & myself, but to save keep logging in & out, all of it was Posted on my account.
So a big up to Rich Milner, too. He is doing it "solo" today, so good luck him.
Only fair to point out that of the 130 Posts in my name yesterday, I only Posted 128 of them, & HOPPY posted the other two. Fair's fair, eh?
Just like to add that every single Sky Poker player here yesterday - the TSP boys, the Qualifiers, & those playing on their own money - did us proud yesterday, & conducted themselves impeccably.
UL to those who never got through, & good vibes to run good today go to Ben, Ryan, Wayne, Darren, & not least, the man who made me so proud yesterday with his gritty patience & determination whilst under great pressure, Rich Orford.
Go get 'em lads. You know you can.
I'm doing tonight's Show, & hope to do a few 'phone calls to our heroes in Walsall. I'll have this page open whilst in the Studio, so keep me updated please!
Folds round to Wayne on the button.
He attacks the absent SB (Praz) and Orford's BB.
Orford defends with a shove. Wayne folds, so Orford picks up 2-3k more chips.
Guys, I need to clear up a slight misunderstanding.
I have just read the last few pages of yesterday's Update, & lots of people thanked me for the excellent Updates.
I'm a little uncomfortable with that. In fact, TWO of us were Updating, being Mr Milner (aka HOPPY), & myself, but to save keep logging in & out, all of it was Posted on my account.
So a big up to Rich Milner, too. He is doing it "solo" today, so good luck him.
Only fair to point out that of the 130 Posts in my name yesterday, I only Posted 128 of them, & HOPPY posted the other two. Fair's fair, eh?
btw, why is Rich known as hoppy please?
Praz arrives, straight away Orford wants to show him who's boss:
He shoves (notice his chips over the line)
Everyone folds.
Praz knows who he is dealing with now!
Relayed to me by Dylan
Wayne raises to 2,400 on the button.
Praz makes it 8,000
Orford Shoves, with AK
Praz has KK which holds.
Although we got told yesterday to not call him hoppy.
Sorry hoppy.
Ouch, unlucky Rich. Why do good players also run so well just at the right times ?
Rich Orford finishes 60th in his first GUKPT event.
He's done us all proud and as you can imagine is gutted.
And then there were 4!
Did us all proud tho rich well done