Soooooooooo gutted! I knew I'd be purely in the hands of the cards until I doubled up- but cruelty by thy name, dealer! The world of poker is full of 'what ifs' but what never fails to amaze me is the fine line in this game between going out and being a major force at the table. It wasn't a case of either 'I'm out if I lose this hand or I'll have a few thousand chips if I win this hand'. I'm either out or I have 40,400 chips. Crazy. Absolutely crazy game. All for an Ace. All I needed was one, solitary, Ace. Sigh. I'm over it now though. Well, I will be at some point anyway. Thoroughly enjoyed it though and can't wait to do it again. Bang up for SPT Leeds now. See you all there and thanks for the rail and good luck messages! Keep it going for the rest of the lads- we've still got FOUR Sky Poker players in the last 50!!! COME ON!!!!!!! Posted by RICHORFORD
Can't wait for SPT Leeds, will be mint.
Talking of fine lines, Sian was all in A8 v QQ, she binked the Ace on the flop and villain rivered a Queen! She was out 3rd for £150 but no queen there and she would have had 90% of the chips and a guaranteed vicyory for near £400!
Fine effort, Ben. You must feel gutted right now, but it's all great experience.
Next time, maybe.
Talking of fine lines, Sian was all in A8 v QQ, she binked the Ace on the flop and villain rivered a Queen! She was out 3rd for £150 but no queen there and she would have had 90% of the chips and a guaranteed vicyory for near £400!
Its all margins!
See u next week
My usual view of Scotty:
Scotty is up to 140k
Wayne has around 60k
SolidStan has 28k
Chip leader has 300k, average is 65k.
We are starting to miss Tikay (there, I said it) - nobody for rubdowns!
Praz has been moved to table Scotty!
Man down!
Wayne beaten with QQ vs AK
Ace and King on the flop.
Two left - Scotty and Solidstan
i think scotty is becoming a legend