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Thursday Night Live on 865 with Rich, Tikay and Julian Thew ***official show thread***

edited May 2011 in Poker Chat

Tonight the free world is a safer place to live.

Why? Because Julian Thew is NOT on the Sky Poker tables. He's in the Sky Poker studio!

Yep- it's the £12K Bounty Hunter- with tourney and accompanying 4 hour live dedicated TV show both launching at 8pm. Also receiving coverage tonight- it's 8pm's £5K Sky Roller tournament with a £110 buy-in.

In front of the cameras and fielding your questions will be a holy triumvirate- each one bringing a different unique skill to proceedings- details below...




So- to sum up- it's Thewy, Spewy and Pooey.

The lines are open for your interactive needs- post below for questions and comments to Jules.

And tonight's hot topic-

with Osama now out the equation...

Who do you think should be the world's

next Most Wanted Man or Woman?

Phil Helmuth? Nick Clegg? Jordan? Tikay? Britney Spears? Wayne Rooney? Your brother? Another named Sky Poker player? Me (for crimes against fashion?)

Tell us who you think the FBI should be after next, why- and name the bounty you're prepared to stick on it.

I'll get the ball rolling...

Praz Bansi- for taking me out the GUKPT with luckbox pocket Kings. Bounty? £1000 (the price of entry into another GUKPT to make up for it). Grrr!

You get the gist.

The best one will get a TSP Classic entry.

Make sure you're playing tonight too if you can- but, either way- we'll see you at 8!




  • spornybolspornybol Member Posts: 8,212
    edited May 2011
  • AcidMan27AcidMan27 Member Posts: 3,752
    edited May 2011
    lol @sporny.

    Have a good show guys.

    My most wanted man has to be Simon Cowell - for crimes against music and television. The bounty would be nothing. I'm a tight yorkshireman and i'm sure people would be more than willing to capture him for free.

  • spornybolspornybol Member Posts: 8,212
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live on 865 with Rich, Tikay and Julian Thew ***official show thread***:
    lol @sporny. Have a good show guys. My most wanted man has to be Simon Cowell - for crimes against music and television. The bounty would be nothing. I'm a tight yorkshireman and i'm sure people would be more than willing to capture him for free.
    Posted by AcidMan27
  • dylan12dylan12 Member Posts: 2,343
    edited May 2011
    Have a Great show guys. 

    Question for Julian...There are a lot of tournaments now which have a re-entry option, do you think this is the way forward? Do you think it would affect your game plan much if you knew you could re-enter? 
  • dtm75dtm75 Member Posts: 263
    edited May 2011
    Good evening all...

    Look forward to meeting Tikay and Julian tomorrow (Rich on Saturday I believe) at t'SPT ;)

    I have a rather random person/set of people for the "Most Wanted".  The ideas team at Jon de Mol TV productions in Holland, who, in 1997 conceived the idea for Big Brother in a brainstorming/thought shower session.

    The bounty should be pretty high for the number of crimes against humanity in all of the particpating countries/regions... perhaps £1m for each counry - a whopping £51m bounty (source Wikipedia)

    On a serious note, have a cracking show and safe trip to Yorkshire.

    Dan (dtm75)
  • bandinibandini Member Posts: 1,802
    edited May 2011
    Who do you think should be the world's

    next Most Wanted Man or Woman?

    Jason Gardiner. Executed on PPV on Sky please.
  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited May 2011
    Has to be Rich Orford for Crimes against cars, bounty £700 should be enough for a session or 2 with someone who can help his memory :)
  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited May 2011
    Alright there look forward to the show hopefully ill get hand shown never do nowadays ;)

    Ill go for Amy Winehouse she does my head in!
  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited May 2011

    On in 6 minutes- keep 'em coming!

  • MohicanMohican Member Posts: 1,436
    edited May 2011
    Anyone shouting 'One Time' in a tournament, should be hunted down and their life force prematurely terminated with extreme prejudice. A 5% bounty payable from the tourney purse should cover reasonable costs.

  • JBussJBuss Member Posts: 245
    edited May 2011
    Evening Gentlemen. Have a good show.
    Havent watched a show in a while so I am looking
    forward to this.

    Congrats on reaching Day 2 of a tournament Rich.

    Can I just ask Julian a quick question?

    How many live tournaments do you play on average in a year?

  • SolarCarroSolarCarro Member Posts: 2,273
    edited May 2011
    Great show as usual chaps

    Question for Julian

    You are on my table at SPT Leeds and you 3 bet me, if I 4 bet shove you fold right?

    Most Wanted - Tikay the Kid, for crimes against the unmentionable.

    See you all tomorrow, Orange Army!!
  • SolarCarroSolarCarro Member Posts: 2,273
    edited May 2011
    Can you wish Yorkie74, Trip5 and LCFCfan14 good luck in the SPT satellite in Leeds tonight

    All playing for one of the 5 seats!

  • Sky_MandySky_Mandy Member Posts: 582
    edited May 2011

    Crimes against acting: Danny Dyer

    Crimes against the English language: Danny Dyer

  • shipdchipsshipdchips Member Posts: 199
    edited May 2011
    Good evening Mr Orford/Mr Thew/Mr Kendall,

    I have Two questions firstly The shove stack 1-15BB The re-ship 15-24BB Beyond re-ship but not enough leverage to 4-bet and hard to 3-bet light 24-35BB Effective 4-bet stack 35-50BB Is this still a good range ?


    Would love to play but need a way of resizing tables because I cant see them far two small ?

    Great show



  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited May 2011

    Most wanted - Padraig Harrington (for his laser eye surgery advert) and all other celebs who appear on adverts for something they know nothing about , especially when the companys are ripping normal ppl off  -

    Haven,t they got enough money - Ps I used to be a fan , but have just watched the "watchdog programme"

    Also all those bankers who made ludicrous  profits which lead us into recent resession.

    Rant Over - I feel better now

    Have a good show guys and GL to Julian with your time with Sky 

    A quick Q for the Thew - Now that you can bet on some of the bigger poker tournaments - Will you be involved in any of these in the ner futue and if so what do you think would be a fair price on yourself and is there any up and coming youngsters that we,ve not heard of that you think might do well this year?

  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited May 2011

    Serious question for Julian.

    As a professional, who has watched, played, and discussed alot of poker with TK, what would you say are his three biggest leaks in no limit hold em?

    Most wanted woman in the world should be Kerry Katona just coz she's so fit!

    Ooooops, I did think u meant "that way"

    If it's someone to snap delete from life I'll go with Gary Neville.

  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited May 2011
    Another question for anyone to answer : Why is Laden a banned word in the chatbox?

    You can put it in a post or on a thread title but type it in the chat box and it comes up "xxxxx"
  • Scottomus0Scottomus0 Member Posts: 322
    edited May 2011
    Evening guys! And Rich, respectively.

    Im playing tonight, sat'd in along with young gun, wish me luck aye!

    Will be making sure im paying attention tonight as i folded aces twice due to time bar running out!

    off to a good start anyway, would you say i played this right?


    Oh and well done Richy, you can play pokerz as it seems.

  • hawk7112hawk7112 Member Posts: 3,627
    edited May 2011
    Hi Guys good luck with the show

    Question for Julian

    Who would you have on your dream final table and why?

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