My most wanted person in the world is 'Dappy', I cringe every time I see those silly hats he wears. Staying on the same subject I would love to hear Tikays oppinion on N-Dubz ?
Heres a hand u guys might want to show, bit of an action flop, with my jacks vs ace queen and an all club flop! Id like the know the usual answers please tikay and julian and that other guy if he can say my name right I thought it was 50/50 whether he had made flush, had big club and pair at the very least, but i always had the redraw and made a bit of a crying call, right or wrong? correct sized raise pre flop etc? thanks guys great show as always
a question for tikay, will he be watching celeb juice at 10pm as mrs willowbooby is away on baby leave, reason asking asking is his world most wanted is on as captain !!!
Top of the FBI hit list for me would be Mr Hellmuth and then Lady Gaga for aiding and abeiting! The bounty would probably be the cost of a bracelet for Phil to auction and the proceeds go to a worthy cause.
Have a great show guys and gl to everyone at Leeds I hope everyone has a great weekend xx
FBI Most wanted Would have to be Russell brand just cant get the notion out of my head having him sitting at my table shouting out 1 time, Then I would become the FBI most wanted after shooting him. ps
Have lots more questions and a few more interesting ideas which I will post on the forums. Also if over 40 is a wizkid of the younger generation then ty Tony you have made my night will let the wife know hope she fells the same lol.
The person that first decided that putting leaflets, to advertise things, inside of magazines.... Should be shot, drawn and quartered, then brought back to life and then made to go through it again..... oh oh wait......
......make him remove the leaflets from magazines until he bleeds to death from all the paper cuts... yeah me likely that one
I thought it was 50/50 whether he had made flush, had big club and pair at the very least, but i always had the redraw and made a bit of a crying call, right or wrong? correct sized raise pre flop etc? thanks guys great show as always
Anyone remotely associated for putting "reality" TV programs on our screens.
And anyone responsible for making manufactured pop bands.
There is no limit for the bounty to take out this direness and its evil spawn.
First post into a live show thread, enjoyed playing the BH tonight although im out (got it in infront obv) guy rivered a gutshot.
Just wrote in to say how mental crazy i thought tonights tourney was, or at least my table was.
I knocked 2 ppl out in first half hour the could have had another 2 before the first 45mins but folded the turn.
Although i seemed to be in most of the big action - it seemed to be really crash bang whallop poker.
Is this what these BH are always like or just my table was mental?
p.s. to answer the question I'd say most wanted should be Jeremy Kyle cos he is a creep.
all teachers
go to make tea on the break, come back, and the laptop has turned off!
ive got about 10 bb left so im not in best position anyway
come back with about 4, decided to look at my hh and see kings and ak in there. JOLLY GOOD.
still managed knock someone out so actually £4 in profit. next time eh.
That explains a lot of Orfords posts.
I mean, he's everywhere. Get out!
Top of the Most Wanted List has to be Russell Brand
Have lots more questions and a few more interesting ideas which I will post on the forums. Also if over 40 is a wizkid of the younger generation then ty Tony you have made my night will let the wife know hope she fells the same lol.
Was playing in Bounty Hunter doing really well and also doing well in the Sky roller, lost my connection and it's all over...
rich tikay julian
enjoying the show
firstley julian sorry about the jacks the other night lol no im not
as for sara36dd
a player on another site has a nickname debbie691 im sure julian knows the player but im not saying
he gave me the idea
as for most wanted has to be you rich for putting me in the dog house again