Ok.... still new to starting threads but basically..
Come join us for plenty of Sunday night Primo action.... live updates from the Viva Las Vegas semi final.. and a final round up from last nights SPT in Leeds with LML.
Also get your questions in for Carol...oooops I mean Carlo and myself and if you feel like it tell us you top peeves..things that makes you rant.. for example for me today...sunday drivers eeek oh and noisy eaters.. you get the idea.
A x
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On top of your top peeves, how about seeing how Anna's poker knowledge is coming along?? Send in your poker lingo and see if she understands it's meaning - if you manage to topple Anna then your entry will be entered into a draw to win entry into Friday's Take On Tikay tournament.
Rant over!
Ok poker knowledge, what hand is also known as the ducks ?
Ill give Anna an easy one AIPF, it was an honour being introduced to your mum yesterday Carlo, and a pleasure talking to you, you really did help, thank you.
Great weekend at SPT Leeds, Lisa Marie was amazing!! Great job done by all, was sat right by a fish called Carlo as he set-mined FTW, it's not like he ever had the nuts either, from what I could tell he was shoving with air all the time.
At the food break I got a right gut-shot from the lasagne, I had to check I was alright and did a runner runner to the toilet (or was the staff corridor)
Afterwards I had to flush straight after
I bet everybody at Leeds had a Royal time and one time I saw a meerkat fold cowboys.
TeamKnightPlop all suited in our Orange tops took it down on the drinking rail
Congratulations to chip daddy Adam Bromley who laddered his way to the title!
Dave and Sian wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
What is a Full Wrap?
Have a good show
People whos voices go really high pitched when they get excited (wink Carlo)
but yh of course you know more about how using a mobile phone affects the human attention span than all of the scientists arounds the world who were tasked by dozens of governments to study the subject.
hopefully next time you get a call while your driving you will think of all the drivers and passengers around you and how even a split second lapse while doing 70mph can tear entire families apart.
Whats really peeves me off is people who always want to tell you what there pet peeve is:))
Have a great show tonight.
PS good to meet you in Leeds Carlo
shared a table with you for a while yesterday carlo and it was a pleasure to do so.
Quite an easy one for Anna if someone hits the wheel ortherwise known as the bicycle what is it???