Go Scouse!! Also a very, very WELL PLAYED to our newest recruit HappyPlop who played a blinder in tonights Primo coming 4th on his first online outing as a TKPer!!!! We also got a cash from our resident Jaegerplopbombfish...happy days indeed!!!
Congratulations to Scouse_Red for winning the draw after successfully toppling Anna with her poker lingo. You have won entry into Friday nights Take On Tikay tournent - Good luck Posted by Sky_Mandy
In Response to Re: ***The official show thread for tonight with Carlo Citrone and Fowler...Primo action*** : wiiiiiiiiiii thanks Mandy, and +1 to trip5 our beloved leader Posted by scouse_red
Anna "Snow White" and her seven Dwarfs ........ We've already had "Grumpy" you know who,! and last night "Happy" ........ who will it be on Thursday. ?
Anna "Snow White" and her seven Dwarfs ........ We've already had "Grumpy" you know who,! and last night "Happy" ........ who will it be on Thursday. ? Posted by logdon
dopey, but this person be a analist and presenter ?
Carlo is unavailable this morning (see below*), but he realises his comments about using a Mobile 'phone whilst driving were wholly inappropriate, & he apologises unreservedly.
He was pretty upset with himself, to be honest, & sent me a Text this morning fessing up that he'd crossed the line a tad, & asking how best to deal with it. I suggested he speak to Mother, & he has since done so, too, & the matter is now closed.
I am not defending him, or condone what he said, but when you ad-lib for 4 hours at a time on Live TV, you have to be extremely careful what you say, & if you get out of line, or, as happened with me last week, even ONE viewer thinks you are out of line, it soon comes back & smacks you in the chops. He was wrong, & he is sorry.
After the Show, he drove home worried about his comments, & decided to Post an apology on this thread himself, so as soon as he got home, he readied his i-pad thingie so as to Post, he dropped it, & it, err, broke. Like, totally broke. Not his best night, one way & another.
On Saturday, after leaving SPT Leeds, his Mum - how beautiful is she? - had a minor accident in her brand new car, too. Nobody hurt, but not nice. She was not on her 'phone at the time, though.
* Why is he unavailable to comment himself, today?
His Daughter, Angelina, (aged 6) who is drop-dead gorgeous, does modelling, she is already featured prominently in the Argos Catalogue, & in Nivea ads.
Today, she is doing a high-profile photo-shoot for Marks & Spencer, so Dad - a very proud Dad, I might add - is with her all day. If you want to get see the hidden side of Carlo's, you should ask him about Angelina, he absolutely dotes on her.
4 years ago, I was stopped by the Police for using a Moby whilst driving, & I was prosecuted, got 4 points on my licence, & had to attend an "Awareness Course".
I realised immediately that is was not clever, & since then, I've never used my Moby whilst driving EXCEPT via the full "hands-free" kit.
Most of us have done & said daft things from time to time, but when you are on t'telly, these things seem to be magnified.
i`m sure it was all tongue in cheek and he did not mean it as with anna not useing the phone but does her make-up in the car, so i beleive no-one will be bothered about it, i hope not anyway.
I've just watched some of the replay of last nights show and while I like Carlo as an analyst (and Anna is growing on me) I feel the two of them together is a bit of a disaster (I was going to say car crash but in light of the mobile in car row maybe not). It felt like I was watching a dating show with a bit of poker thrown in. Please guys it's a poker channel concentrate on the poker please.
In Response to Re: ***The official show thread for tonight with Carlo Citrone and Fowler...Primo action*** : dopey, but this person be a analist and presenter ? Posted by spornybol
how about DOC tor Tom Sambrook, there will be no monkeying around if he's on doing the analysis
I've just watched some of the replay of last nights show and while I like Carlo as an analyst (and Anna is growing on me) I feel the two of them together is a bit of a disaster (I was going to say car crash but in light of the mobile in car row maybe not). It felt like I was watching a dating show with a bit of poker thrown in. Please guys it's a poker channel concentrate on the poker please. Posted by FlyingDagg
Thank you Mr Dagg.
The Channel 865 message is "Educate & Entertain", & so there must always be a balance between hardcore poker talk & humour.
Quite a large portion of our audience are "fun" or recreational players who could not stomach 4 hours of non-stop poker blathering, so we need to mix it up a bit. Many "poker widows" are almost forced to watch the Show, too, so their partners like us to keep them interested by keeping it light & humorous, & a bit left-field from time to time.
It's a tough ask - impossible, in truth - keeping everyone happy, but they do try.
I must add that the Channel has had an amazing 6 months, with some fabulous Guests, & nobody else has done this on a TV Poker Channel to that degree.
FWIW i thought last nights show was very good, entertaining. both presenters sorry presenter + analyst were great and had good chemistry on the the screen.
Everything seems to blow out of proportion as always because of a select few i gurantee more enjoyed it like myself. Im not going to comment on the mobile phone incident as someone on here could have been affected by something of this nature but i dont think it needs to go any further
sorry to disagree with young_gun but the show was disappointing. i think that to engage with the lowest common denominator we actually need to dumb it up a little bit. it was also awkward and uncomfortable viewing.
sorry to disagree with young_gun but the show was disappointing. i think that to engage with the lowest common denominator we actually need to dumb it up a little bit. it was also awkward and uncomfortable viewing. Posted by aussie09
please don`t forget this was first time doing a show together, so their both going to have a bit off nerves, can you all remember tikay`s and orfords first time ?
Thanks for your response Tikay. I know you can't please everybody all of the time and there have been some great guests lately and I'm generally happy with the shows. I'm not averse to a show with a bit of banter and humour but personally I watch 865 to learn and improve my poker but I understand your point about trying to keep everyone happy. I agree that the last 6 months there have been some great shows and guests (I'd have Redmond Lee on every week he's a natural) but felt that last nights show needed someone like yourself to draw things in a tad. Keep up the good work. Sporny just seen your post and it's not something that occured to me. Maybe I should have given them a bit of leeway.
As an aside, does anyone else think that the name Nick Abou Risk is immeasurably funny? For the avoidance of doubt, I’m not referring to the fact that Nick takes calculated ‘risks’ for a living.
I just think the whole name, when said quickly, sounds very much like the veterinary term for a medical procedure on an animal; like the removal of a splinter from the paw of a teddy bear: “OK guys, we’re going to need 5mg of Distalgesic administered orally, because this little critter needs a sub cranial hematoma, and a Nickabourisk of the right paw”.
No? Just me then. Forget I said anything.
In that case, does anyone else think that Carlo Citrone sounds like an Italian rally driver of French cars, who sucks lemons (Irrespective of how many teeth-whitening sessions they’re booking on their iPhone whilst driving too fast)?
Do I win a prize at least?
Finally, I concur with the original prognosis of Scotty77: breaking the law is not clever, however much fun it might be.
Thanks for a great response, Daggy, & everyone else, all fair comment.
We shall just have to keep trying that little bit harder, to deliver good shows, on message.
Personally, I work extremely hard to prep for all my Shows, & I know my colleagues do, but sometimes we fall short of expectations, & you guys let us know, which is absolutely as it should be.
I would repeat that Carlo's advice as to the moby phones when driving was not his finest moment, & he knows that - he was on the moby to me at 8am this morning, having realised his faux pas. He was not driving when he rung me, I hasten to add.....
Go Scouse!! Also a very, very WELL PLAYED to our newest recruit HappyPlop who played a blinder in tonights Primo coming 4th on his first online outing as a TKPer!!!! We also got a cash from our resident Jaegerplopbombfish...happy days indeed!!!
and +1 to trip5 our beloved leader
Good morning.
Carlo is unavailable this morning (see below*), but he realises his comments about using a Mobile 'phone whilst driving were wholly inappropriate, & he apologises unreservedly.
He was pretty upset with himself, to be honest, & sent me a Text this morning fessing up that he'd crossed the line a tad, & asking how best to deal with it. I suggested he speak to Mother, & he has since done so, too, & the matter is now closed.
I am not defending him, or condone what he said, but when you ad-lib for 4 hours at a time on Live TV, you have to be extremely careful what you say, & if you get out of line, or, as happened with me last week, even ONE viewer thinks you are out of line, it soon comes back & smacks you in the chops. He was wrong, & he is sorry.
After the Show, he drove home worried about his comments, & decided to Post an apology on this thread himself, so as soon as he got home, he readied his i-pad thingie so as to Post, he dropped it, & it, err, broke. Like, totally broke. Not his best night, one way & another.
On Saturday, after leaving SPT Leeds, his Mum - how beautiful is she? - had a minor accident in her brand new car, too. Nobody hurt, but not nice. She was not on her 'phone at the time, though.
* Why is he unavailable to comment himself, today?
His Daughter, Angelina, (aged 6) who is drop-dead gorgeous, does modelling, she is already featured prominently in the Argos Catalogue, & in Nivea ads.
Today, she is doing a high-profile photo-shoot for Marks & Spencer, so Dad - a very proud Dad, I might add - is with her all day. If you want to get see the hidden side of Carlo's, you should ask him about Angelina, he absolutely dotes on her.
PS - His name is "Carlo", not Carlos.
PS -from the "holier than thou" department.
4 years ago, I was stopped by the Police for using a Moby whilst driving, & I was prosecuted, got 4 points on my licence, & had to attend an "Awareness Course".
I realised immediately that is was not clever, & since then, I've never used my Moby whilst driving EXCEPT via the full "hands-free" kit.
Most of us have done & said daft things from time to time, but when you are on t'telly, these things seem to be magnified.
The Channel 865 message is "Educate & Entertain", & so there must always be a balance between hardcore poker talk & humour.
Quite a large portion of our audience are "fun" or recreational players who could not stomach 4 hours of non-stop poker blathering, so we need to mix it up a bit. Many "poker widows" are almost forced to watch the Show, too, so their partners like us to keep them interested by keeping it light & humorous, & a bit left-field from time to time.
It's a tough ask - impossible, in truth - keeping everyone happy, but they do try.
I must add that the Channel has had an amazing 6 months, with some fabulous Guests, & nobody else has done this on a TV Poker Channel to that degree.
We will keep trying just a little bit harder.....
Everything seems to blow out of proportion as always because of a select few i gurantee more enjoyed it like myself. Im not going to comment on the mobile phone incident as someone on here could have been affected by something of this nature but i dont think it needs to go any further
Great show end of
sorry to disagree with young_gun but the show was disappointing. i think that to engage with the lowest common denominator we actually need to dumb it up a little bit. it was also awkward and uncomfortable viewing.
i have to agree ..
Sporny just seen your post and it's not something that occured to me. Maybe I should have given them a bit of leeway.
Thanks for a great response, Daggy, & everyone else, all fair comment.
We shall just have to keep trying that little bit harder, to deliver good shows, on message.
Personally, I work extremely hard to prep for all my Shows, & I know my colleagues do, but sometimes we fall short of expectations, & you guys let us know, which is absolutely as it should be.
I would repeat that Carlo's advice as to the moby phones when driving was not his finest moment, & he knows that - he was on the moby to me at 8am this morning, having realised his faux pas. He was not driving when he rung me, I hasten to add.....
Thanks for the feedback, everyone.