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Cash challenge and diary- £100 into £1000- USING BRM!!



  • DeucesLiveDeucesLive Member Posts: 839
    edited May 2011
    yea, good point on the TT vs AQ perhaps. I probably could have got away with cbetting there, and getting a bit more money in- I think the amount of sets I'd hit where everyone folded was playing on my mind and I wanted to get him more interested before getting money in- bad decision on my part in retrospect. That's the danger of slowplaying sometimes, generally probably is best to get the money in straight away.

    And cheers slaver! If I see you at the tables it'll probably be me doing the donating the way I'm going ^^
  • DeucesLiveDeucesLive Member Posts: 839
    edited May 2011
    Starting Bankroll- £96.59
    Ending Bankroll- £83.83

    MTT Profit- 0
    Cash Profit-
    Total MTT Profit- -28.16
    Total Cash Profit- +11.99
    Total  Profit- -16.17
    Session Hands Played- 499Total Hands Played- 11164

    Pots of 20p or more- Won 16, lost 26
    Pots of 40p or more- Won 11, lost 15
    Pots of 80p or more- Won 5, lost 7
    Pots of £2 or more- Won 3, lost 3
    Pots entered- 70/499 (14%)

    Weak session by me. Was playing a tad too fast and loose for my liking, was late at night and I wanted to squeeze some poker in to help hit my goal of 2k c4p this month, which will actually be a substantial aid to my bankroll, and a good indicator of what I may be able to achieve when I reach 20NL.

    I also found myself in an interesting spot early on, and it's the only HH I'm posting this time. What would you do here? This was literally the first hand of my session, and I was essentially playing against the other deepstack only- I felt my jacks were probably good, but I was very likely to be racing against AK. In hindsight, I think it was too marginal to play and I should have folded- not least because of the mindset issue, going a buyin down on the first hand is a really, really bad result when you've only got a short amount of time to play, because I think it leads to leaks in your game if you haven't got the discipline, which clearly I haven't quite got yet.

    I still kept good hand selection, and am generally pleased with how I played hands with one exception- in a virtually unbet pot, I rivered a flush on a paired board, bet out for pot (3bbs lol) and had someone shove for 80/90bbs. I tanked it but called, and it was a terrible call- I only had 34 of spades, and I really had no need to call there, it was ridic. The other major pot I lost was a raise pre with AK followed by a jam for 100bbs- again, not sure on these spots. It's almost certainly a race so do I need to take it, considering what's cut off in the rake, I'm not quite a favourite and the fact my edge over these players is high enough to not get in these marginal spots in the first place? I don't know how often players shove with AQ/AJ, but I do know they love to reship with 22-TT.

    Anyway, all this is meant to be teaching me as well as building my roll, if I already had the discipline to grind my a game daily I wouldn't be at this level. Hopefully the more of these days I go through and analyse, the better I'll get at avoiding the spots that tilt me and tightening up my game.
    Avro Small blind   £0.02 £0.02 £1.32
    DeucesLive Big blind   £0.04 £0.06 £3.96
      Your hole cards
    • J
    • J
    JBuss All-in   £0.99 £1.05 £0.00
    JackoG9 Fold        
    johny12345 Raise   £1.94 £2.99 £1.41
    shaz29 Fold        
    Avro All-in   £1.32 £4.31 £0.00
    DeucesLive Raise   £2.85 £7.16 £1.11
    johny12345 All-in   £1.41 £8.57 £0.00
    DeucesLive Call   £0.46 £9.03 £0.65
    Avro Show
    • 2
    • 2
    DeucesLive Show
    • J
    • J
    JBuss Show
    • 2
    • A
    johny12345 Show
    • A
    • K
    • 10
    • 3
    • 6
    • Q
    • A
    johny12345 Win Pair of Aces £8.35   £8.35
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: Cash challenge and diary- £100 into £1000- USING BRM!!:
    yea, good point on the TT vs AQ perhaps. I probably could have got away with cbetting there, and getting a bit more money in- I think the amount of sets I'd hit where everyone folded was playing on my mind and I wanted to get him more interested before getting money in- bad decision on my part in retrospect. That's the danger of slowplaying sometimes, generally probably is best to get the money in straight away. And cheers slaver! If I see you at the tables it'll probably be me doing the donating the way I'm going ^^
    Posted by DeucesLive
    understandable dave, we've all been there and done that.
  • tapewormtapeworm Member Posts: 432
    edited May 2011
    That first hand is a tough one dueces........With the likely hood is its deffo going 3 way....bit of a race. Theres arguments for and against shipping I think. But like you said you are likely racing or behind. I would like to say I find a fold adter Avros all in as johhnys not going anywhere. Dont know if i could though.....I hate jacks
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited May 2011
    With that JJ hand it can be helpful if you have 'some reads' not specific hands but just is he a REG or a maniac, most stations just flat the all in as they don't understand there's a raise button so I would approach with caution and as he's raised half his stack you know he ain't folding.

    For me right at the start of a session I would probably chicken out and try and save that pain of dropping 100 bb's so soon, QQ+ would be my limit this early might be wrong but that's my game.

  • DeucesLiveDeucesLive Member Posts: 839
    edited May 2011
    Starting Bankroll- £83.83
    Ending Bankroll-
    MTT Profit- 0
    STT Profit- +11.6
    Cash Profit- -4.93
    Total MTT Profit- -28.16
    Total STT Profit- +11.6
    Total Cash Profit- +7.06
    Total Profit- -10.03
    Session Hands Played- 1083Total Hands Played- 12247

    Pots of 20p or more- Won 37, lost 39
    Pots of 40p or more- Won 19, lost 16
    Pots of 80p or more- Won 10, lost 8
    Pots of £2 or more- Won 4, lost 4
    Pots entered- 122/1083 (11%)

    I think I'm with you now dudeskin, I'm going to try and avoid racing too early. My opinion was, it's only the deep stack I'm worried about- the rest I'm not fussed. Sure, he could have QQ-AA, but assuming he doesn't have those hands, it's a +EV spot. Not to mention, NL4 players love to raise with any pair, so my JJ could be miles in front. The other two players are essentially dead money, and in the unlikely circumstance they do have QQ-AA, it (hopefully) removes some of matey boy with the deep stacks outs, leaving me more likely to win the big pot.

    I still think this early it's unnecessary, I don't get in a super great mindset by doubling through early, but I think dropping a buyin does negatively affect my mindset, because I hate finishing sessions down. I need to be more patient in sessions when I'm losing.

    Anyway, I tried a slightly different approach today and played 10 dyms at the beginning of my session. Although they bored me rigid, they did work wonders for tightening my game up, and get me looking forward to cash- the main difference is you can speculate in cash, I hated having to constantly fold KQs and 22-99 in the early stages of dyms. Ended up cashing in 5/6 5.50s and 1/4 3.30s, so at least I got my run bad in the lower stakes. I busted out of my first 3 with, in order;

    10's against 97 on 7 high board- 50/100
    A7 against A6 preflop- 150/300
    A9 against K10 preflop- 150/300

    Nearly started tilting since there was a lot of pressure now on the rest, but managed to keep my head and carry on- although I got my money in good every time, you can't expect your hand to hold up every time. No big deal.

    So with a fresh mindset, I moved on to cash- and undoubtedly, the dym changed my perspective on cash. My hand range was noticeably tighter, down to 11% of hands played compared to my previous low of 14%. However, still ended down- largely thanks to a horrible bad beat (KK vs AK in preflop for 200bbs), an equally bad cooler (set of 3's vs set of aces for 100bb pot) and set of aces beaten by rivered straight for another 200bb pot. Matey boy who called me on flop with zero draws to hit his backdoor straight was noted though, and ended up donking off a 500bb pot to me preflop with Q10 against my KK. Also donked off with A6 (no pair no draw) on K high flop, where I had KK again. Another 300bb pot.

    I also played one or two hands poorly, committing myself to hands unnecessarily- one that sticks in mind was having AQ on all spade flop, with the A of spades. . Getting my c-bet % right is the next thing I'm going to try and work on. Mostly my stats were stacking up nicely- NL4 is a lot about seeing flops with good 'stacking' hands as often as you can- any chance I get to take pairs multiway is a godsend, as well as good top pair hands like AJ+ and KQ+. But you do find yourself having to fold a lot when you totally miss the flop.

    I've been finding NL4 playing far tighter, I'm sure it's not my imagination. Unknowns are actually open folding regularly, rather than the usual limp/fold, limp/call, shove all in which are the standard options here. Not entirely sure what gives, it's led me to just alter my game slightly by increasing my c-bet range, which has seemed to work in general. Still trying to find the optimal level of c-betting, though.
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited May 2011
    I think c-betting for me at this level is the single hardest part of the game. For me the only time I ever think about doing it is usually when IP against one player with two overs but of course a lot of times it's when you reraise pre out the blinds 30-40p after limps get a call and then naturally miss, I've seen posts where Don has bet out quite strong and then just been flatted to which he has to check fold the turn so I actually take the approach of just saying hey I'll get better spots and check folding the flop. Not sure if this is optimal but when most players will flat your cbet with ANYTHING it makes playing a hand where you have Ace high very awkward.

    Luckily though I've found if you play a good game you will eventually get your KK pre big raise bet bet bet postflop get it in, but that is all about patience and for me cbetting down here is a slight sign of tilt.
  • DeucesLiveDeucesLive Member Posts: 839
    edited May 2011
    I think I agree, but I've been having a surprising amount of success with c-bets lately. Not sure why, but a lot of NL4 players are playing super tight- yes, they do call you sometimes, but I do pick my spots carefully to c-bet, and I know who to play against and who not to. Sometimes there's fish at the table who call literally anything, and they're the beauties to aim for (found one earlier that I've got a nice few hands to post about) but a large amount now will c/f a lot of flops, especially if you've 3bet pre.

    I tend to avoid c-betting against shorties that are virtually put allin by a standard bet, those are the guys that will call you down with any part of the board, and there's zero implied odds- it's a standard race. If you bet against a deeper stack, there's the chance you hit your outs and stack him if he calls, coupled with the fold equity which does actually exist, which makes it a better play.

    That's how I'm seeing it atm, anyway.
  • tapewormtapeworm Member Posts: 432
    edited May 2011
    my 2 peneth worth on the "NL4 is getting tighter" Scenario, is there are a **** of a lot more regs playing. Shed loads more than a month ago. There are new players that are full stacking 4 or more tables that i have not ever seen before.

    I have had to tag loads of players with "TAG ABC" this week. I can only assume Skys advertising is paying of - they are all over the place at the mo inc some magazines as well as sites. Im finding it hard to find tables some times with less than 3 TAG ABCers.

    I would normally avoid you, dudeskin and Tintin as a matter of course. But today i had to sit with you and even had to shift seat position earlier on so Tintin and .....i think you dudeskin were on my left - I have never had to do that before, and even then there was another sat to my right!!! Loads of times Typhoon or Tintin or you have sat at my table too.....doesnt normally happen so much.....I am enjoying getting a few sneaky bluffs in though lol!

    Still loads of ATMs though!!
  • TINTINTINTIN Member Posts: 1,612
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: Cash challenge and diary- £100 into £1000- USING BRM!!:
    my 2 peneth worth on the "NL4 is getting tighter" Scenario, is there are a **** of a lot more regs playing. Shed loads more than a month ago. There are new players that are full stacking 4 or more tables that i have not ever seen before. I have had to tag loads of players with "TAG ABC" this week. I can only assume Skys advertising is paying of - they are all over the place at the mo inc some magazines as well as sites. Im finding it hard to find tables some times with less than 3 TAG ABCers. I would normally avoid you, dudeskin and Tintin as a matter of course. But today i had to sit with you and even had to shift seat position earlier on so Tintin and .....i think you dudeskin were on my left - I have never had to do that before, and even then there was another sat to my right!!! Loads of times Typhoon or Tintin or you have sat at my table too.....doesnt normally happen so much.....I am enjoying getting a few sneaky bluffs in though lol! Still loads of ATMs though!!
    Posted by tapeworm
    haha i noticed you moved seat n im pretty sure when you vacated the table dueces took it.

    gotta love when they open shove n your sitting with aces
  • tapewormtapeworm Member Posts: 432
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: Cash challenge and diary- £100 into £1000- USING BRM!!:
    In Response to Re: Cash challenge and diary- £100 into £1000- USING BRM!! : haha i noticed you moved seat n im pretty sure when you vacated the table dueces took it. gotta love when they open shove n your sitting with aces
    Posted by TINTIN
    It was hateful with you two on my left..... raise....reraise....fold orrrrr Raise fold fold. Sack that for a game of soldiers... you in the bottom right, im making you my beatch....these two can fight amoungst themselves lol!!!

    I also think the highlight of my night was sitting in the waiting list on Dueces table watching some very strange all ins, dying to sit down.....sitiing down and stacking the two shovers within 10 hands.....leaving me Dueces and another poor chap who dueces stacked about 5 mins later - lol. Dueces had been waiting ages for his cards i could just tell!! Sorry!!
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: Cash challenge and diary- £100 into £1000- USING BRM!!:
    my 2 peneth worth on the "NL4 is getting tighter" Scenario, is there are a **** of a lot more regs playing. Shed loads more than a month ago. There are new players that are full stacking 4 or more tables that i have not ever seen before. I have had to tag loads of players with "TAG ABC" this week. I can only assume Skys advertising is paying of - they are all over the place at the mo inc some magazines as well as sites. Im finding it hard to find tables some times with less than 3 TAG ABCers. I would normally avoid you, dudeskin and Tintin as a matter of course. But today i had to sit with you and even had to shift seat position earlier on so Tintin and .....i think you dudeskin were on my left - I have never had to do that before, and even then there was another sat to my right!!! Loads of times Typhoon or Tintin or you have sat at my table too.....doesnt normally happen so much.....I am enjoying getting a few sneaky bluffs in though lol! Still loads of ATMs though!!
    Posted by tapeworm
    I,ve noticed this over last few weeks. Everyones watching the same tips and strategys and playing the same plus when you get beginners going on there a lot of them will just wait for prem hands -
    Table selection is more important than ever
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: Cash challenge and diary- £100 into £1000- USING BRM!!:
    my 2 peneth worth on the "NL4 is getting tighter" Scenario, is there are a **** of a lot more regs playing. Shed loads more than a month ago. There are new players that are full stacking 4 or more tables that i have not ever seen before. I have had to tag loads of players with "TAG ABC" this week. I can only assume Skys advertising is paying of - they are all over the place at the mo inc some magazines as well as sites. Im finding it hard to find tables some times with less than 3 TAG ABCers. I would normally avoid you, dudeskin and Tintin as a matter of course. But today i had to sit with you and even had to shift seat position earlier on so Tintin and .....i think you dudeskin were on my left - I have never had to do that before, and even then there was another sat to my right!!! Loads of times Typhoon or Tintin or you have sat at my table too.....doesnt normally happen so much.....I am enjoying getting a few sneaky bluffs in though lol! Still loads of ATMs though!!
    Posted by tapeworm
    TBH I'm not overly concerned when a REG sits at my table as I'm only playing good hands and if they get involved I'll generally just play the same way, if they want to put some stupid reraise bluff pre good luck to them but at this level many hands don't end preflop so you gotta continue that 'bluff' against a station who ain't foled bottom pair.

    I think the only bad thing about having a REG or more at the table is it prevents a Station from sitting down which is pretty annoying. In terms of 'playing poker' against them absolutely ZERO need, the amount of dead money at this level is massive and it's just a case of waiting for the fish to jump into the boat.
  • walesboywalesboy Member Posts: 993
    edited May 2011
    i wish i could find the dead money.
    had aces broke by A4off after 5bb pre raise and got 4 callers 3/4 pot bet get 2, allin on turn and he'd got trip 4s.
    then a KK gets done by AQ after going allin on Q high flop.
    same guy
    hope to get him another day!!
  • DeucesLiveDeucesLive Member Posts: 839
    edited May 2011
    Starting Bankroll- £89.97
    Ending Bankroll- £88.52
    MTT Profit- 0
    STT Profit- +2.6
    Cash Profit- 
    Total MTT Profit- -28.16
    Total STT Profit- +14.2
    Total Cash Profit- +3.01
    Total Profit- -11.48
    Session Hands Played- 803Total Hands Played- 13050

    Pots of 20p or more- Won 37, lost 36
    Pots of 40p or more- Won 21, lost 17
    Pots of 80p or more- Won 11, lost 8
    Pots of £2 or more- Won 2, lost 2
    Pots entered- 110/803 (13.7%)

    Starting to incorporate the dyms on a regular basis now I think, getting very small but steady profits to keep me going at the 3.30 and 5.50 level.

    Starting to really dislike NL4. It's becoming a nightmare, and I'm not exactly sure what to do to counter it. For now though, I think I'm going to stick to dyms during the day, because I think the fish to players that have half a clue ratio is getting quite bad, and it's getting tougher to find a nice loose table that pays you off with garbage. I found one yesterday, and did get some hands against him- in fact, 3 of my 4 pots which I won/lost more than £2 in were against this guy. The other one was debatable, but I think I play it the same way.

    This first hand gave me a cast iron read on him, I'd seen him twice so far call off with no pair no draw, so to be honest- it was a poor shove. But, with my outs I don't regret it- and it gave us a little 'metagame' to draw on.

    I was finding any excuse to get involved in pots with him, and eventually got these two little beauties to rip his stack apart- he folded both times on river :(:( but still got a lot out of him by then.

    The most interesting hand was a 3 way one, which was one for area 51- top pair+NFD vs bottom 2 pair vs broadway. I held hand #1, hand #2 came away with the goods. Don't think there's any getting away from this without folding preflop? The table was playing pretty aggro- A9s would be really scraping the barrel of my calling range, but 4 way with a great draw to a nut hand, felt like a nice spot to be in. HU I probably fold.
    vegasman Small blind   £0.02 £0.02 £6.51
    DeucesLive Big blind   £0.04 £0.06 £3.84
      Your hole cards
    • Q
    • J
    Dibble0114 Call   £0.04 £0.10 £3.61
    kirsti1977 Fold        
    snugs1963 Raise   £0.24 £0.34 £2.99
    vegasman Fold        
    DeucesLive Call   £0.20 £0.54 £3.64
    Dibble0114 Call   £0.20 £0.74 £3.41
    • 5
    • 9
    • 2
    DeucesLive Check        
    Dibble0114 Check        
    snugs1963 Bet   £0.74 £1.48 £2.25
    DeucesLive All-in   £3.64 £5.12 £0.00
    Dibble0114 Fold        
    snugs1963 All-in   £2.25 £7.37 £0.00
    DeucesLive Unmatched bet   £0.65 £6.72 £0.65
    DeucesLive Show
    • Q
    • J
    snugs1963 Show
    • 3
    • 5
    • 5
    • Q
    snugs1963 Win Three 5s £6.21   £6.21
    dennis03 Small blind   £0.02 £0.02 £3.94
    snugs1963 Big blind   £0.04 £0.06 £6.27
      Your hole cards
    • J
    • K
    cado209 Raise   £0.08 £0.14 £2.87
    thebigwave Fold        
    DeucesLive Raise   £0.20 £0.34 £4.96
    cougar26 Fold        
    dennis03 Fold        
    snugs1963 Call   £0.16 £0.50 £6.11
    cado209 Call   £0.12 £0.62 £2.75
    • 6
    • 9
    • K
    snugs1963 Bet   £0.31 £0.93 £5.80
    cado209 Fold        
    DeucesLive Raise   £0.72 £1.65 £4.24
    snugs1963 Call   £0.41 £2.06 £5.39
    • 5
    snugs1963 Check        
    DeucesLive Bet   £1.40 £3.46 £2.84
    snugs1963 Call   £1.40 £4.86 £3.99
    • 2
    snugs1963 Check        
    DeucesLive All-in   £2.84 £7.70 £0.00
    snugs1963 Fold        
    DeucesLive Muck        
    DeucesLive Win   £4.49   £4.49
    DeucesLive Return   £2.84 £0.37 £7.33
    DeucesLive Small blind   £0.02 £0.02 £5.56
    snugs1963 Big blind   £0.04 £0.06 £6.08
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    thebigwave Fold        
    DeucesLive Raise   £0.10 £0.16 £5.46
    snugs1963 Call   £0.08 £0.24 £6.00
    • 10
    • 4
    • J
    DeucesLive Bet   £0.20 £0.44 £5.26
    snugs1963 Raise   £0.68 £1.12 £5.32
    DeucesLive Call   £0.48 £1.60 £4.78
    • 7
    DeucesLive Check        
    snugs1963 Bet   £1.60 £3.20 £3.72
    DeucesLive Raise   £3.20 £6.40 £1.58
    snugs1963 Call   £1.60 £8.00 £2.12
    • 9
    DeucesLive All-in   £1.58 £9.58 £0.00
    snugs1963 Fold        
    DeucesLive Muck        
    DeucesLive Win   £7.40   £7.40
    DeucesLive Return   £1.58 £0.60 £8.98
    DeucesLive Small blind   £0.02 £0.02 £5.16
    thatsplent Big blind   £0.04 £0.06 £2.91
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • 9
    Nooks Raise   £0.20 £0.26 £2.74
    Bins454 Fold        
    bully181 Call   £0.20 £0.46 £0.80
    2yorks Call   £0.20 £0.66 £2.70
    DeucesLive Call   £0.18 £0.84 £4.98
    thatsplent Fold        
    • K
    • Q
    • A
    DeucesLive Check        
    Nooks Bet   £0.84 £1.68 £1.90
    bully181 Fold        
    2yorks Call   £0.84 £2.52 £1.86
    DeucesLive Raise   £4.20 £6.72 £0.78
    Nooks All-in   £1.90 £8.62 £0.00
    2yorks All-in   £1.86 £10.48 £0.00
    DeucesLive Unmatched bet   £1.46 £9.02 £2.24
    DeucesLive Show
    • A
    • 9
    Nooks Show
    • K
    • Q
    2yorks Show
    • 10
    • J
    • Q
    • 7
    Nooks Win Full House, Queens and Kings £8.34   £8.34
  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited May 2011
    Was you not doing better before this challenge Deuces?

    I have been reading it but always assumed you did well and at the moment it doesn't look like your going anywhere, please dont take any offence but have you been doing worse or better since posting this thread?

    Best of luck mate
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited May 2011
    Hand 1: you call a 6x raise preflop OOP with QJs maybe I'm an uber tight sod but that is an insta snap fold for me, yes you got a good flop but what do you do with a J high flop yes you're probably ahead still but a little loose for me.

    Hand 2: Fine

    Hand 3: Not too sure about the very small raise pre, has to be 4x minimum for me.

    Hand 4: Again a very strong 5x raise it might be 4 way (shouldn't make a difference imo) but the biggest stack is £2.74 so not exactly great implied odds. Plus there's lots of reverse implied when you get TP and are put to a difficult decision.
  • DeucesLiveDeucesLive Member Posts: 839
    edited May 2011
    none taken mate- I'm a classic case of a player incapable of managing BR or tilt. I know the technical side pretty well, but the discipline side- which is far more important- is something that needs a lot of work. 

    Yea, I'm disappointed with a lack of progress so far, but it's meant to be gradual and I'm not losing heart yet. In terms of my results, my MTT results have knocked my profits down a lot, which is to be expected- it's all or nothing with tournaments generally, and nothing a lot more than all. My cash would also be showing a good profit if I hadn't taken part in that forum cash game- tossing away 2 buyins on a preflop flip, and generally playing for a laugh. In an ideal world, I'd have doubled my roll and moved up a level by now, but in many ways- this is making me appreciate the hard work that goes into grinding for a roll, rather than just spinning it up in days.

    Before this, I was basically a break even player- I always played cash around 20NL and was well capable of building it up, but a lack of discipline led to me spewing it all back. NL4 is, if nothing else, building a much thicker skin for me when it comes to outdraws- they happen ridiculously often at NL4 because people play so wide (not the case so much lately though).

    I think I'm about to turn a corner and start making a decent profit soon- wishful thinking, maybe- but I think all the stat analysis and volume of hands played lately has tightened my game up from the roots, and really gone a long way towards reining in my over-aggression, which was probably my biggest technical weakness. Now I can still tap into that aggression when necessary, but I have that tight gear to fall back on too.
  • walesboywalesboy Member Posts: 993
    edited May 2011
    unfortunately I keep finding the fish and losing.
    AAv A4 and KKv AQ - see my thread on Brags forum if you want. My pre raises might have been low but hadn't been getting callers higher. so risk reward thing!

    But took a freeroll break and back on now and up!!

    I agree though it has been getting tighter although there are lose ones out there. notes ftw!
  • DeucesLiveDeucesLive Member Posts: 839
    edited May 2011
    Well, all the first 3 hands are villain dependent- top pair with JQ there is a monster against him, trust me. He was spewing money all over the tables (I think tapeworm or tintin or someone managed to get in on the act too, later.)

    He must have burnt 8-10 buyins just while I was sat at the table, no idea how much longer he was there. Once he was involved in a hand he just played like a loon, and he was a big fan of 3betting small raises/limps, hence the play with aces.

    I think I played the last hand kinda poorly though preflop, that was a weak call. But I do like getting involved in multiway pots with good nutmaking hands.
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