In Response to HELP with abbreviations. : number after nl means the buy in, 100BB, so 4NL is holdem with 0.02/0.04 blinds Thanks for that. Another related Q, If in NL4 the blinds are 4p does that mean the most or least you can bring to the table is £4? Obvs I've only played DYM's and a few MTT's but have been looking at the cash tables as a variation, hence my lack of knowledge but curiosity. P Posted by Glenelg
I,m still not sure what the least is here - i,ve seen ppl come in with less than £1 a few times, but maybe thats because they are coming back on to the table after a brk
I,d like to see a minimum of 50BB,s and possibly a maximum of 200 on selected tables as sometimes you have to leave the table as everyone has about a £1 or less and its just not worth it
ok Glenelg thanks for the reply xx only found spell check about 2 weeks ago so that tells you i have no idea when it comes to a computer. regards paige
ok Glenelg thanks for the reply xx only found spell check about 2 weeks ago so that tells you i have no idea when it comes to a computer. regards paige Posted by paige55
No worries! Hard to tell sometime when folk are joking or not.
LAG - loose & aggressive
F.M.O.B. !!
learnt from ma Grandad lol !!
I Wont say first word here, buts it's got 4 letters, " ---- My Old Boots!!!"
Often shouted at Zat Knight when ever he went near a football !!
Came across another one!
OOP. (I know this is an easy and I should know it but racked brain!)
Hope they help
BINGO! That's excellent! I've printed it off and pinned it above pooter!
I know your joking but it's slang in chez pad for the computer!