This is the super survivor challenge update thread, this competition is only open to players who posted on the super survivor thread started by Tikay. Sky Bernie has generously entered the players into the Sunday survivor, and the player who lasts the furthest without rebuying will receive an entry into the £33 sky sports B/H on 2nd June. If all players remaining are eliminated on a particular night, the player who finishes best will be deemed the winner, so if 3 are left on the thursday, and they all go out, the player who went out last is the winner.
As players are eliminated i will change their player aliases to OUT
Here are the entrants and good luck!
Results after Friday's survivor, good luck to achill into the final on Saturday!
aussie09 OUT
shazallin OUT
Salad24 OUT
Chirpychip OUT
loonytoons OUT
rawhand OUT
achill IN
murray69 OUT
TommyD OUT
Machka OUT
Pomfrittes OUT
tiercel OUT
The winner is achill, well done you will be entered into the £33 BH on the 2nd June Wiiiiiiii
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Thanks for letting us know Loony.
Quick loony, mark murray as OUT.
n Response to Super - survivor last longer challenge - update thread.:
In the original series I entered on only two days, in one I made round 5, in the other I came 3rd in round 6 (the semi-final). In true sods law fashion I'll probably be the first one to bust out this time now we have this last-longer challenge going.
in the words of duncan bannantyne, "i'm out."
Just come on line and found out i qualified for tomorrow.
i only seen this thread after i played tonight, still in so phew, and good luck all tommorrow
Good luck everyone, looks like it will be a good competition.
In the last surviver series I never made it past day 1 lol - DAY 2 ..........Bring It ON!!!!!
GL All