Nicely put AJS. I've asked someone from the studio to come on and explain what happened to the console, although there's another live show for them to contend with tonight so it might be a case of a reply in the morning.
if it was a software glitch the preflop betting would have been the same it was not we need a answer Posted by drumahai05
I think you're missing the point.
It was probably a glitch with showing the wrong cards from the previous hand along with positions and stack sizes but the betting was from the next hand that was being shown.
You'd think someone would have gone on record tp provide an answer by now. I think in all likelyhood it was a glitch, but how much effort does it take to have an official comment on it? Booooo Posted by AMYBR
It's the weekend - simples.....even Sky have them you know!
There were definitely a few glitches at the TV end last night, I Sky+'d it and watched it this morning and half way through a hand all the cards turned to dominoes, it was commented on in the studio at the time too. I can't see a problem.
There was a glitch with the software used to draw the information from the consoles and animate the hands.
The hand you saw on screen was a combination of information from two hands - the hole cards were from the hand which was due to be shown, but the flop was from the hand which had been selected prior to this one.
When the hand was animated again, it had the correct hole cards and correct flop.
I always have the table we are showing on TV open, and there was nothing amiss on the actual site, and I can assure you there is no problem with the site at all, but merely a gremlin in the system which animates the hands in the studio.
Rest assured this will now be looked into by our technical people.
If the stack sizes were different both times it would be alot more worrying. It's impossible for stacks to be identical 2 hands in a row. I suppose it will have happened somewhere, sometime that 6 players get dealt identical hands 2 hands in a row though............................... Posted by DOHHHHHHH
i make it 1 in 394000000000000000000000 if the cards are dealt in the same order to the same players on a 6 handed table (what happened last night) so yeah, must have happened at some point somewhere!
Hi all, Regarding the issue on the show last night: There was a glitch with the software used to draw the information from the consoles and animate the hands. The hand you saw on screen was a combination of information from two hands - the hole cards were from the hand which was due to be shown, but the flop was from the hand which had been selected prior to this one. When the hand was animated again, it had the correct hole cards and correct flop. I always have the table we are showing on TV open, and there was nothing amiss on the actual site, and I can assure you there is no problem with the site at all, but merely a gremlin in the system which animates the hands in the studio. Rest assured this will now be looked into by our technical people. Many thanks. Posted by Sky_Mandy
Just to add to Sky_Mandy's post (which explains what happened) the system which replays the hands on TV is not the same as the sytem that plays the cards onsite. It gets the hand loaded into it just so that we can show them on TV after the hand is over.
Rest assured that the blip was the TV system. It doesn't affect
I think in all likelyhood it was a glitch, but how much effort does it take to have an official comment on it? Booooo
In Response to Re: MASTERCASH 300 21/05/11 - DID ANYONE ELSE SEE THIS?: I think you're missing the point.
It was probably a glitch with showing the wrong cards from the previous hand along with positions and stack sizes but the betting was from the next hand that was being shown.
There were definitely a few glitches at the TV end last night, I Sky+'d it and watched it this morning and half way through a hand all the cards turned to dominoes, it was commented on in the studio at the time too. I can't see a problem.
Regarding the issue on the show last night:
There was a glitch with the software used to draw the information from the consoles and animate the hands.
The hand you saw on screen was a combination of information from two hands - the hole cards were from the hand which was due to be shown, but the flop was from the hand which had been selected prior to this one.
When the hand was animated again, it had the correct hole cards and correct flop.
I always have the table we are showing on TV open, and there was nothing amiss on the actual site, and I can assure you there is no problem with the site at all, but merely a gremlin in the system which animates the hands in the studio.
Rest assured this will now be looked into by our technical people.
Many thanks.
Rest assured that the blip was the TV system. It doesn't affect
Sky Poker Team