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Sunday Night Biggie?

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,097
edited May 2011 in Poker Chat

Out & about recently, meeting a lot of the players, old & new, & the theme keeps recurring - "why don't you have a Sunday Night Biggie"?

Answer? We have PRIMO, £50, with a £12,500 Guarantee.

"But we want something with a bigger price tag, & a slower structure".

So, suggestions please.

Sky Poker WILL run this, IF the demand is shown to be there. But we barely get 50 for Thursday's £110 Sky Roller, or 40 for the Monthly (Thursday) £220 Biggie. But if the demand is there - & I think it would HAVE to get 40 or 50 runners MINIMUM to make it work - Sky Poker will start it.

I have not included a Poll, as every Forum Poll I've ever seen misrepresents the situation, but any & every suggestion is welcome.

Fire away......



  • MachkaMachka Member Posts: 4,627
    edited May 2011
    It should definitely* be called The Sunday Night Slow Rollz.

  • hawk7112hawk7112 Member Posts: 3,627
    edited May 2011
    I think it should have a rule that you can only limp and not raise. Should suit a certain serial limper ;)
  • loonytoonsloonytoons Member Posts: 4,270
    edited May 2011
    try another day, like a saturday, Thursday and Sunday is rubbish if working, maybe once a month to give the numbers a chance, have sng sats so players can qualify in their own time. TBH there are only 20 odd players on this site that have £100 quid to put down on 1 tourney directly every week, the rest have to satellite in. One more point is that there are only ever 2000 odd players sat down at any one time on here (unless a freeroll is running) so its hard to get the numbers anyway
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited May 2011
    150 buy in with 7.5k GTD

    copy Sky Roller structure

    show hands on the channel.  scrap the 30 mins or so that you dedicate to cash and show this instead.

    run 1 seat GTD sats every night.
  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited May 2011
    spot on scotty77
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,649
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Sunday Night Biggie?:
    Out & about recently, meeting a lot of the players, old & new, & the theme keeps recurring - " why don't you have a Sunday Night Biggie"? Answer? We have PRIMO, £50, with a £12,500 Guarantee. "But we want something with a bigger price tag, & a slower structure". So, suggestions please. Sky Poker WILL run this, IF the demand is shown to be there. But we barely get 50 for Thursday's £110 Sky Roller, or 40 for the Monthly (Thursday) £220 Biggie. But if the demand is there - & I think it would HAVE to get 40 or 50 runners MINIMUM to make it work - Sky Poker will start it. I have not included a Poll, as every Forum Poll I've ever seen misrepresents the situation, but any & every suggestion is welcome. Fire away......  
    Posted by Tikay10
    I could be missing the point here BUT why would Sky Poker run another 'biggie' when the guarantee is not met (or not very often ) in the two they run now, like you have indicated??

    Would not the easy solution be to get all these 'lots of players'you meet to play in the ones that are on offer ATM?

    One solution to the lack of numbers playing ATM is to implement the SnG sats for these bigger tournies, which has been suggested a few times on the forum.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,097
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: Sunday Night Biggie?:
    In Response to Sunday Night Biggie? : I could be missing the point here BUT why would Sky Poker run another 'biggie' when the guarantee is not met (or not very often ) in the two they run now, like you have indicated?? Would not the easy solution be to get all these ' lots of players' you meet to play in the ones that are on offer ATM? One solution to the lack of numbers playing ATM is to implement the SnG sats for these bigger tournies, which has been suggested a few times on the forum.
    Posted by MAXALLY
    I think you may have misread my Post, Alan, or, as you suggest, perhaps missing the point.

    Sky Poker want to give their players what they want, &, when we meet with players at Live Events, (as we did last week, hence this Thread) they persistently suggest an alternative Sunday Night Biggie. Possibly because, traditionally, on every Online Poker Room, Sunday Night is "Biggie Night". (The Online poker player demograph on Sundays is very different to that on Thursdays).

    I am simply throwing it out there, for feedback, not suggesting Sky Poker "want to", for the sake of it. What they want to do, & try to do, is give players what they want.

    I think it's rather good - excellent, in fact - that Sky Poker continually listens, & asks. Which is exactly what this thread is about, no more, no less. We are asking, not suggesting.

  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited May 2011
    the problem i see with the primo is the starting stack, the sky roller is a far better structure all round and i think scotty 77 has got it about right
  • RAB642RAB642 Member Posts: 417
    edited May 2011

      the problem is THE BIGGIE on other sites is a lot less to enter with higher prize funds, only thing is you are up against much larger fields playing for hours on end and still not really getting that deep.
      on sky the two biggies used to have larger fields but when the buy ins went up the numbers went down as most players on the site can afford a sat but if they dont get in the buy in is too much.

      so the answer must be a lower buy in with a large garantee, the higher stakes players already have as you say the sky roller and the monthly tourney and cant fill them so maybe its time to go for the low buy in, it works well on the other sites so why not give it a go.

                                                          cheers RAB
  • loonytoonsloonytoons Member Posts: 4,270
    edited May 2011
    You will never get 200+ runners in a £100 + say £20000 tourney on here until the numbers go up. Most players simply cant or wont pay that much for a game of poker. Maybe you are talking to the more serious high end bankroll players at the spt when they talk of this tikay? to make this worth while, you need to make it more than the primo. Weekly? no chance atm.This is why you struggle to fill the thursday £110 and £220 games.
  • Red_KingRed_King Member Posts: 2,850
    edited May 2011
    It should be called the Sunday "SteamRoller", heavy stakes, slow paced.

    The main problem with the other Biggies, is the sub-sats rarely get 5 runners.
    The pricing and timing of these will always determine the final field size.

    What about 10 seat SNG qualifiers into daily Semi-Finals?

    On another point Tikay, the demise of one of your favourite subjects.

    Discuss: Preferably with Orford.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,097
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: Sunday Night Biggie?:
    It should be called the Sunday "SteamRoller", heavy stakes, slow paced. The main problem with the other Biggies, is the sub-sats rarely get 5 runners. The pricing and timing of these will always determine the final field size. What about 10 seat SNG qualifiers into daily Semi-Finals? On another point Tikay, the demise of one of your favourite subjects, lol.
    Posted by Red_King

    The article refer to them as "unloved", & "blots on the landscape".

    Ridiculous assumptions!

    I'm gonna start SOAP - "Save Our Amazing Pylons"
  • 67Bhoys67Bhoys Member Posts: 2,553
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: Sunday Night Biggie?:
    It should be called the Sunday "SteamRoller", heavy stakes, slow paced. The main problem with the other Biggies, is the sub-sats rarely get 5 runners. The pricing and timing of these will always determine the final field size. What about 10 seat SNG qualifiers into daily Semi-Finals? On another point Tikay, the demise of one of your favourite subjects. Discuss: Preferably with Orford.
    Posted by Red_King
    I agree red king, the sats barely attract enough numbers and often only 1 go through, or the sat gets cancelled.  I suggest a serious of DYM sats, say £3.50, £7.00, £14, £28, to ladder into the tournament.  For example if you won a £3.50 you would be entered into a £7 DYM sat, and so on. Players on different bankrolls could enter at the level that suits.  This would give regular DYM players more incentive to play sats.  I also agree that the Primo starting stack is a bit low.
  • pomfrittespomfrittes Member Posts: 2,981
    edited May 2011

        One of the reasons that satellites are poorly supported IMO is that they start too early. I would like to see sats for the bigger events and the live events starting around the 8pm slot. Obviously starting at this time would mean that these satellites would feed into qtr/semi finals the following evening but i think that this would enable a lot of recreational players with work/family committments the opportinity.
  • dantb10dantb10 Member Posts: 583
    edited May 2011
    good idea, almost all serious players are online on a sunday, mite aswell ad another tourny to the grind so i can do my nuts quicker!
  • DannyMcsDannyMcs Member Posts: 471
    edited May 2011
    TBH there are only 20 odd players on this site that have £100 quid to put down on 1 tourney directly every week
    The main problem with the other Biggies, is the sub-sats rarely get 5 runners. The pricing and timing of these will always determine the final field size.
    Agree with this though, the DS/Roller feeder structure isn't working too well, in my experience. They're none too visible and often cancelled.

    Not sure what the solution is? Nightly £11 1-in-10s in primetime? More talking it up on 865? Running a primo style feeder structure throughout the week? Deffo think redking is on to something and that tweaks to the sat structure would mean more players in the bigger events though.

  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited May 2011

    It would get alot more runners if the field wasn't so strong.

    So you need to find a way of getting more lower stakes players in it......

    Maybe you can tweak the C4P system, so that anyone who earns 10 pound a month in bonuses, instead wins a free seat into a sat to the big sunday night tourny, so I'd imagine you would get hundreds of players fighting for 50 seats in the sunday night 10k gtd, £100 buy in or something.....

    I dunno if people would like that, so maybe offer a free seat into the sat on top of the 10 pound bonus, the cash 4 points thing is pretty tight here after all. 

    And sky will get abit back from the extra direct buy ins and the rake from the added interest in normal sats. And they'll have a bigger better flagship tourny which attracts more players, more rake long term bla bla bla.

    More donks = more players = better tournaments.

    Not much value in the biggies atm, esp with all the sharks, ept and aussie millions winners coming over from blonde!!

    Bring back the plonkers plz!!

  • DannyMcsDannyMcs Member Posts: 471
    edited May 2011
    Any legal issues with knocking £150 off the top prize of the ME each night and auto-entering the winner into the next prospective "biggie"? Which they could move to another date if needs be, of course.

  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited May 2011
    Sky should email people who play 100nl+ when these tournies are on. Im sure some people forget or dont even know theres decent buy in tournies. Also making them run half an hour or an hour later than the main events might get people to enter who busted quickly or maybe didnt reg for the ME in time to give it a punt.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,097
    edited May 2011

    Loving the feedback, this is exactly the purpose of the thread, thanks.

    Danny - no, I'm afraid it would not be possible to auto-enter Main Event winners.

    Many of the Posts & suggestions seem to revolve around the Satellite formats - all noted, thanks.

    Keep the ideas coming, please.

    If someone hits the nail right on the head, & comes up with a stonking idea/solution, they will get Free Entry into the inaugural running of the new Sunday Night biggie - if it happens.
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