Sat down in the 00:00am £400 Guarenteed last night (Umm well this morning) and made a really good start.. cruised through to the break in 2nd with 7-8k chips... I thought this was for the taking down and the field seemed pretty desperate to go out as there was only 27 left at 1am.
So what fantastic tactic did I use during the break that secured me a cash spot???
I hope your ready for this because this is the 1st time ive used this move on Sky and im thinking that if I make it public, it could catch on........... I FELL ASLEEP!
Yes, during the break I 'closed my eyes' for a few seconds and I drifted off.... Only to wake up and look at the screen and say ummm why have I got 700 chips? Then to realise the clock said 01:55 .... Panic , confusion and 3 AI's later I was sat 11/11 with 3k...
Ok now can you guess what happened next? The clue is in the time that I woke up..... Yes you guessed it... The next break. and off I go into dreamland again... Cant believe it!
Woke up 2:10 ish with 1300k 8/9 with the chip loser on my table and he was away... I couldn't stay awake anymore so just folded everything, waited for him to go out and off I went AI with JJ that got took down by something (by this time I was snoring) and 8th was mine with a £24 cash......
I felt I needed to tell you this as you may wish to look into this more and see if this style would suit your game.... I don't normally like to play against overly sleeping players but it seemed to add something to my play. If you try it, good luck... let me know how you get on...
Sat down in the 00:00am £400 Guarenteed last night (Umm well this morning) and made a really good start.. cruised through to the break in 2nd with 7-8k chips... I thought this was for the taking down and the field seemed pretty desperate to go out as there was only 27 left at 1am. So what fantastic tactic did I use during the break that secured me a cash spot??? I hope your ready for this because this is the 1st time ive used this move on Sky and im thinking that if I make it public, it could catch on........... I FELL ASLEEP! Yes, during the break I 'closed my eyes' for a few seconds and I drifted off.... Only to wake up and look at the screen and say ummm why have I got 700 chips? Then to realise the clock said 01:55 .... Panic , confusion and 3 AI's later I was sat 11/11 with 3k... Ok now can you guess what happened next? The clue is in the time that I woke up..... Yes you guessed it... The next break. and off I go into dreamland again... Cant believe it! Woke up 2:10 ish with 1300k 8/9 with the chip loser on my table and he was away... I couldn't stay awake anymore so just folded everything, waited for him to go out and off I went AI with JJ that got took down by something (by this time I was snoring) and 8th was mine with a £24 cash...... I felt I needed to tell you this as you may wish to look into this more and see if this style would suit your game.... I don't normally like to play against overly sleeping players but it seemed to add something to my play. If you try it, good luck... let me know how you get on... I will be testing this next in a Live Game..... TPT - CASHING IN THEIR SLEEP Posted by MyZo
i was watching, lol now i know why no reply which was not like you
Sporny, Are you saying you watched me while I was sleeping?..... Sorry m8 didnt see you I was KO'd.... Gutted, I fancied my chances of taking it down from the 1st break... Did you do any good yesterday..? Oh I found you on Twitter btw... I was looking at Sky_poker and saw a few TPT'ers.. So if you have a new follower called @thesecretcaller thats me. Posted by MyZo
yep, you look so peaceful lol, someone moved barn door could not hit a thing i reckon tkp`ers were dealing and yes now got you on twitter tks bud gl 2day i might try falling asleep and see what happens after yesterday
Thanks for the brilliant rail in the tsp lite last night, definitely the best supporting team! Well done stocky on your cash too!
scotty773140001£67.50 + 20 League PointsGREGHOGG02£39.25 + 16 League PointsMADMOO03£27.50 + 14 League Pointsachill04£22.50 + 12 League Pointshawk711205£18.25 + 10 League Pointswhoareya06£15 + 8 League PointsQuietman07£12.50daggers74708£10 + 4 League Pointsscott_ox09£7.50 + 3 League Pointsmarcus191010£5 + 2 League Pointscorbett04011£2.50 + 1 League PointsOzzie08012£2.50 + 1 League PointsDollie013£2.50 + 1 League PointsSTOCKY8A1014£2.50 + 1 League Pointsbuck123015£2.50 + 1 League Pointssidsquid016£2.50 + 1 League Pointsceltbhoy24017£2.50 + 1 League Pointsmcg899018£2.50 + 1 League Pointsextraman019£2.50 + 1 League PointsSoLack020£2.50 + 1 League Points
emstew12720001£250 + 20 League Pointsfreechips102£150 + 16 League Pointsrossi70003£100 + 14 League PointsPloppy3304£70 + 12 League PointsADEY198405£60 + 10 League Pointstomgoodun06£50 + 8 League Pointselsadog07£40 + 6 League Pointscazzamod0708£30 + 4 League PointsNutter593209£20 + 3 League PointsSPiRERiTE2010£10 + 2 League PointsPgooner4011£8.50 + 1 League Pointstonyglfc012£8.50 + 1 League PointsEd_Banger013£8.50 + 1 League PointsBIGBOY468014£8.50 + 1 League Pointsladron015£8.50 + 1 League PointsMrJB016£8.50 + 1 League Pointscorbett04017£8.50 + 1 League Pointsextraman018£8.50 + 1 League PointsWacko90019£8.50 + 1 League Pointsbexlex4424020£8.50 + 1 League PointsSpudMon365021£7DontmessXX022£7jamy999023£7splodgemay024£7RED_MAN025£7MADMOO026£7shazallin027£7rob73028£7070290029£7
Thanks for putting that up madmoo. A nice cash, but after last Wednesdays 2nd in the ME i was rearly hoping to get a 1st. Hope im saving a few 1st for the DTD on monday. Thanks to TPT for the rail last night, I wasnt that chatty as i was a bit tired. Well done to all TPT on all their cashes over the past few days. Waller and pom sorry to tell ya, The moving in thing is a no go. The boss said no.
If SP develops the Teams idea then it would be great to have a mini tab/pop up that shows your team mates online or off line and their MTT table and position... Like a mini facebook Chat tab so 1 click gets you to the rails. That would be far better than the current search option and could be linked to your friends list maybe.
Thanks MyZo and a great idea about the railing. I cant really use the forum while playing as it makes my tables freeze or run really slow so miss railing others. Ryan and Pom I didn't actually say no I said it would be a bit overcrowded. Although if we did we could then put at the bottom of our posts TPT-We all live in one house )
Sat down in the 00:00am £400 Guarenteed last night (Umm well this morning) and made a really good start.. cruised through to the break in 2nd with 7-8k chips... I thought this was for the taking down and the field seemed pretty desperate to go out as there was only 27 left at 1am. So what fantastic tactic did I use during the break that secured me a cash spot??? I hope your ready for this because this is the 1st time ive used this move on Sky and im thinking that if I make it public, it could catch on........... I FELL ASLEEP! Yes, during the break I 'closed my eyes' for a few seconds and I drifted off.... Only to wake up and look at the screen and say ummm why have I got 700 chips? Then to realise the clock said 01:55 .... Panic , confusion and 3 AI's later I was sat 11/11 with 3k... Ok now can you guess what happened next? The clue is in the time that I woke up..... Yes you guessed it... The next break. and off I go into dreamland again... Cant believe it! Woke up 2:10 ish with 1300k 8/9 with the chip loser on my table and he was away... I couldn't stay awake anymore so just folded everything, waited for him to go out and off I went AI with JJ that got took down by something (by this time I was snoring) and 8th was mine with a £24 cash...... I felt I needed to tell you this as you may wish to look into this more and see if this style would suit your game.... I don't normally like to play against overly sleeping players but it seemed to add something to my play. If you try it, good luck... let me know how you get on... I will be testing this next in a Live Game..... TPT - CASHING IN THEIR SLEEP Posted by MyZo
I believe that Tikay has been using this tactic for some time:))
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Trev) Tribulations & Cashes : I believe that Tikay has been using this tactic for some time:)) Posted by Kiwini4u
Ha Ha Ha
That explains a lot....
Ok, if we expand on this theory.... Is 'The Red Jumper' a way of stopping his opponents from using the same tactics against him, because lets be honest..... the glare from it could keep a whole village awake for days.
well done all the tpters who cashed yesterday , went deep in a few games but my luck is appalling at the moment !! In the open around 55 PLAYERS left i got pocket 10s flop came down 10/J/3 i check raise all in against pockets aces turn card Q river K !!
Thanks MyZo and a great idea about the railing. I cant really use the forum while playing as it makes my tables freeze or run really slow so miss railing others. Ryan and Pom I didn't actually say no I said it would be a bit overcrowded. Although if we did we could then put at the bottom of our posts TPT-We all live in one house ) Posted by MADMOO
Lolz - seems like it.
Talking of "catch phrases" - Lets have a few suggestions.
TPT - "We Play as One"
And my personal favourite - TPT "We're All-In it Together"
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Trev) Tribulations & Cashes : Ha Ha Ha That explains a lot.... Ok, if we expand on this theory.... Is 'The Red Jumper' a way of stopping his opponents from using the same tactics against him, because lets be honest..... the glare from it could keep a whole village awake for days. TPT - MORE CHIPS THAN A CHIP SHOP Posted by MyZo
Sat down in the 00:00am £400 Guarenteed last night (Umm well this morning) and made a really good start.. cruised through to the break in 2nd with 7-8k chips... I thought this was for the taking down and the field seemed pretty desperate to go out as there was only 27 left at 1am.
So what fantastic tactic did I use during the break that secured me a cash spot???
I hope your ready for this because this is the 1st time ive used this move on Sky and im thinking that if I make it public, it could catch on........... I FELL ASLEEP!
Yes, during the break I 'closed my eyes' for a few seconds and I drifted off.... Only to wake up and look at the screen and say ummm why have I got 700 chips? Then to realise the clock said 01:55 .... Panic , confusion and 3 AI's later I was sat 11/11 with 3k...
Ok now can you guess what happened next? The clue is in the time that I woke up..... Yes you guessed it... The next break. and off I go into dreamland again... Cant believe it!
Woke up 2:10 ish with 1300k 8/9 with the chip loser on my table and he was away... I couldn't stay awake anymore so just folded everything, waited for him to go out and off I went AI with JJ that got took down by something (by this time I was snoring) and 8th was mine with a £24 cash......
I felt I needed to tell you this as you may wish to look into this more and see if this style would suit your game.... I don't normally like to play against overly sleeping players but it seemed to add something to my play. If you try it, good luck... let me know how you get on...
I will be testing this next in a Live Game.....
Sporny, Are you saying you watched me while I was sleeping?.....
Sorry m8 didnt see you I was KO'd.... Gutted, I fancied my chances of taking it down from the 1st break... Did you do any good yesterday..?
Oh I found you on Twitter btw... I was looking at Sky_poker and saw a few TPT'ers.. So if you have a new follower called @thesecretcaller thats me.
Well done stocky on your cash too!
scotty773140001£67.50 + 20 League PointsGREGHOGG02£39.25 + 16 League PointsMADMOO03£27.50 + 14 League Pointsachill04£22.50 + 12 League Pointshawk711205£18.25 + 10 League Pointswhoareya06£15 + 8 League PointsQuietman07£12.50daggers74708£10 + 4 League Pointsscott_ox09£7.50 + 3 League Pointsmarcus191010£5 + 2 League Pointscorbett04011£2.50 + 1 League PointsOzzie08012£2.50 + 1 League PointsDollie013£2.50 + 1 League PointsSTOCKY8A1014£2.50 + 1 League Pointsbuck123015£2.50 + 1 League Pointssidsquid016£2.50 + 1 League Pointsceltbhoy24017£2.50 + 1 League Pointsmcg899018£2.50 + 1 League Pointsextraman019£2.50 + 1 League PointsSoLack020£2.50 + 1 League Points
emstew12720001£250 + 20 League Pointsfreechips102£150 + 16 League Pointsrossi70003£100 + 14 League PointsPloppy3304£70 + 12 League PointsADEY198405£60 + 10 League Pointstomgoodun06£50 + 8 League Pointselsadog07£40 + 6 League Pointscazzamod0708£30 + 4 League PointsNutter593209£20 + 3 League PointsSPiRERiTE2010£10 + 2 League PointsPgooner4011£8.50 + 1 League Pointstonyglfc012£8.50 + 1 League PointsEd_Banger013£8.50 + 1 League PointsBIGBOY468014£8.50 + 1 League Pointsladron015£8.50 + 1 League PointsMrJB016£8.50 + 1 League Pointscorbett04017£8.50 + 1 League Pointsextraman018£8.50 + 1 League PointsWacko90019£8.50 + 1 League Pointsbexlex4424020£8.50 + 1 League PointsSpudMon365021£7DontmessXX022£7jamy999023£7splodgemay024£7RED_MAN025£7MADMOO026£7shazallin027£7rob73028£7070290029£7
A nice cash, but after last Wednesdays 2nd in the ME i was rearly hoping to get a 1st.
Hope im saving a few 1st for the DTD on monday.
Thanks to TPT for the rail last night, I wasnt that chatty as i was a bit tired.
Well done to all TPT on all their cashes over the past few days.
Waller and pom sorry to tell ya, The moving in thing is a no go. The boss said no.
Sorry I missed the rails.
If SP develops the Teams idea then it would be great to have a mini tab/pop up that shows your team mates online or off line and their MTT table and position... Like a mini facebook Chat tab so 1 click gets you to the rails. That would be far better than the current search option and could be linked to your friends list maybe.
Ryan and Pom I didn't actually say no I said it would be a bit overcrowded. Although if we did we could then put at the bottom of our posts TPT-We all live in one house
I have tried a similar tactic once before, unfortunately, I fell asleep before the game and didn't wake up until I was already chipped out lol.
Well done on the cashes last night TPTers - Keep up the good work.
I am out this evening, so play will resume again on Friday. gl peeps
That explains a lot....
Ok, if we expand on this theory.... Is 'The Red Jumper' a way of stopping his opponents from using the same tactics against him, because lets be honest..... the glare from it could keep a whole village awake for days.
Talking of "catch phrases" - Lets have a few suggestions.
TPT - "We Play as One"
And my personal favourite - TPT "We're All-In it Together"
TKP- We stand as one