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Hi all,
OK, so tomorrow night is live on 865 from 9pm and at the helm will be the dapper chapper who's a bit of a sl..eek poker analyst: Carlo Citrone.
I've been charged with the task of keeping him ship-shape and in good order. And together, we're traversing the cash tables. Because it's Mastercash, baby!
More details to follow as I get them.
We're on at 9 so we fully understand that we'll have approximately ten viewers (all football widows) until the Champions League final finishes, but then you'll all be switching over en masse at the final whistle...won't you?
Our hot topic for the show is
OK- I've been on a bit of a mission recently- cutting down on bad stuff, finally making friends with the gym etc. And we know Carlo comes from a family of fitness fanatics. So this will be a topic we'll both have something to say about.
So- how about you? What's the silliest thing you've ever done in the name of trying to be healthy? Some crazy diet? Some ridiculous exercise? Did you promise yourself a treat if you abstained from tobacco, alcohol or chocolate for a certain number of days?
Any embarrassing gym incidents? What embarrassing music do you listen to whilst running or working out?
Any health tips- good or bad?
Are you a total couch potato? What are your credentials? Who's the most fitness-obsessed amongst you? And conversely, who claims to be the laziest slob of the lot? Prove it!
There you go- I think we'll have some fun with this one and of course I'll be handing out TSP Classic entries on the night for the best ones.
Please get posting and I'll see you tomorrow at 9 (or whenever the Champions League final ends!)
He was ok, by the way, but he never went again!
In Response to Re: Cash with Carlo (and Rich): ****official Saturday night live show thread****: LOL, i've seen this a few times. That's why I stick to the bikes, much safer.
One evening I was moved to centre and started charging in towards the net as usual, forgetting that I couldn't actually go over the semi-circle line. I remembered about a split-second in time, but someone had already passed to me.
I stopped abruptly and an opposing team member tried to block the ball and elbowed me in the temple instead. I started to fall, the ball hit me in the face, and hitting the floor slammed my glasses into the bridge of my nose. When I woke up (at 11:30am) the next morning I sat up and discovered the floor was on the ceiling. A nice trip to the Manchester Royal Infirmary followed.
Some years later I was playing 5-a-side with some colleagues. I shot the ball and it was saved. The goalie then - for reasons beyond my comprehension - attempted a massive clearance, which he cleared straight into my left eye. The force of the shot sent me backwards so fast I was on the floor before I knew what had happened. To my astonishment, nobody came over to see how I was, and my team seemed to be very happy. Turned out the ball had come off my face and gone straight past the goalie into the goal. I managed to get back to my feet and jog around for a few minutes, during which I scored again (with my feet) for a hat-trick. A couple of weeks later I was still in tremendous pain and a nice trip to Macclesfield A&E followed.
On the way back from playing in an ice hockey match, in which I had managed not to get injured, I was in a massive car accident in which I came up out of my seat, hit the top of my head on the roof of the car and then, on coming back down, hit the back of head on the headrest (I was knocked out and don't remember it at all). The taste of blood in my mouth was what brought me around double-quick. A nice trip to Wythenshawe A&E followed.
[Ironically, speaking of health, I am going in for an operation on 10th June but amazingly it is not related to being hit in the head!!]
Anyways, I run at night after work and the last three times I have gone to the gym, this nice older lady (probably 60 or so) has been walking on one of treadmills. Each time I see her I always say hi and she just smiles and doesn't say a word. So tonight, I get to the gym late as I couldn't get out of work. The only two people in the gym are me and this older lady.
I again say hi and she smiles. So I take the treadmill next her and just as I begin to warm up, she leans over to me and says with a total straight face:
"Since it's just the two of us. If you want to take your shirt off for your run, I won't mind"
I say thanks very much, put my I-pod plugs in and never looked over the entire run!!!
I would love a tsp classic seat tonight please rich as i am 11 points of my target for the month!
Health regimes
Would have to be spt Cardiff was looking at coming along to the event,however flight from Guernsey to Bristol/Bus to train station/train to Cardiff central/walk to hotel/hotel to venue/not even phil hellmuth turns up that late, that would have me fitter then Carlo lol.
But would still love to come along to the event have a great show gents
Im doing level 3 sport in coaching and fitness at college,
one day in one our lessons we were told to do a mini triatholon, it consisted of doing silly amount of metres on the rowing machine, silly amount of metres on the bike and silly amount of metres on the treadmill. Anyway we did it in pairs as there wasnt enough equipment for us all at once. Anyway not many people had completed the circuit but this one guy in my class was doing well he was on the treadmill and asking us to put the speed on a higher level, then all of a sudden he started shouting i cant feel my legs and with that he just flew off the treadmill backwards smashed his face on the end of the treadmill and broke his nose. There was blood everywhere. haha i was that rubbish i didnt even make it past bike.
my regime consists of lots of sport.....watching it that is. in my mid twenties i got a knee full of football studs and my sporting career ended. anything more than a brisk walk leaves me limping now
have fun tonight.
ps. quick question for carlo. is rich pinky or perky? you never made it clear, lol.
Not that hard Rich
Basically it involved me being on standby for a sunday morning football league team, I went out for a few too many drinks one saturday evening and got a late call to play for the team.
This ended up with me losing the contents of my stomach a few times during the match.
I've also done all of the usual home gym regimes, and when I say regime, I mean go out and buy all of the equipment, use it for a month, get bored and then just use it all as an expensive clothes hanger.
Since last year though i've cut down on drinking alcohol and stuck with using my exercise bike for 30mins in the morning and evening.
It definetly helps to be fitter when playing long poker sessions.