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  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,561
    edited September 2009
    In Response to Re: COULD U FOLD:
    In Response to Re: COULD U FOLD : tikay?? do you call this on the bubble in a satalite tourney to a tourney you cant afford to buy directly into?? i personally would fold on the bubble in a sat... but this would be the only situation i would fold in..
    Posted by daz231023
    Unlikely, but it depends on the relative Stack Sizes & blinds.

    I used to play a lot of Live Super Sats, & it was not uncommon, if the stack sizes & blinds were "just so", to Pass AA pre-flop.

    "It depends" is the answer, I guess. It's deffo not 100% "no, never".
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,561
    edited September 2009
    In Response to Re: COULD U FOLD:
    In Response to Re: COULD U FOLD : assuming you were average to big stack... i would call if i were less than average stack and risked being blinded out
    Posted by daz231023
    If I were average to big, in the specific scenario you describe, I fold in a heartbeat.
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited September 2009
    In Response to Re: COULD U FOLD:
    In Response to Re: COULD U FOLD : assuming you were average to big stack... i would call if i were less than average stack and risked being blinded out
    Posted by daz231023
    big stack.....CALL.
    short stack and with 2 AIs in front of me....FOLD
    average stacks and 2 AIs in front of me....FOLD
    average stack and 1 AI+ no more action behind....CALL
    edited September 2009

    hi guys ,thanx for the replys....normally when i flop the nuts ,my hat ,coat ,shirt ,shoes and pants r allin the middle b4 it even gets back 2 me, instant snap call ..........BUT this particular hand ,i really didnt think my hand would hold up <GUT FEELING> dont get me wrong <im not mystic meg> i just had a bad feeling that i was gonna get outdrawn gut feelin was 2 fold ,and my instincts were right,,,,,,,,,,,,lets say i did fold .and it was shown on sky poker chanel ,what players ,anylists ,presenters opinions would b .......has any1 else laid down a massive hand just on gut feeling ?

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,561
    edited September 2009
    In Response to Re: COULD U FOLD:
    hi guys ,thanx for the replys....normally when i flop the nuts ,my hat ,coat ,shirt ,shoes and pants r allin the middle b4 it even gets back 2 me, instant snap call ..........BUT this particular hand ,i really didnt think my hand would hold up <GUT FEELING /> dont get me wrong <im not mystic meg> i just had a bad feeling that i was gonna get outdrawn gut feelin was 2 fold ,and my instincts were right,,,,,,,,,,,,lets say i did fold .and it was shown on sky poker chanel ,what players ,anylists ,presenters opinions would b .......has any1 else laid down a massive hand just on gut feeling ?
    Posted by TENOFSPADE
    NEVER worry about what the Analysts or Presenters might say!

    1) We (the Analysts & Presenters, even Rich Orford) can see everyone's hole cards - that makes it different.

    2) We never mock players "on screen", it's just not something we do.

    There is always a reason why anyone does anything. It's the Analysts role to work that out, & discuss it, but nerver, never ever, berate the play.

    Lovely Post, which resulted in a great Thread, by the way.

    Poker Forums & Communities only work if folks contribute stuff, & this was a great thread.
  • SUPERNOVASUPERNOVA Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2009
    In Response to Re: COULD U FOLD:
    In Response to Re: COULD U FOLD : tikay?? do you call this on the bubble in a satalite tourney to a tourney you cant afford to buy directly into?? i personally would fold on the bubble in a sat... but this would be the only situation i would fold in..
    Posted by daz231023
    Well the bubble is a different beast anyway, I have folded AA, KK before now after seeing MereNovice refuse to put them down once and guess who didn't qualify!
  • Rubes375Rubes375 Member Posts: 61
    edited September 2009
    One of your points was about the 'odds' - suggest you download PokerStove, good tool for post analysis of your play and its free!
  • nirvana29nirvana29 Member Posts: 489
    edited September 2009
    its all strategy
  • MereNoviceMereNovice Member Posts: 4,364
    edited September 2009
    In Response to Re: COULD U FOLD:
    In Response to Re: COULD U FOLD : Well the bubble is a different beast anyway, I have folded AA, KK before now after seeing MereNovice refuse to put them down once and guess who didn't qualify!
    Posted by SUPERNOVA
    Er, thx Super. Please see the strategy thread - and thx for spoiling the ending. :-)
  • razorkevrazorkev Member Posts: 1,364
    edited September 2009

    edited September 2009
    hi kev m8 ,when i floped the nut str8 ,i felt i was 28 million miles ahead and was  thinking ,how am i gonna get paid ......then 2 players shove all in ,and im thinking this an absolute dream of a hand...... most players that have replied to this thread said ,they would instant call, snap call ,wud call in 0.0001 seconds  ,which normally i would have done ,but i was a little curious 2 now why 2 players wud shove allin on a 5 high board,,,,,,,,,,even tho im holding the nuts......has some1 got a3  ,{un raised pot}possibly? but there was a flush draw there...has some1 hit a set ,im gonna have 2 avoid the board pairing ,i dont like that flush draw ...i really did not like that flush draw ,in this particular hand ,my [gut feeling} was, he was gonna hit it ,even tho im holding the nuts ,,,,,,,,,,,,so ive now gone from feeling 28 million miles ahead ,{ive got the nuts}to being in a race ,,,,,,now i dont feel  that my hand is as  far ahead as i first thought,,,,,,,, the bottom line was ,i dont like that flush draw ,my gut feelin says hes gonna hit it {even tho im holding the nuts } i seriously thought of folding ,but reluctantly made the call ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,he hit his flush on the turn ,which proved my gut feeling 2 b correct ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i put this thread on here 2 show that ,1 minute im thinking how do i get paid im miles ahead ,to actually thinkin of folding the nuts ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i can play poker m8 lol  bblukky
  • lJAMESllJAMESl Member Posts: 591
    edited October 2009
    Snap call!
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