p.s. Monkey I might try ur suggestion of the freerolls, I definitely have the patience for them, I love the Deep Stacks so not a stranger to one game lasting 3-4 hours lol (although the freerolls never last that long! )
Thanks guys any advice is greatly received!!!!!!! p.s. Monkey I might try ur suggestion of the freerolls, I definitely have the patience for them, I love the Deep Stacks so not a stranger to one game lasting 3-4 hours lol (although the freerolls never last that long! ) Thanks again Lisa Posted by lisar83
Good luck
Ps please use the 1st few orbits to mark out your players ( tight - limpers - raisers )
spot the aggro players raising every pot / entering every pot play your cards hard against them make them pay and let them hang themselves
ESPECIALLY TEAM NUMBERS,123456789, 3rd !! & Wynne1938 6th
ps!!! I Cannot play next Monday, at my stepsons wedding in Italy, I will be with you in spirit, and I know you will all do me proud!!!
Looks if we in top 3, we are gaurenteed the first ever DTD league WIN!! So please play if you can, & make sure you register early, Numbers got in by the skin of his numerals last week LOLOLOL !!!
O YEAH !! IN CASE ANYONE MISSED IT!!!! TEAM PROTEGEE, YOUNG GUN WON THE DTD FOR US MONDAY!! GREAT SUPPORT FROM ALL!!!! ESPECIALLY TEAM NUMBERS,123456789, 3rd !! & Wynne1938 6th ps!!! I Cannot play next Monday, at my stepsons wedding in Italy, I will be with you in spirit, and I know you will all do me proud!!! Looks if we in top 3, we are gaurenteed the first ever DTD league WIN!! So please play if you can, & make sure you register early, Numbers got in by the skin of his numerals last week LOLOLOL !!! HITSQUAD FOREVER!!! Posted by HITMAN_RV
Lisa83 great going on the free rolls two cashes already not long until you take one down
after watching you in the last freeroll (stalking in secret lol ) i noted you have a great game and nothing really needs to change because your in the mix and cashing but my own opinion is .........If you can post hand 384738349 i will explain a bit more on what i see may improve your game in the later stages ;0) keep it up
Monkey, help!!!! I'm stuck!! I thought I just copied the hand history then pasted here? It didn't work booooo Posted by lisar83
Ha did you go via 'my sky poker tab' select hand history then follow next steps that will bring up hand then drag mouse over hand copy and then paste ?
In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!! : Ha did you go via 'my sky poker tab' select hand history then follow next steps that will bring up hand then drag mouse over hand copy and then paste ? Posted by monkey123
Woohoo finally!!! I think I may have been tilting slightly hehe Posted by lisar83
Ok here we go please note this is just my own opinion on watching pretty much the whole tournament
1 your game dose need to change in the build up to cash stages but what i have noticed is your limping into pots or making up small blinds to limpers this is where i feel you need to be more aggressive pick on the people that are happy to fold blinds to ladder up.
2 i have choose your exit hand as a classic example
Things i noticed from players involved in hand ok your in small blind with 16k back keithers15 is a serial limper he has the stack to do this if he wishes but he folds on flop if he misses (easy read ) good spot to steal chips and big blind devolly tight image looks happy to stay out of trouble and play cards he has infront of him.
ok so back to the hand taking these factors into account devolly is in for 4k bb keithers standard limp call the 4k your sitting in small blind with connecters IMO i push here if im playing this hand 10k in pot already that's 63% increase to your stack just taking the pot down there and then. watching them both play for a while im confident they both fold to your all in unless you walk into a monster your unlucky but not dead you have outs and are very live still i would imagine . by calling your 2k to make up the blinds your missing out on the 63% increase with the push and infact risking around 13% of your stack to call, when you hit the flop your not going anywhere with your stack and are forced to continue very unlucky about kicker but again the push there takes the flop out of your control if your are called leave it to poker gods and if you do hit your outs you double up anyway so i think risk and reward needs to come to mind in them spots
so overall dont change your play because you got the game just bare in mind my pointers and hope it helps again this is just what i would do in this spot and im sure other THS members will have there own views
ps make sure you watch what your oppenents are like before making any decisions this is where u find your spots against the players you know back ground on
In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!! : Ok here we go please note this is just my own opinion on watching pretty much the whole tournament 1 your game dose need to change in the build up to cash stages but what i have noticed is your limping into pots or making up small blinds to limpers this is where i feel you need to be more aggressive pick on the people that are happy to fold blinds to ladder up. 2 i have choose your exit hand as a classic example Things i noticed from players involved in hand ok your in small blind with 16k back keithers15 is a serial limper he has the stack to do this if he wishes but he folds on flop if he misses (easy read ) good spot to steal chips and big blind devolly tight image looks happy to stay out of trouble and play cards he has infront of him. ok so back to the hand taking these factors into account devolly is in for 4k bb keithers standard limp call the 4k your sitting in small blind with connecters IMO i push here if im playing this hand 10k in pot already that's 63% increase to your stack just taking the pot down there and then. watching them both play for a while im confident they both fold to your all in unless you walk into a monster your unlucky but not dead you have outs and are very live still i would imagine . by calling your 2k to make up the blinds your missing out on the 63% increase with the push and infact risking around 13% of your stack to call, when you hit the flop your not going anywhere with your stack and are forced to continue very unlucky about kicker but again the push there takes the flop out of your control if your are called leave it to poker gods and if you do hit your outs you double up anyway so i think risk and reward needs to come to mind in them spots so overall dont change your play because you got the game just bare in mind my pointers and hope it helps again this is just what i would do in this spot and im sure other THS members will have there own views ps make sure you watch what your oppenents are like before making any decisions this is where u find your spots against the players you know back ground on hope this helps monkey123 Posted by monkey123
That's fab Monkey cheers for the tips. I honestly never thought of playing that hand any other way than limping in, but it does make sense. I definitely need to stop playin so tight!! I still have loads to learn, think I'll start 'secretly stalking' you from now on hehe
Thanks again, like I said before ur a wee star
p.s. if u were still watching, the less said about the way I played that 99 in the DS the better................lol
In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!! : That's fab Monkey cheers for the tips. I honestly never thought of playing that hand any other way than limping in, but it does make sense. I definitely need to stop playin so tight!! I still have loads to learn, think I'll start 'secretly stalking' you from now on hehe Thanks again, like I said before ur a wee star p.s. if u were still watching, the less said about the way I played that 99 in the DS the better................lol Speak soon Posted by lisar83
No problems mate THS stick together and move forward as a team i just hope it helps lol or im in trouble.
ps i saw the back end of the 99 hand i was looking at some notes on freeroll lol you was short stacked by then im not sure how the betting went but im pushing pre all day there with your stack
In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!! : That's fab Monkey cheers for the tips. I honestly never thought of playing that hand any other way than limping in, but it does make sense. I definitely need to stop playin so tight!! I still have loads to learn, think I'll start 'secretly stalking' you from now on hehe Thanks again, like I said before ur a wee star p.s. if u were still watching, the less said about the way I played that 99 in the DS the better................lol Speak soon Posted by lisar83
1 question on above line to keep in mind
If you chose to limp and big blind pushes what would you do ? lose the 4k or call ? put the pressure on them dont leave your self in a tricky spot get em in 1st, because if i was him in big blind with 2 limpers im raising that pot with ANY 2 cards and the ' limpers with 78 ' are prob gonna fold right ? and my 72 gets the 10k pot because i look strong raising the 2 limpers correct ? and they have the tricky situation to think about not you!!!! they will be sitting there and thinking ohhhhhhhh no i gotta fold loooooooool just like how you would feel if he pushed, when infact the raise /push looks strong against these hands and most will FOLD (player dependent)
1 question on above line to keep in mind If you chose to limp and big blind pushes what would you do?..
lose the 4k or call ?.....
put the pressure on them, dont leave your self in a tricky spot get em in 1st, because if i was him in big blind with 2 limpers im raising that pot with ANY 2 cards and the ' limpers with 78 ' are prob gonna fold right ?
and my 72 gets the 10k pot because i look strong raising the 2 limpers correct ?.....
and they have the tricky situation to think about not you!!!!
They will be sitting there and thinking ohhhhhhhh no i gotta fold loooooooool just like how you would feel if he pushed, when infact the raise /push looks strong against these hands and most will FOLD (player dependent)
Posted by monkey123
Good Teamwork Monkey!!
Really liking the advice, ONE IMPORTANT POINT!!!
Every time i make a bet, raise or call, I ask myself this question!!....
"What will i do if i get re-raised, or shoved Over"??
You need to have in your mind what u will do if this happens imo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Call, Re-pop, Fold??? again..Player, position, situation, stack dependant, but have it in mind!!!
When I Considered this, it sealed some leaks i think i had!! Reduced the no. of hands i played, and stopped me wasting chips chasing draws or if i semi-hit etc!!
ps Monkey, Paragraphs FTW pls, I jus got dizzy reading all that!!!!! LOLOLOL, [as shown, sry thanks for helpin mate]
In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!! : 1 question on above line to keep in mind If you chose to limp and big blind pushes what would you do ? lose the 4k or call ? put the pressure on them dont leave your self in a tricky spot get em in 1st, because if i was him in big blind with 2 limpers im raising that pot with ANY 2 cards and the ' limpers with 78 ' are prob gonna fold right ? and my 72 gets the 10k pot because i look strong raising the 2 limpers correct ? and they have the tricky situation to think about not you!!!! they will be sitting there and thinking ohhhhhhhh no i gotta fold loooooooool just like how you would feel if he pushed, when infact the raise /push looks strong against these hands and most will FOLD (player dependent) Posted by monkey123
Well based on all that I'm going to do another freeroll today and I will attempt being more aggressive......watch this space!!! If I can pull it off I owe u a pint or 2 lol
Hope YG can throw some input in, as I realy like his input in the Clinic!! Good reading there Lisar!!
Anyone Else with advice here, or need bit help in another area!!
ps. Lisa...
easy to say retrospectivley, but the amount of times in the clinic, where the best advice, sometimes jokingly is... ....FOLD PRE!!!
NOW..relative to your 7-8 off hand!!
In this case you lose your SB,
but again with a so-called value call, you hit a weak top pr against 2 oppo.s, losing to alot of over pairs and maybe racing against an ak aq if u push post flop!!
I know you & monkey read the table as limping lots lite, but patience for the strong hand should NAIL that Table!!
You have a 4 BB stack. You shouldn't be limping with a hand when that short unless you're dealt a big hand and want to take a chance on a double-up.
Also try not to let yourself get that short in the first place, although it happens if you lose a big hand to a slightly smaller stack than yourself. Try shoving a wider range from a bit further out and see what happens.
Lisa, to add to what's above. You have a 4 BB stack. You shouldn't be limping with a hand when that short unless you're dealt a big hand and want to take a chance on a double-up. Also try not to let yourself get that short in the first place, although it happens if you lose a big hand to a slightly smaller stack than yourself. Try shoving a wider range from a bit further out and see what happens. Posted by harding10
+1, with you stacked that low, it would be interesting to see the hand before, when you were the BB for i guess prob 4000, [maybe 3000], MAY HAVE BEEN worth pushin there with ANYTHING!! Depending if been action before!!
BUT Only a call to me hand before I push generally, and would push on One big raiser prob too, obvoulsly depends on bubble & cash etc
What sort of tourney was it, freeroll i believe, and What was your BB hand, and action to you????
p.s. Monkey I might try ur suggestion of the freerolls, I definitely have the patience for them, I love the Deep Stacks so not a stranger to one game lasting 3-4 hours lol (although the freerolls never last that long!
Thanks again
Ps please use the 1st few orbits to mark out your players ( tight - limpers - raisers )
spot the aggro players raising every pot / entering every pot play your cards hard against them make them pay and let them hang themselves
& Wynne1938 6th
ps!!! I Cannot play next Monday, at my stepsons wedding in Italy, I will be with you in spirit,
and I know you will all do me proud!!!
Looks if we in top 3, we are gaurenteed the first ever DTD league WIN!!
So please play if you can, & make sure you register early, Numbers got in by the skin of his numerals last week LOLOLOL !!!
Lisa83 great going on the free rolls two cashes already not long until you take one down
after watching you in the last freeroll (stalking in secret lol ) i noted you have a great game and nothing really needs to change because your in the mix and cashing but my own opinion is .........If you can post hand 384738349 i will explain a bit more on what i see may improve your game in the later stages ;0) keep it up
I thought I just copied the hand history then pasted here? It didn't work booooo
1 your game dose need to change in the build up to cash stages but what i have noticed is your limping into pots or making up small blinds to limpers this is where i feel you need to be more aggressive pick on the people that are happy to fold blinds to ladder up.
2 i have choose your exit hand as a classic example
Things i noticed from players involved in hand ok your in small blind with 16k back keithers15 is a serial limper he has the stack to do this if he wishes but he folds on flop if he misses (easy read ) good spot to steal chips and big blind devolly tight image looks happy to stay out of trouble and play cards he has infront of him.
ok so back to the hand taking these factors into account devolly is in for 4k bb keithers standard limp call the 4k your sitting in small blind with connecters IMO i push here if im playing this hand 10k in pot already that's 63% increase to your stack just taking the pot down there and then. watching them both play for a while im confident they both fold to your all in unless you walk into a monster your unlucky but not dead you have outs and are very live still i would imagine . by calling your 2k to make up the blinds your missing out on the 63% increase with the push and infact risking around 13% of your stack to call, when you hit the flop your not going anywhere with your stack and are forced to continue very unlucky about kicker but again the push there takes the flop out of your control if your are called leave it to poker gods and if you do hit your outs you double up anyway so i think risk and reward needs to come to mind in them spots
so overall dont change your play because you got the game just bare in mind my pointers and hope it helps again this is just what i would do in this spot and im sure other THS members will have there own views
ps make sure you watch what your oppenents are like before making any decisions this is where u find your spots against the players you know back ground on
hope this helps
Thanks again, like I said before ur a wee star
p.s. if u were still watching, the less said about the way I played that 99 in the DS the better................lol
Speak soon
ps i saw the back end of the 99 hand i was looking at some notes on freeroll lol you was short stacked by then im not sure how the betting went but im pushing pre all day there with your stack
If you chose to limp and big blind pushes what would you do ? lose the 4k or call ?
put the pressure on them dont leave your self in a tricky spot get em in 1st, because if i was him in big blind with 2 limpers im raising that pot with ANY 2 cards and the ' limpers with 78 ' are prob gonna fold right ? and my 72 gets the 10k pot because i look strong raising the 2 limpers correct ? and they have the tricky situation to think about not you!!!! they will be sitting there and thinking ohhhhhhhh no i gotta fold loooooooool just like how you would feel if he pushed, when infact the raise /push looks strong against these hands and most will FOLD (player dependent)
Good Teamwork Monkey!!
Really liking the advice, ONE IMPORTANT POINT!!!
Every time i make a bet, raise or call, I ask myself this question!!....
"What will i do if i get re-raised, or shoved Over"??
You need to have in your mind what u will do if this happens imo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Call, Re-pop, Fold??? again..Player, position, situation, stack dependant, but have it in mind!!!
When I Considered this, it sealed some leaks i think i had!! Reduced the no. of hands i played, and stopped me wasting chips chasing draws or if i semi-hit etc!!
ps Monkey, Paragraphs FTW pls, I jus got dizzy reading all that!!!!! LOLOLOL,
[as shown, sry thanks for helpin mate]
Cheers again
Hope YG can throw some input in, as I realy like his input in the Clinic!! Good reading there Lisar!!
Anyone Else with advice here, or need bit help in another area!!
ps. Lisa...
easy to say retrospectivley, but the amount of times in the clinic, where the best advice, sometimes jokingly is...
....FOLD PRE!!!
NOW..relative to your 7-8 off hand!!
In this case you lose your SB,
but again with a so-called value call, you hit a weak top pr against 2 oppo.s, losing to alot of over pairs and maybe racing against an ak aq if u push post flop!!
I know you & monkey read the table as limping lots lite, but patience for the strong hand should NAIL that Table!!
You have a 4 BB stack. You shouldn't be limping with a hand when that short unless you're dealt a big hand and want to take a chance on a double-up.
Also try not to let yourself get that short in the first place, although it happens if you lose a big hand to a slightly smaller stack than yourself. Try shoving a wider range from a bit further out and see what happens.
BUT Only a call to me hand before I push generally, and would push on One big raiser prob too, obvoulsly depends on bubble & cash etc
What sort of tourney was it, freeroll i believe, and What was your BB hand, and action to you????