Not suprised at the overlay, great tournament just dont understand why it wasnt mentioned at least a day or 2 in advance, all those who worked today, that get home and have some dinner, see the kids, wouldnt have seen this....if they had known about it they could have pre registered, or rushed that process up.
That wasnt the case for me just too tired tonight, will plan on playing it in the following weeks, Hope it get the support it deserves.
In Response to Re: Introducing the Weekly TSP Lite League - £1.10BI each week with some MASSIVE prizes..... : +1. Has this just been announced today? Pad Posted by Glenelg
In Response to Re: Introducing the Weekly TSP Lite League - £1.10BI each week with some MASSIVE prizes..... : yh I'll be there! full table will just slow the thread down. top 50 will be good please mate Posted by scotty77
I managed to get in just in time too
That wasnt the case for me just too tired tonight, will plan on playing it in the following weeks, Hope it get the support it deserves.
glad its best 5 results from 8
Will be in next week.
Knowlez33526.50 jimbobadi31460 stgeorge6930200 Patching9925742.50 Mohican22677.50 mtbkid20235 lawro1981019952.91 SHESTE18792.02 Waffel18414 marcus19116382.50 pomfrittes15693 SighKO12042.50 Bidon11379.50 penfold9911012.50 unbpower10292.50 FireAce9470 lordbobby9400 jjjach9297.48 AcidMan278935 weemallet8544.25 cowboycurt8086.25 Rolands837319.16 made4game5786.25 hawk71124482.50 rawhand4185 Wacko904130 HarryC6873459.18 MADMOO2937 stevew6162165
Great fun and all for a quid a good night had.
lawro1981039356.66 cowboycurt29175 Knowlez28226.50 Bidon26423.75 Patching9924992.50 SHESTE24429.02 lordbobby23838.36 AcidMan2720570 Mohican20242.50 pomfrittes19308 stgeorge6919040.82 jimbobadi18685 Wacko9017610 Waffel16109 marcus19112453.75 Rolands8311219.16 rawhand9840 penfold999812.50 SighKO6892.50 made4game3907.50 jjjach3867.48
Let's hope we can get a good rail going for the final table