Well I wanted to deposit by credit card. It wouldnt let me and told me I had to ring sky. Did that. They said yes no problem, took my details and crediited my account. Then when I go to withdraw, I notice they have removed my visa details for two cards and the credit card isnt showing. I do however, have a long form to fill in with bank name, address, details etc etc
It is not a big problem, just annoying really. I tend to move my money around a lot depending on bonus' and stuff. I wouldn't usually use a CC either, the fees are horrid, but my working capital got used up during a change of job so it was either that or don't play.
hmm, dont want to derail the thread though, sorry guys ignore me!!
In Response to Re: Phil Ivey statement RE DOJ.... : Yup. To be fair, "20% of previous capacity" is not backed up by reliable traffic stats, which can be viewed at places such as pokerscout, it's not quite that bad yet, & I sincerely hope it stabilises soon. FT lost about 35% of it's traffic in the immediate aftermath of Black Friday, iirc, & in the last 4 weeks, has seen further declines of 5%, 5%, 5%, &, last week, 7%, respectively. All very sad, but despite my unease with the whole thing, & for my friends & acquaintances who are affected by it, I really have zero-tolerance for any abuse of trust, most especially when it involves holding other peoples money. There can & must be no excuses or caveats on this, none whatsoever. Posted by Tikay10
is anyone suggesting full tilt players should withdraw there bankroll or will be unable too?
I have electronically filed a lawsuit against Tiltware.
As far as im aware Phil Ivey owns 5% of FTP, is this true? So he has started a lawsuit against himself? It must be a very BIG thing for him to not play the WSOP, so hats off to him.
In Response to Re: Phil Ivey statement RE DOJ.... : is anyone suggesting full tilt players should withdraw there bankroll or will be unable too? Posted by sunnyhil03
Haven't any personal experience but I have seen a lot of people (Europe and US) say they have put in withdrawal requests and these are either still pending or took a longer than usual time to cashout. Take that as you will.
Phil Ivey will get a lot of respect for what he has done with regard to the WSOP. What won't get a lot of respect is FT's latest statement released a couple of days ago, regarding paying out. This is an actual quote from that statement "When will the US players be paid?
We still do not have a specific timeframe for this. There has been, and remains, no bigger priority than getting US players paid as soon as possible, and we have been working around the clock to get this done" Yes thats sure to keep the pros happy.
Cleared my account on there just after black friday and it came through back to the cc reasonably quick. UB however is a different kettle with a limit of $250 dollars per week. Pity the person who took down the bb jackpot just before this all occured.
i dont play on FTP i did once and never liked it. Since Black Friday it seems like a few other named sites its found it difficult to recover.
I know that the one other site i do play on that was effected by black friday has recovered fully and withdraws and desposits are simpler than ever.
I think there is far worse to come out of this. I know on the other site players who where sponsored who where effected now are registered at "united kingdom" or "canada" rather than US. This seems to be common amougst many american poker players.
The WSOP will likley suffer this year and if i remember correctly ESPN pulled out of televising it aswell although would need to have that confirmed.
I think this situation is only one which will get worse. However i fully believe the online poker world will come out stronger after it.
In other news.... Is it true that Chris Ferguson has been porking Clonie Gowan? Or is it just people on twitter on the wind up? Posted by DOHHHHHHH
lol you have a way with words JJ
but the ivey statement means a few things
1) he clearly has lost all faith in FTP to file a law suit against a company that he is well known to support and allegedly the 3rd largest shareholder within so could be trying to protect the reputation he has within the poker community by filing this law suit by basically saying to everyone hey this has affected me big too.
2) Knows that US players are not going to be getting paid anytime soon so therefore by not playing any events at all will not face a barage of questions coming at him left right and center from people who would normally be playing but are now railing due to funds locked up. Even if this is the reason still props to him for stating he will not be playing one event in the series that he looks forward to every year to show why he is #1. It also could be for the reason he does say and that it has affected him deeply that all this money is still locked up.
3) who ever types up his press releases should be fired. PRESS RELEASE
May 30, 2011 (taken from his website, which is alleged to be owned by FTP)
also in other news yesterday/today bank accounts linked to 2 large shareholders within FTP one of those accounts could be iveys and either lederers/fergusons. (another reason why he could of filed this law suit against Tilt to protect what he has, and ruining his rep).
Also other news James Bord V John Juanda I wonder what all that was about ( allegations say it was to do with FTP) although Negreanu has said that he believes this to be a personal issue between both players.
Either way got to give props to Phil Ivey for actually coming out and speaking whether it is 6 weeks after the whole fiasco or not at least he is not keeping quiet anymore and actually coming out and saying how he feels about it all. I can see a lot of things happening this World Series a lot that probably won't be good stuff.
Although overall i think this statement is just Phil Ivey coming out after learning FTP does not have the money to pay back and now just trying to protect his rep by speaking out about it instead of keeping quiet like lederer, ferguson etc etc. I mean Ivey can do a lot of things but get money back from a company who does not have it is impossible
I noticed earlier that Tiltware had made a retaliatory strike
“Contrary to his sanctimonious public statements, Phil Ivey’s meritless lawsuit is about helping just one player – himself. In an effort to further enrich himself at the expense of others, Mr. Ivey appears to have timed his lawsuit to thwart pending deals with several parties that would put money back in players’ pockets. In fact, Mr. Ivey has been invited -- and has declined -- to take actions that could assist the company in these efforts, including paying back a large sum of money he owes the site. Tiltware doubts Mr. Ivey’s frivolous and self-serving lawsuit will ever get to court. But if it does, the company looks forward to presenting facts demonstrating that Mr. Ivey is putting his own narrow financial interests ahead of the players he professes to help.”
I noticed earlier that Tiltware had made a retaliatory strike “Contrary to his sanctimonious public statements, Phil Ivey’s meritless lawsuit is about helping just one player – himself. In an effort to further enrich himself at the expense of others, Mr. Ivey appears to have timed his lawsuit to thwart pending deals with several parties that would put money back in players’ pockets. In fact, Mr. Ivey has been invited -- and has declined -- to take actions that could assist the company in these efforts, including paying back a large sum of money he owes the site. Tiltware doubts Mr. Ivey’s frivolous and self-serving lawsuit will ever get to court. But if it does, the company looks forward to presenting facts demonstrating that Mr. Ivey is putting his own narrow financial interests ahead of the players he professes to help.” Exchange ends. Posted by NoseyBonk
I noticed earlier that Tiltware had made a retaliatory strike “Contrary to his sanctimonious public statements, Phil Ivey’s meritless lawsuit is about helping just one player – himself. In an effort to further enrich himself at the expense of others, Mr. Ivey appears to have timed his lawsuit to thwart pending deals with several parties that would put money back in players’ pockets. In fact, Mr. Ivey has been invited -- and has declined -- to take actions that could assist the company in these efforts, including paying back a large sum of money he owes the site. Tiltware doubts Mr. Ivey’s frivolous and self-serving lawsuit will ever get to court. But if it does, the company looks forward to presenting facts demonstrating that Mr. Ivey is putting his own narrow financial interests ahead of the players he professes to help.” Exchange ends. Posted by NoseyBonk
yeah i see that last night think its safe to say Ivey done with FTP also the bit that Ivey owes them money is just laughable would love to know what he owes them money for... that statement as a whole from FTP is just LOL they should of just carried on to stay quiet i think most know that they are not working on getting money back to players cause if they were they would of had it back a long time ago when PS started allowing withdrawals what like 1-2 weeks after black friday... FTP are simply just making excuses to drag it out longer
In Response to Re: Phil Ivey statement RE DOJ.... : yeah i see that last night think its safe to say Ivey done with FTP also the bit that Ivey owes them money is just laughable would love to know what he owes them money for... that statement as a whole from FTP is just LOL they should of just carried on to stay quiet i think most know that they are not working on getting money back to players cause if they were they would of had it back a long time ago when PS started allowing withdrawals what like 1-2 weeks after black friday... FTP are simply just making excuses to drag it out longer Posted by delaney09
Depends if you believe Nick Rainey's claim that FTP pros were often loaned money by the site (in David Benyamine's case, $5m+).
In Response to Re: Phil Ivey statement RE DOJ.... : Depends if you believe Nick Rainey's claim that FTP pros were often loaned money by the site (in David Benyamine's case, $5m+). Posted by J-Hartigan
yeah i heard this on QJ im not sure that i do believe it i mean i can believe that maybe P.A and others loaned benyamine money but FTP themselves im not so sure about but guess we will never know...
but i would of thought if Ivey was going to loan money (to top up online funds) he would just ask durrr gus hansen or even zigmund as i know ivey lent zigmund quite a lot of money over the past...
but then again the same claim has been made about pokerstars and viktor Blom in that they put money into his account so that he can continue to play the high stakes...
but i guess the only people that know the answers are the players that were loaned the money and the sites themselves and i can not see them coming out anytime soon and confirming these allegations to be true.
I don't think anyone would believe if FTP came out tomorrow though and said yes it is true we loaned benyamine this that and the other i think most would just see this as another way for them to stall
It will be interesting to see how the whole thing plays out in the judical system if it gets that far.
I find it odd that they claim players money return could be facilitated faster if Ivey returns substantial money owing to them. Any business that relies on money coming in from one individual to right the ship is odd indeed. The money should be there. Claiming that if Ivey returns owed money, it would speed up the process is a low blow IMO, designed for PR reasons
Did that. They said yes no problem, took my details and crediited my account.
Then when I go to withdraw, I notice they have removed my visa details for two cards and the credit card isnt showing.
I do however, have a long form to fill in with bank name, address, details etc etc
hmm, dont want to derail the thread though, sorry guys ignore me!!
From a whiny ex-51er no less
As far as im aware Phil Ivey owns 5% of FTP, is this true? So he has started a lawsuit against himself?
It must be a very BIG thing for him to not play the WSOP, so hats off to him.
We still do not have a specific timeframe for this. There has been, and remains, no bigger priority than getting US players paid as soon as possible, and we have been working around the clock to get this done"
Yes thats sure to keep the pros happy.
I know that the one other site i do play on that was effected by black friday has recovered fully and withdraws and desposits are simpler than ever.
I think there is far worse to come out of this. I know on the other site players who where sponsored who where effected now are registered at "united kingdom" or "canada" rather than US. This seems to be common amougst many american poker players.
The WSOP will likley suffer this year and if i remember correctly ESPN pulled out of televising it aswell although would need to have that confirmed.
I think this situation is only one which will get worse. However i fully believe the online poker world will come out stronger after it.
but the ivey statement means a few things
1) he clearly has lost all faith in FTP to file a law suit against a company that he is well known to support and allegedly the 3rd largest shareholder within so could be trying to protect the reputation he has within the poker community by filing this law suit by basically saying to everyone hey this has affected me big too.
2) Knows that US players are not going to be getting paid anytime soon so therefore by not playing any events at all will not face a barage of questions coming at him left right and center from people who would normally be playing but are now railing due to funds locked up. Even if this is the reason still props to him for stating he will not be playing one event in the series that he looks forward to every year to show why he is #1. It also could be for the reason he does say and that it has affected him deeply that all this money is still locked up.
3) who ever types up his press releases should be fired. PRESS RELEASE
May 30, 2011 (taken from his website, which is alleged to be owned by FTP)
also in other news yesterday/today bank accounts linked to 2 large shareholders within FTP one of those accounts could be iveys and either lederers/fergusons. (another reason why he could of filed this law suit against Tilt to protect what he has, and ruining his rep).
Also other news James Bord V John Juanda I wonder what all that was about ( allegations say it was to do with FTP) although Negreanu has said that he believes this to be a personal issue between both players.
Either way got to give props to Phil Ivey for actually coming out and speaking whether it is 6 weeks after the whole fiasco or not at least he is not keeping quiet anymore and actually coming out and saying how he feels about it all. I can see a lot of things happening this World Series a lot that probably won't be good stuff.
Although overall i think this statement is just Phil Ivey coming out after learning FTP does not have the money to pay back and now just trying to protect his rep by speaking out about it instead of keeping quiet like lederer, ferguson etc etc. I mean Ivey can do a lot of things but get money back from a company who does not have it is impossible
“Contrary to his sanctimonious public statements, Phil Ivey’s meritless lawsuit is about helping just one player – himself. In an effort to further enrich himself at the expense of others, Mr. Ivey appears to have timed his lawsuit to thwart pending deals with several parties that would put money back in players’ pockets. In fact, Mr. Ivey has been invited -- and has declined -- to take actions that could assist the company in these efforts, including paying back a large sum of money he owes the site. Tiltware doubts Mr. Ivey’s frivolous and self-serving lawsuit will ever get to court. But if it does, the company looks forward to presenting facts demonstrating that Mr. Ivey is putting his own narrow financial interests ahead of the players he professes to help.”
Exchange ends.
but i would of thought if Ivey was going to loan money (to top up online funds) he would just ask durrr gus hansen or even zigmund as i know ivey lent zigmund quite a lot of money over the past...
but then again the same claim has been made about pokerstars and viktor Blom in that they put money into his account so that he can continue to play the high stakes...
but i guess the only people that know the answers are the players that were loaned the money and the sites themselves and i can not see them coming out anytime soon and confirming these allegations to be true.
I don't think anyone would believe if FTP came out tomorrow though and said yes it is true we loaned benyamine this that and the other i think most would just see this as another way for them to stall
I find it odd that they claim players money return could be facilitated faster if Ivey returns substantial money owing to them. Any business that relies on money coming in from one individual to right the ship is odd indeed. The money should be there. Claiming that if Ivey returns owed money, it would speed up the process is a low blow IMO, designed for PR reasons