Good afternoon folks.
Tonight's coverage will be from The Bounty Hunter and Sky Roller, we will be live on channel 865 at 8pm! Join Tikay and I in the studio for coverage
Quick topic for the night....
I went to see Sade at the 02 on tues night with me ma, and best friend. Amaaazing, forever young and beautiful lady.. any live music fans...
Best live music concert/worst concert/embarrassed that you went to concert /ultimate dream concert......
As always would love to have your questions for Tikay, and hope to hear from lots of you this Thurs night
see you soon!
A x
One of my regrets is not going to see Queen live - Freddie Mercury - genius
Best live concert was watching Tim Booth jumping all over the place on stage with James at Blackpool Tower about 20 years ago . It was so good we went again a cpl of weeks later in Manchester.
Looked him up on youtube the other day to find him touring in Athens recently - He,s still got it.
Have a good show
Most Memorable Concert/gig
Stiff Little Fingers, Acklam Hall, Ladbroke Grove, bout'78, then walked home in the rain....Brilliant!!
Life was great with No responsiblities LOL !!
if your legally aloud perhaps the phil ivey & full tilt poker statement should get a mention?
mine... best concert: Michaell Jackson/fleetwood Mac
most embarrassing: Five
dream concert: I want to see Dire Straits! how old are they now!?
I think i ate too much for dinner
BEST - Moses and 10 stones.
WORST - Orford in a karaoke bar.
My favourite concert has to be The Verve when they played at Haigh Hall in 1998.
One of my favourite ever bands and to see them get back together and play a big show like that was great.
Also every Glastonbury festival that i've been to has been epic. If anybody has ever thought about going but hasn't been yet then you need to go.
It's always a special atmosphere that no other festival has.
Best concert: Beyonce
Most embarrassing: Hmmmmm, take your pick Bros.....or New Kids On The Block??!!! [They were both FABULOUS though
Dream concert: Aerosmith.
I see TK has had his new batteries fitted! Boy can he do some verbage!!!
I have to agree with a couple of earlier posters, I was privilaged enough to see Queen live twice and they were an amazing live band, however, my best concert has to be INXS at the height of their fame at the tiny Town and Country club, Kentish Town. They invited anyone who wanted to up on stage with them - what a night!
As for the worst - The Baron Knights - don't even ask!
Have a good show guys
Pen Fifteen