If I miss the end of the tournament, can someone post the final table on this thread please so i canhand out prizes. I could track the info down tomorrow but it would be better to sort it out tonight and the final standings son't stay in the lobby long.
Good luck everyone- hope you get a semi. Er, let me re-phrase that...
By the way, can everyone who entered check back tonight to see if you got the 3 extra seats and specify if you want to play the Sat semi or Sun semi please...
AcidMan2754679.501Entry to Sunday Roller SemiMAXALLY9357.502Entry to Sunday Roller Semistokefc79633Entry to Sunday Roller Semiunbpower04Entry to Sunday Roller Semi67Bhoys05£19.20TheyDontNo06mkgunner07COFFEENCRM08sara36dd0809DeucesLive010Kiwini4u011Direwolf012chrispip013scott_ox014karlluke015GREGHOGG016teetoo017bladeboy07018Wayne_B73019wudibluff020Dollie021DTWBANDIT022aussie09023corn_rat22024
By the way, can everyone who entered check back tonight to see if you got the 3 extra seats and specify if you want to play the Sat semi or Sun semi please... Posted by RICHORFORD
In Response to Re: HERE COMES THE SUNDAY ROLLER! Win seats into the semi-finals on this thread...but hurry, it's gotta be before 8.35pm tonight! : Can you put me in for saturdays semi please Posted by 67Bhoys
Technically, you won a 'prize'....a cash one.
If you enter that tournament and have told me on this thread, then I will give seats into the semis to the 3 players who finish the highest in that tournament outside the prize-spots.
So, on their own merit AcidMan, MAxally, StokeFC and UnBPower are through to the semis.
And as a Brucey Bonus-67Bhoys (who got a massive result with the seat plus cash!), mkgunner and sara36DD get seats too as the 3 highest finishing players who'd stuck their names on this list.
Can these last 3 please let me know on here before tomorrow afternoon whether they want to play in the Saturday or Sunday semi?
If I don't hear from you I'll stick you automatically in the Saturday one.
In Response to Re: HERE COMES THE SUNDAY ROLLER! Win seats into the semi-finals on this thread...but hurry, it's gotta be before 8.35pm tonight! : Technically, you won a 'prize'....a cash one. If you enter that tournament and have told me on this thread, then I will give seats into the semis to the 3 players who finish the highest in that tournament outside the prize-spots . Posted by MAXALLY
Aha trying to weadle me out on a technicality eh? You have to remember who set this comp, and he's not exactly Einstien. So I'm guessing he never thought of that.
In Response to Re: HERE COMES THE SUNDAY ROLLER! Win seats into the semi-finals on this thread...but hurry, it's gotta be before 8.35pm tonight! : Aha trying to weadle me out on a technicality eh? You have to remember who set this comp, and he's not exactly Einstien. So I'm guessing he never thought of that. Posted by 67Bhoys
Lol..I was only jesting mate. WP and good luck Sat night....but not too much obv )
thanks rich... put me down please
ps hi matey
AcidMan2754679.501Entry to Sunday Roller SemiMAXALLY9357.502Entry to Sunday Roller Semistokefc79633Entry to Sunday Roller Semiunbpower04Entry to Sunday Roller Semi67Bhoys05£19.20TheyDontNo06mkgunner07COFFEENCRM08sara36dd0809DeucesLive010Kiwini4u011Direwolf012chrispip013scott_ox014karlluke015GREGHOGG016teetoo017bladeboy07018Wayne_B73019wudibluff020Dollie021DTWBANDIT022aussie09023corn_rat22024
If you enter that tournament and have told me on this thread, then I will give seats into the semis to the 3 players who finish the highest in that tournament outside the prize-spots.