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Sunday night on Sky Poker with Anna Fowler and Trevor Harris *******official show thread*****

MissFowlerMissFowler Member Posts: 885
edited June 2011 in Poker Chat
Hello! I found the bigger font size!

So.. exciting Sunday night ahead on Sky Poker tonight  The first ever 8k Sunday Roller is kicking of at 7pm, and of course we will start coverage at 9pm live.  Hopefully lots of you will be taking part, look forward to seeing you on the tables.

Not forgetting the 12,500k Primo as well tonight, so plenty of action for all.

As for a topics tonight.. I am off on a 4 day holiday to Rome with my mum and sister next week.  Don't often travel with  my mother as she naturally attracts drama on holiday...lost purses, stolen purses, car crashes, broken down cars, lost passports, getting us stuck up mountains, flooded tents, blown away tents... you get the idea.

SO... holiday mishaps tonight...or just some good recommendations for Rome!

Also questions for Trev as always...

look forward to seeing you later and watching our first Sunday Roller!! GL all!

A x



  • delaney09delaney09 Member Posts: 1,145
    edited June 2011
    When in Rome do as the Romans do ?
  • MissFowlerMissFowler Member Posts: 885
    edited June 2011
    In Response to Re: Sunday night on Sky Poker with Anna Fowler and Trevor Harris *******official show thread*****:
    When in Rome do as the Romans do ?
    Posted by delaney09
    I will certainly be consuming huge amounts of carbs!! pasta, pizza, ice-cream... yum
  • AcidMan27AcidMan27 Member Posts: 3,752
    edited June 2011
    I've only really had two bad holiday experiences.

    The first one being a family holiday in Tenby when I was a kid. We had a VW camper van so off we went to a campsite that had been recommended by a family friend.

    It was surrounded by Minsitry Of Defence land which they used every night for tank manouvers which included firing their shells for hours on end.

    It also rained nearly every day, this resulted in loads of ear wigs finding their way into the camper van right next to my bed.

    The other bad holiday was a school camping trip. The campsite had a bathroom area. So off we all pop to have our morning shower.
    Whilst i'm waiting I notice a window ledge full of midges. So for a laugh I decide to blow on them to make them fly.
    The trouble is they all bounce off the window and land on my head. This resulted in me having about 30 midge bites all over my lovely face for the rest of the camping trip.

  • Sky_MandySky_Mandy Member Posts: 582
    edited June 2011 mishaps......

    Number 1....

    Me + sister + friend + one August in Turkey + over zealous cocktail consumption + rather large kurbs = Mandy and a twisted ankle, being carried back to the hotel by a taxi driver, and her sister, with a large knife, piercing the gas thingymejig in the icebox of the fridge in our hotel room, whilst trying to obtain ice to stop the argument with hotel management, a swift room change, and 48 hours of rest later & I was as good as new.

  • Sky_MandySky_Mandy Member Posts: 582
    edited June 2011

    Number 2....

    Cyprus - day trip trip into the Troodos mountains to visit a vineyard and do some wine-tasting ...yum...........After a couple of hours, myself and two friends were heading back to our complex, when suddenly realised there were no longer road markings, but just a vast area of, well, vastness.  The road had just seemed to come to an end, and we really couldn't see any signs of where the road had finished, nor find our way back.  We were just lost in the Troodos mountains, in the  mid afternoon 100degrees+ heat.  An inch of water left in the Evian bottle, and 3 of us to fight over it. 

    Thank goodness I demanded the hire car be a jeep, because in a saloon we would have been stranded, as we were having to drive over potholes and boulders etc etc.

    We turned a corner, and thankfully my driver friend was paying attention, because he slammed on the brakes as we came to a sudden 30ft drop off the mountain.  If I said that reversing back round the mountain, when the ledge only had a few inches leeway before we would plummet to our deaths - I am not joking!  I was close to tears.  2 and a half hours later, we stumbled across a couple of 'houses' (shacks more like), within the mountains, and some lovely, friendly Cypriots took us in, fed and watered us, and led us back out into civilisation and the road back to the hotel.

    Needless to say, we never left the complex again!

  • Sky_MandySky_Mandy Member Posts: 582
    edited June 2011
    Number 3......

    Barbados.  Me + boyfriend.

    Day trip to sea.....sailing all day.....on board BBQ and free drinks all day......swimming with the turtles.....almost drowned. 

    Sea a bit life jackets given.......current dragging me under, so I started trying to climb up my bf's body (subsequently almost drowning him)....he kept pushing me away (charming!)......three Bajan guys onboard, had to jump in Baywatch styleee and save me.  Relieved - yes.  Embarrassed - totally!

    I am a very strong swimmer, but it really knocked my confidence in the water - particularly when we were told that a male semi-pro swimmer, went on the same trip with his wife (they were honeymooning) the day before.....and he drowned!!!  They should never have let us in the water apparently, as there was an abnormally strong undercurrent.
  • Sky_MandySky_Mandy Member Posts: 582
    edited June 2011

    Ok, I'll stop now....

    But there are more stories....of course.  I'll condense:

    Complex in Tenerife, full of German holidaymakers, were led to believe that I was a famous singer from England & harassed me all week to sing for them.

    Two days after my near-drowning, I slipped on a grassy hill in a park in Barbados and landed in a nest of red ants.  I was bitten from my waist, all the way down to my ankles. 

    On an inflatable 'sofa', being dragged by a speedboat, I had a panic attack & decided to get off and swim back to shore - which didn't look too far but was actually 3-4 miles away!

    On day one of a 10 day holiday in Egypt, I ate something which didn't agree with me and was confined to my hotel room for the entire trip, and had to undergo several injections before I was allowed back on the plane.

    On another holiday with my sister, to Egypt, I made the mistake of falling asleep for two hours, next to the pool, only to wake up on my side to see that half of me was very white and the other half was beetroot red & covered in tiny blisters!!  Not an attractive look.

    Finally, when I went to Vegas last July........nothing went wrong.  Therefore, I must always go to Vegas :)

  • MMegabyteMMegabyte Member Posts: 334
    edited June 2011
    I just came back from glamorous Birmingham, where I was wandering along and realised there was a pole-vaulting competition going on in the city centre...anyway...

    Apart from the one time I nearly drowned I don't do badly on holiday. The worst thing happened to my parents, who had someone break into their house and steal their passports two days before going to Tunisia. The Home Office arranged emergency passports and out they went. They got there, walked out of the hotel, and my mum immediately had her bag snatched by two blokes on a motorbike...with the passports in.
  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited June 2011

    Hi Anna, Trev


    Every year, father drove the family to Chapel St Leonards (Mum, Wife, me, my son, and Gram), this particular year, it was the last day, we were due to drive home, we had some dinner (This is the north dinner 12pmJ), we set off back to Sheffield, gram became, shall we say ill, no problems, we thought, until we got nearly past Rotherham, and close to Sheffield, she began to bring up blood, and it had a wonderful aroma J, of course dad put his foot down, doing more than 90 in a 40mph road, we just got into Sheffield, the sirens blaring, yup, the cops, he walked up to the car, took one look at what Gram had brought up, and said, follow me, straight to the Northern General Hospital, it turned out she had a strangulated hernia sigh L


    Have a great show J

  • spornybolspornybol Member Posts: 8,212
    edited June 2011
  • LOL_RAISELOL_RAISE Member Posts: 2,188
    edited June 2011
    might want to show this hand from the 220 roller, outplayed obv


  • iBLUFFiBLUFF Member Posts: 1,244
    edited June 2011
    In Response to Re: Sunday night on Sky Poker with Anna Fowler and Trevor Harris *******official show thread*****:
    might want to show this hand from the 220 roller, outplayed obv 379035425
    Posted by LOL_RAISE

    i just saw this so so sick
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited June 2011
    can you play this hand 2 from tonights primo. Not a big pot just an interesting flop play. curious to what trevor thinks about it,

  • dubmasterdubmaster Member Posts: 897
    edited June 2011
    hi first time playin primo  put 2euro ew on alex noren @ 50/1 in the golf and then played 50quid dym for enrty fee wish me luck please!!!!

    cant watch till later wife watchin the telly

    as for holiday mishaps i would be here all nite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited June 2011
    Evening Anna and Trevor

    I have a Arsenal Trivia question for trevor.

    Arsenal won the league in 1989 (the good old days!) but which teams knocked us out of the FA Cup and League Cup that year:

    A . Liverpool and West Ham
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited June 2011
    sorry another hand request.

    Really would like trevs opinions on my turn play here.

  • MrWh1teMrWh1te Member Posts: 963
    edited June 2011
    Holiday mishap:

    The whole family went to one of these caravan parks.  We all stayed in chalets and the chalets were in a circle around the park and a big tree in the middle. 

    The blokes in the family decided it would be fun to tie me to the tree.  I was 16 years old and actually cried.  My dad came over.  Saved I thought!  No, he pulled my trousers down and left me there.
    I was left there till the ladies came home and rescued me.

    I am 34 now and still get reminded about that on a very regular basis :/
  • MissFowlerMissFowler Member Posts: 885
    edited June 2011

    Thanks for your posts so far, keep them coming so I can share them with the nation! 
    Also get your questions in for related of course so we can play a bit of Trevial pursuit.  He's good though, so think of some good 'uns!

  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited June 2011


    Hand History #379018321 (19:07 05/06/2011)

    This ia a brag bout how Bad am runnin today, LOL!!

    Least... hope I get all these out the way before the DTD Monday

    O yeah, this is first 10 minutes in the £220 DS, had settled in chair with a beer, for 3/4 hours ...then this ....
    HITMAN_RV Small blind  15.00 15.00 4235.00
    RUNITSRANN Big blind  30.00 45.00 5675.00
      Your hole cards
    • 6
    • 6
    Nutter5932 Raise  90.00 135.00 4805.00
    DrMarbles Fold     
    0mc Fold     
    HITMAN_RV Call  75.00 210.00 4160.00
    RUNITSRANN Fold     
    • 6
    • 10
    • K
    HITMAN_RV Check     
    Nutter5932 Bet  120.00 330.00 4685.00
    HITMAN_RV Raise  360.00 690.00 3800.00
    Nutter5932 Call  240.00 930.00 4445.00
    • J
    HITMAN_RV Bet  720.00 1650.00 3080.00
    Nutter5932 Call  720.00 2370.00 3725.00
    • J
    HITMAN_RV Bet  990.00 3360.00 2090.00
    Nutter5932 All-in  3725.00 7085.00 0.00
    HITMAN_RV All-in  2090.00 9175.00 0.00
    Nutter5932 Unmatched bet  645.00 8530.00 645.00
    HITMAN_RV Show
    • 6
    • 6
    Nutter5932 Show
    • J
    • K
    Nutter5932 Win Full House, Jacks and Kings 8530.00  
    Options, ...was it avoidable ??

    1,Re-raise pre? didna, wanted jus see flop with 6's, prepared to fold any proper bet if i dont hit obvs.

     2, Bet post, prob induces re-raise, or if I bigger check raise, he aint goin away..?

       3, Jack turn, am only lookin for value now, would he fold a bigger bet or all-in..No i think

         4, Dead!! LOL, Gl Nutter WP!!

    ps , shout out GL to our HitSquad tomora pls   X
  • spornybolspornybol Member Posts: 8,212
    edited June 2011
    i vote for anna IF I CAN SHARE WITH HER ?  just don`t tell misses
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