Hand from primo- like to know what you think about the line here?
Hand History #379118181
New to table, been there for an orbit or two in which time I managed to get my chips back up. Fairly standard open from button, got flat- so currently putting villain on 2 high cards.
Doesn't look like villain's hit this flop unless he has A9, but I don't want to bet and open myself up to get bluffed off by a random draw- what's your thought here?
Turn is beautiful and I'm pretty sure I'm ahead here, but again- don't want to go broke on a hunch.
River again, great- and he checks which makes me confident I'm ahead. But, is there value in betting this? I *may* get action from a 4, but do I get action from anything else?
my mum went to france for a long weekend with my dad- now they can`t speak there lingo - but my mother pipped up with at least the seaguls are ENGLISH ??
funny that thailand was one of the holidays i went on that i dont want to share with you...it is a brilliant place,and i agree the locals are very friendly,some more then others
evening again finished 102nd did you show any of my hands?all gone to bed telly to myself!!!!
was doing alright for a while i think, then crumbled by playing loose with low pocket pairs 2 in a row 33,99 and with my chips nearly gone i get kk and no play and a few minutes later get 66 and get done by ak ace on the river
evening again finished 102nd did you show any of my hands?all gone to bed telly to myself!!!! was doing alright for a while i think, then crumbled by playing loose with low pocket pairs 2 in a row 33,99 and with my chips nearly gone i get kk and no play and a few minutes later get 66 and get done by ak ace on the river Posted by dubmaster
We did have a look for you Dub, but we didn't feature any of your hands as you had unfortunately been eliminated before we got the the Primo coverage on the show. Let us know when you are playing next though & we'll keep an eye out for you.
Thanks for the HitSquad mention !! gee, I ran so hot tonight !! Hand History #379163317 (23:27 05/06/2011) TommyD Small blind 500.00 500.00 10456.87 samantha25 Big blind 1000.00 1500.00 14880.00 Your hole cards K K 23Jack23 Raise 3000.00 4500.00 42867.00 RUNITSRANN Fold HITMAN_RV Raise 7000.00 11500.00 8065.18 TommyD Fold samantha25 Fold 23Jack23 Call 4000.00 15500.00 38867.00 Flop J 8 7 23Jack23 Bet 7750.00 23250.00 31117.00 HITMAN_RV All-in 8065.18 31315.18 0.00 23Jack23 Call 315.18 31630.36 30801.82 23Jack23 Show 5 8 HITMAN_RV Show K K Turn 6 River Q 23Jack23 Win Flush to the Queen 31630.36 62432.18 Posted by HITMAN_RV
In Response to Re: Sunday night on Sky Poker with Anna Fowler and Trevor Harris *******official show thread***** : We did have a look for you Dub, but we didn't feature any of your hands as you had unfortunately been eliminated before we got the the Primo coverage on the show. Let us know when you are playing next though & we'll keep an eye out for you. Posted by Sky_Mandy
Was in Kon Phi Phi (Koh Pee Pee!) in the lead up to Christmas in 2004. Decided to go across to Koh Pang Yang for the Full Moon Party which was on the 26th, so narrowly avoided Tsunami by a day or two. It was werid how one side of the counrty were still partying when the other side was suffering from mass destruction.
In general Thailand is great until u eat something wrong and the closest toilet is a hole in the ground with no cubical door, no toilet roll and having the local people stare at u while they queue!!
There are 5 race tracks in britain and ireland that do not have one or more of the following letters in their name. R A C E
was doing alright for a while i think, then crumbled by playing loose with low pocket pairs 2 in a row 33,99 and with my chips nearly gone i get kk and no play and a few minutes later get 66 and get done by ak ace on the river
gee, I ran so hot tonight !!
Hand History #379163317 (23:27 05/06/2011)
Please can Anna or Trev mention the FT of the mini primo. Dollie is on it, so can you wish him and the others luck...ty...ty...ty
Great Holiday stories, You aint coming to Cardiff with us, NO WAY, lol !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pps. You in The Squad with Me & 'Glama Anna' or What !!!!!!!!!!!! lol