Well, came 16th in the NLHE, and 8th for £13 in the omahaPLo8, which is amazing since that was my 1st game ever, and NO!!! i wont be playing that again (i hope) lol
OK, I'm going to start posting the updated league tables in the aforementioned 'sticky'. By the way, any players interested in trading finishing positions with me (I finished 20th & 21st ) should post their requests in THIS thread. I need your name and division. You have until 12pm on Thursday 9th. So, who wants to trade...? Posted by J-Hartigan
Just to clear one thing up with me, if i ask for a trade (maybe next week lol) do we have to trade both scores, like if i got say 15th in the 1st game and 80th in the second and you got 40th and 10th, i couldnt just trade the second one can i??
In Response to Re: SKY REGIONAL LEAGUE - WEEK 3 (07/06/2011) : Just to clear one thing up with me, if i ask for a trade (maybe next week lol) do we have to trade both scores, like if i got say 15th in the 1st game and 80th in the second and you got 40th and 10th, i couldnt just trade the second one can i?? Posted by loonytoons
In Response to Re: SKY REGIONAL LEAGUE - WEEK 3 (07/06/2011) : Just to clear one thing up with me, if i ask for a trade (maybe next week lol) do we have to trade both scores, like if i got say 15th in the 1st game and 80th in the second and you got 40th and 10th, i couldnt just trade the second one can i?? Posted by loonytoons
In Response to Re: SKY REGIONAL LEAGUE - WEEK 3 (07/06/2011) : He's pluckyduck, and he wants to trade, you got anything interesting to trade with him, old baseball caps, stamps, old coins etc? Posted by loonytoons
Er...how about a four-year-old Pioneer AV receiver (with no remote control)?
In Response to Re: SKY REGIONAL LEAGUE - WEEK 3 (07/06/2011) : Er...how about a four-year-old Pioneer AV receiver (with no remote control)? Posted by J-Hartigan
i've got a coat hanger i'll swap with you for that james
I will have to have a good look at the tables, dont know whether it will be worth it this week. Might save the joker.
Hi Mr Hartigan (SIR) , please may i have a trade this week.
I (attempt) play in the EAST.
Thanking you kind SIR
Chubbers AKA Teachers pet... LOL