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The Sunday Roller: Live on 865 with Rich and Tikay ***official show thread***

edited June 2011 in Poker Chat
Good afternoon Sky Pokees!

Hope you enjoyed the show last night with Ian Fraser. The man tells it like it is and has a very funny way of describing hands too! "He's got the baked beans (queens) and he's going to put his chips in the hey diddle diddle (the middle) but your other player has got the conkers (kings).

I'm thinking of getting subtitles arranged for future shows. Top bloke though and top show.

Right, onwards and upwards- tonight I'm back on screen at 9pm for another live poker marathon and this time with the love of my life Tikay. I haven't seen the old one for a couple of weeks now, so not only will he be two weeks older, but he'll be two weeks grumpier too.

The show tonight primarily covers the brand new Sunday Roller- our high-end buy-in where all the big names lock horns. Don't forget though that you can satellite into this £220 buy-in for just £24 (or as Ian Fraser would put it '24 squid or smackeroonies'). That's at 4 this afternoon and there are micro-satellites feeding into that too throughout the day- see the 'Poker Promotions' under 'My Sky Poker' tab at the top of this page for all the timings and details.

We're on at 9, but the Sunday Roller begins at 7! So make sure you're registered in time if you want to be featured on the show tonight.

In the guest seat tonight is the man who famously allowed me to win the SPT Leeds side event by losing to me heads-up, a feat which Tikay has still not forgiven him for- it's TSP member and all round good egg- Alan Gratton aka Gixxerk4.

We need your input of course, so as well as hand requests and poker questions to Tikay and Alan, I'm looking for plenty of comedy banter and amusing anecdotes to fill our four hours with your stuff. This is YOUR show guys, do with it as you will!

The topic tonight to get us started is...

Phobias/things that scare you

Have you got a weird phobia? Or at the very least is there something bizarre that frightens you (clowns, babies, old ladies, pylons etc) Or if you don't have one, do you know of someone else who goes to pieces at the sight of something? The more out there it is the better!

Off the top of my head- I'm slightly scared of the sea at night. And I also know of someone who is petrified of ketchup. I'll repeat that...petrified of ketchup.

Over to you guys- free TSP seats to the best contributors tonight.

Let's get posting and I'll see you at 9!


  • donkeyplopdonkeyplop Member Posts: 3,795
    edited June 2011
    My girfreind seems to be petrified of sex ;)
  • IRISHROVERIRISHROVER Member Posts: 7,606
    edited June 2011

  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited June 2011
    In Response to Re: The Sunday Roller: Live on 865 with Rich and Tikay ***official show thread***:
    My girfreind seems to be petrified of sex ;)
    Posted by donkeyplop
    hi matey... no, i'm sure she isn't

    ps  ;)
  • AcidMan27AcidMan27 Member Posts: 3,752
    edited June 2011
    In Response to Re: The Sunday Roller: Live on 865 with Rich and Tikay ***official show thread***:
    My girfreind seems to be petrified of sex ;)
    Posted by donkeyplop

    My two phobias are pretty standard ones, spiders and heights. I even get vertigo just by looking up at tall buildings.
  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    edited June 2011
    Phobia - sunflowers. Just don't trust them
  • MMegabyteMMegabyte Member Posts: 334
    edited June 2011
    OK, you want a kid I used to be scared of certain words ('ghost' was one, but I wasn't scared of ghosts, just of the word itself!).

    But the seriously strange one was strings of vowels -


    ...that kind of thing. Not anyone saying them, or the sounds, just the look of strings of vowels.

    I genuinely have NO IDEA.
  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited June 2011
    Things that scare me, Orford coming 2nd in the TSP Classic, and tikay 2nd in Fridays Sky Rolller (Just thought the viewers may like to share this news ;)
  • spornybolspornybol Member Posts: 8,212
    edited June 2011
  • murray69murray69 Member Posts: 436
    edited June 2011
    I hate polestyreen (dont no how to spell it) cant stand the stuff
  • TiaDalmaTiaDalma Member Posts: 454
    edited June 2011
    My phobias are nothing out of the ordinary. spiders and thunderstorms. I used to love thunderstorms so much as a kid, I read all about them a few years ago and on finding out that there are very few places to hide when they hit overhead, I now hate them. I have a mate whose phobia is feathers.i've never asked her why cos i'm not sure i'd like to hear the answer! :)  Have a good show guys x  p.s Ian Frazer was great on the show last night
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,056
    edited June 2011

    Richard Orford said.....

    "....tonight I'm back on screen at 9pm for another live poker marathon and this time with the love of my life Tikay....."

  • MMegabyteMMegabyte Member Posts: 334
    edited June 2011
    I can't work out whether you're happy about that or not.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,056
    edited June 2011
    In Response to Re: The Sunday Roller: Live on 865 with Rich and Tikay ***official show thread***:
    I can't work out whether you're happy about that or not.
    Posted by MMegabyte
    Umm, I'm happy about it as in "kill me now, PLEASE".
  • unbpowerunbpower Member Posts: 553
    edited June 2011
    would just like to wish everyone gl in this especially whoareya who won entry through the tsp lite for £1,10!! my phobia is that he wins it and i have to hear his boast all week at work !!
  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited June 2011
    In Response to Re: The Sunday Roller: Live on 865 with Rich and Tikay ***official show thread***:
    OK, you want a kid I used to be scared of certain words ('ghost' was one, but I wasn't scared of ghosts, just of the word itself!). But the seriously strange one was strings of vowels - AAAAAAAAAAAA EEEEEEEEEEEEE OOOOOOOOOOO ...that kind of thing. Not anyone saying them, or the sounds, just the look of strings of vowels. I genuinely have NO IDEA .
    Posted by MMegabyte
    Loving this, Jenny. And thanks to all the contributors so far. You can't win a TSP seat though Jenny, I'm afraid.....because you've already won one! Don't know if you caught the end of the show last night but I gave you the prize as a get well soon gift.

    Please let us know when you'd like to play the tourney and we'll get it sorted for you.
  • MMegabyteMMegabyte Member Posts: 334
    edited June 2011
    Awww, thank you so much!! I had to go to bed at about 10:45 last night as the room was spinning so no, I didn't see anything after that. (I'll get really excited when it doesn't hurt quite as much to be excited LOL.)

    I'm definitely not fit to play anything 'properly' at the moment (I keep hitting the wrong button for a start) so I'll get back to you on when I might be able to take part - let me know if there's a time limit or anything.
  • SolarCarroSolarCarro Member Posts: 2,273
    edited June 2011
    My phobia is moths, just hate them, I am ok with Butterflies, just no moths please

    Yorkie dislikes bats, the bat house at Chester zoo is not her favourite pastime.

    Wish me luck as I am trying to learn 2-7 lowball, watch out Juanda

  • whoareyawhoareya Member Posts: 43
    edited June 2011
    In Response to Re: The Sunday Roller: Live on 865 with Rich and Tikay ***official show thread***:
    would just like to wish everyone gl in this especially whoareya who won entry through the tsp lite for £1,10!! my phobia is that he wins it and i have to hear his boast all week at work !!
    Posted by unbpower
    if i win buy some ear plugs!!!!!
  • shipdchipsshipdchips Member Posts: 199
    edited June 2011
    Mine would have to be Tommy cooper

    Ty for the TSP for Thursday I will be wearing my fez especially for Ian hay diddle diddle Fraser and your good self.

    looking forward to another show with Richard & Judy(Tikay)

  • TRIP5TRIP5 Member Posts: 3,618
    edited June 2011
    In Response to Re: The Sunday Roller: Live on 865 with Rich and Tikay ***official show thread***:
    My phobia is moths,just hate them, I am ok with Butterflies, just no moths please Yorkie dislikes bats, the bat house at Chester zoo is not her favourite pastime. Wish me luck as I am trying to learn 2-7 lowball, watch out Juanda Dave
    Posted by SolarCarro
    Same!!!!! In summer the house goes on shut windows or doors are allowed to be left all!!!! In the event that an unlucky thing (I actually can't type the word without getting a flippy tummy..) gets into the house, I hide, while my better half has to try to get it in a glass so it can be returned to the outside world..I won't lie, we do inadvertently kill one or two but mostly they get out alive!!

    Origins of phobia?? Proibably something to do with being told they eat through clothes as a child....Irrational fear? Definatly!!!! But I wouldn't suggest you put me in the same room as one..if you value your ear drums that is!!!


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