heights falling from anything (too scared to go up ladders, and always hold on when going down more than a couple of stairs. earwigs (I grew believing they get in your ear and eat your brain - thanks Dad) the volume on the TV must always be an even number tins of food in the kitchen cupboards must always face forward, or it freaks me out - don't know why cannot sleep with the bedroom door open, or a window and, I hate to admit it, but I am still scared of the dark.
Everytime I play on line my phobia is disconnection from the internet when i am in a big hand. hey tk do you know what my number stands for????? Posted by 46229
its one of the city class - but im not sure which - maybe leicester?
I also have phobias of: heights falling from anything (too scared to go up ladders, and always hold on when going down more than a couple of stairs. earwigs (I grew believing they get in your ear and eat your brain - thanks Dad) the volume on the TV must always be an even number tins of food in the kitchen cupboards must always face forward, or it freaks me out - don't know why cannot sleep with the bedroom door open, or a window and, I hate to admit it, but I am still scared of the dark. Posted by Sky_Mandy
me too, and this really annoys my wife!!!!
Hate the glass floor at the top of blackpool tower, won't go on fairground rides, but love flying.
Hate, mice, rats and anything that moves that fast......
And we'll be playing 'What's in Tikay's Box' tonight.
So if you'd like the chance to win a seat into Friday night's £32 Survivor tournament for answering 5 questions on films and tv, music or poker, then email us right now skyopen@bskyb.com with your phone number and we'll get you on the show.
Hope you have a good show guys. My phobia is moths, they always seem to fly straight at me!! I don't mind great big hairy spiders but am scared to death of a wee moth who cant do anything to you - whats that all about!!
Five minutes to air. And we'll be playing 'What's in Tikay's Box' tonight. So if you'd like the chance to win a seat into Friday night's £32 Survivor tournament for answering 5 questions on films and tv, music or poker, then email us right now skyopen@bskyb.com with your phone number and we'll get you on the show. Posted by RICHORFORD
the phobia I have is fire, I don't know why I just have lol.
By the way the forum DTD is going strong again tomorrow night with 45 runners already in.
the Chuckle Bros as we have been christened (DTWBANDIT and I) would like to extend the offer to everyone on sky poker to come along and enjoy the Monday Night Funfest, and if you're new to the community there's no better way to get involved with it all
My wife’s sister has a phobia of ketchup, when I first got with my wife I was a none believer of it. Until one day I took some near her when having a chippy and she completely lost it. And as much as i felt horrible doing it. I did still laugh to my self.
Hi all, Sarah my girlfriend is so scared by clowns and puppets, I wind her up so much with films and pics, she is so weired. Is this normal for women or do men suffer as well?
My biggest phobia is my wife walking in when im playing poker and asking if im winning because no matter how good im running at the time it always goes horribly downhill as soon as she asks
One example would be last week when i was playing on cash and she asked me how i was doing just as i floped a full house of 10s over 6s when sitting with pocket 10s only to find out on the river the other guy had pocket 6s
hi to alan aswell btw. i think ive played him on cash a few times.
my best to alan from the other half of the the scottish duo of team sky poker we played in a casino in edinburgh a few weeks ago and he did tell me that he sometimes goes a whole hour without thinking of losing heads up v richard. I missed leeds as i went to vegas looking forward to cardiff and coming down to the show on the 2nd july who is on the show that night guys. My biggest phobia has to be losing heads up to richard lol Alan aka bendog40
I suggest you get a camera in the gantry so we can see what the probem is (bet Mandy does not let this through, cos Rich would tell one of the camera crew:))
Rich you were technically correct in that gone with the wind would the the highest grossing film of all time if the figures had been adjusted for inflation
I also have phobias of:
falling from anything (too scared to go up ladders, and always hold on when going down more than a couple of stairs.
earwigs (I grew believing they get in your ear and eat your brain - thanks Dad)
the volume on the TV must always be an even number
tins of food in the kitchen cupboards must always face forward, or it freaks me out - don't know why
cannot sleep with the bedroom door open, or a window
and, I hate to admit it, but I am still scared of the dark.
Hi Rich & Tikay have a Great Show tonight
My Phobia is Heights tho i once did a Parachute Jump for Charity apparenlty i Volunteered for it when i was Drunk
And we'll be playing 'What's in Tikay's Box' tonight.
So if you'd like the chance to win a seat into Friday night's £32 Survivor tournament for answering 5 questions on films and tv, music or poker, then email us right now skyopen@bskyb.com with your phone number and we'll get you on the show.
My wife’s sister has a phobia of ketchup, when I first got with my wife I was a none believer of it. Until one day I took some near her when having a chippy and she completely lost it. And as much as i felt horrible doing it. I did still laugh to my self.
My biggest phobia is my wife walking in when im playing poker and asking if im winning because no matter how good im running at the time it always goes horribly downhill as soon as she asks
One example would be last week when i was playing on cash and she asked me how i was doing just as i floped a full house of 10s over 6s when sitting with pocket 10s only to find out on the river the other guy had pocket 6s
hi to alan aswell btw. i think ive played him on cash a few times.
Cheers. Rentisdue.
I missed leeds as i went to vegas looking forward to cardiff and coming down to the show on the 2nd july who is on the show that night guys.
My biggest phobia has to be losing heads up to richard lol Alan aka bendog40
First: 22/11/2010
Last: 12/6/2011