In Response to Re: The TSP Lite League - Week 3 - still time to join in to be in the chance of winning some prizes! : Hi Nige I'll post the top 100 shortly if that's ok but it is early days and everything could change TEAM KNIGHT PLOP WE STAND AS ONE Posted by scouse_red
In Response to Re: The TSP Lite League - Week 3 - still time to join in to be in the chance of winning some prizes! : Will you PLEASE sit down, the people at the back can't see:)) Posted by Kiwini4u
In Response to Re: The TSP Lite League - Week 3 - still time to join in to be in the chance of winning some prizes! : Slight overreaction? Posted by achill
Nah wasnt here the first week, wont be here in 2 weeks,m and a 100+ finish today, makes it pretty much impossible id say.
1 HAPPYNIGE4 ///// 2
2 TheDart ///// 3
3 rossjb14 ///// 4
4 tennispair ///// 5
5 MAXALLY ///// 6
6 cowboycurt 7 /////
7 jackda ///// 8
8 lawro19810 1 7
8 stgeorge69 9 /////
9 SoLack ///// 9
9 phil12uk ///// 10
10 Laxie ///// 11
11 jimbobadi 11 /////
11 lordbobby 12 /////
12 shazallin ///// 12
12 penfold99 13 /////
13 Bidon 15 /////
15 jjjach 2 13
15 Knowles 16 /////
16 pilgrim07 ///// 16
16 JONONZIE ///// 18
18 chris1953 ///// 19
19 Rolands83 20 /////
20 -Dino66- ///// 20
20 daveshep ///// 21
21 FireAce 22 /////
22 w4rlock ///// 22
22 Weemallet 23 /////
23 hhyftrftdr ///// 23
23 mtbkid 26 /////
26 harding10 ///// 26
26 stevew616 27 /////
27 Kiwini4u ///// 27
27 hawk7112 28 /////
28 HarryC687 29 /////
29 gooner6810 31 /////
31 silentbob ///// 31
31 ajs4385 ///// 32
32 ghosthunt 34 /////
34 Babymoose 35 /////
35 BRW2010 36 /////
36 Rosco15 37 /////
37 mkgunner ///// 37
37 TELLO-210 38 /////
38 stakes77 39 /////
39 audiman ///// 39
39 henry1962 ///// 41
41 bigandy18 43 /////
43 hearsum 44 /////
44 firma ///// 44
44 Rainy1 ///// 45
45 BUDDY345 46 /////
46 grimreemin 48 /////
48 imber ///// 49
49 M1chael 50 /////
50 jackpot88 ///// 51
51 zute ///// 52
52 gregg1988 52 /////
52 Omega04 53 /////
53 pluckyduck ///// 54
<p clas
ill keep an eye on the player list tho in case that changes
gl all tonight.. is the roller seat an added bonus again??
Team HitSquad, We Stand on Two Feet
lol X
Flush into flopped quad 22's then 55 into bink for me...
Same time next week for more donations ;o))
Wanted to raise pre and it wouldn't let me, everybody had been suffereing lag problems for about 15 mins too.
Not that it would have changed the outcome anyway.