Only made a difference to one big hand, but table lag between 8.00 and the break was the worst I've seen for a long time. Timed out lots without even seeing the boxes to check, bet, fold.
another great night well played ryan on taking it down and to all that cashed.
i'll post the table in the morning once all the figures have been put in
but here's the cashes from tonight
scotty773140001£67.50 + 20 League PointsGREGHOGG02£39.25 + 16 League PointsMADMOO03£27.50 + 14 League Pointsachill04£22.50 + 12 League Pointshawk711205£18.25 + 10 League Pointswhoareya06£15 + 8 League PointsQuietman07£12.50daggers74708£10 + 4 League Pointsscott_ox09£7.50 + 3 League Pointsmarcus191010£5 + 2 League Pointscorbett04011£2.50 + 1 League PointsOzzie08012£2.50 + 1 League PointsDollie013£2.50 + 1 League PointsSTOCKY8A1014£2.50 + 1 League Pointsbuck123015£2.50 + 1 League Pointssidsquid016£2.50 + 1 League Pointsceltbhoy24017£2.50 + 1 League Pointsmcg899018£2.50 + 1 League Pointsextraman019£2.50 + 1 League PointsSoLack020£2.50 + 1 League Points
It pains me to say this... but i couldnt lose HU to a nicer guy! Wp Ryan, make sure you bink in vegas, i know you can! thanks to all the railers TKP- WE STAND AS ONE!!! Posted by GREGHOGG
Well done Greg and Very well done Scotty as Greg has said good luck in Vegas and well done to all that cashed.
It pains me to say this... but i couldnt lose HU to a nicer guy! Wp Ryan, make sure you bink in vegas, i know you can! thanks to all the railers TKP- WE STAND AS ONE!!! Posted by GREGHOGG
In Response to Re: The TSP Lite League - Week 3 - still time to join in to be in the chance of winning some prizes! : Well played to you too Lisa on another good run Posted by scouse_red
Only made a difference to one big hand, but table lag between 8.00 and the break was the worst I've seen for a long time. Timed out lots without even seeing the boxes to check, bet, fold.
is there a prize for consistency because i've finished around 55th all three weeks???? lol
TID Hoggers
TKP We stand as one
well done to whoareya for making another deep run!
but i couldnt lose HU to a nicer guy!
Wp Ryan, make sure you bink in vegas, i know you can!
thanks to all the railers