In Response to Re: Cash for Points - How are you doing - Whats your target : I bet you've had more tins than points this month. I'm on 1864. Was hoping to hit 5k this month too. I'll settle for 3k now. Posted by splashies
Nah, that's the problem, only got drunk like 4 days this month, if that....
And if I dnt drink, I dnt play poker! - Must get leathered more often!
In Response to Re: Cash for Points - How are you doing - Whats your target : Good luck, how many hours of poker will that take. For me its 600 sngs or about 40 hours ! Posted by ACEGOONER
I expect to be putting in around 7 to 8 hours per day. Depends on what the cash tables are like really. I won't play a load of tables if there isn't any value, and if they are reg filled then no point in playing.
On 11.2k and that's with the first week off due to a holiday. Can tell it's been a bad month with the amount I've grinded lol. Target is 16k. Not sure if I'll make it...
Anyone know how I can play more than 6 tables without them freezing up? Would I need two monitors?. I play on a Dell inspiron 1525 via the download. Any advice much appreciated. Posted by JingleMa
Probably more to do with your laptop tbh. Dunno how old it is but my old laptop got slow with about 4 tables, then the newer laptop can do about 10ish fine but the desktop can easily cope 16...probably could cope more if I was fast enough.
Update on the C4P. Am upto 18.2k with 2 days to go so on track!
Good luck all
I'm still aiming for 2000.
I'm on 1864. Was hoping to hit 5k this month too. I'll settle for 3k now.
If anyone can find a good home for my misses I may be able to play more!!!! fml!
Dohhhhhhh 1k is toomuch
250-499 points = Free entry to a £1000 GTD Tournament
Had dreams of 8k earlier in the month before I hit a downswing - will prob just settle for 4k now and start fresh again nxt month.
On 11.2k and that's with the first week off due to a holiday. Can tell it's been a bad month with the amount I've grinded lol. Target is 16k. Not sure if I'll make it...
Anyone know how I can play more than 6 tables without them freezing up? Would I need two monitors?.
I play on a Dell inspiron 1525 via the download.
Any advice much appreciated.
Update on the C4P. Am upto 18.2k with 2 days to go so on track!