In Response to Re: Cash for Points - How are you doing - Whats your target : Probably more to do with your laptop tbh. Dunno how old it is but my old laptop got slow with about 4 tables, then the newer laptop can do about 10ish fine but the desktop can easily cope 16...probably could cope more if I was fast enough. Update on the C4P. Am upto 18.2k with 2 days to go so on track! Posted by scotty77
Im 15.5 k now, if I can get to 16k today ill push on for 20k. Scotty how come 2 days to hit 20k?
if i reach 10000 points for the 1st time this month will i get the 25 % bonus this month or does it go on my points i earn in july Posted by CHILLIE
25% bonus is paid the following month and you must maintain at least 10k each month to qualify. This month if you acheive 10k its £275. The bonuses increments are much steeper between 10-20k. 20 k is £750 plus 25% if VIP.
In Response to Re: Cash for Points - How are you doing - Whats your target : Im 15.5 k now, if I can get to 16k today ill push on for 20k. Scotty how come 2 days to hit 20k? Posted by ACEGOONER
In Response to Re: Cash for Points - How are you doing - Whats your target : Probably more to do with your laptop tbh. Dunno how old it is but my old laptop got slow with about 4 tables, then the newer laptop can do about 10ish fine but the desktop can easily cope 16...probably could cope more if I was fast enough. Update on the C4P. Am upto 18.2k with 2 days to go so on track! Posted by scotty77
Thanks4the reply, my lappy's nearly 4yrs old so not ancient but will look in2 that - best of luck in Vegas!
In Response to Re: Cash for Points - How are you doing - Whats your target : Thanks4the reply, my lappy's nearly 4yrs old so not ancient but will look in2 that - best of luck in Vegas! Posted by JingleMa
4 years in computers is an eternity!
desktops are better for grinding tho so if its feaseable then get one of thsoe rather than a lappy.
on 18.5k and only got today to grind it in! gonna be close!
In Response to Re: Cash for Points - How are you doing - Whats your target : 4 years in computers is an eternity! desktops are better for grinding tho so if its feaseable then get one of thsoe rather than a lappy. on 18.5k and only got today to grind it in! gonna be close! Posted by scotty77
Had a poor last 2 mths wasent really enjoying the game and only made 2k of points lol
Starting to play a bit more this mth and will reach 4k, not my normal amount but its slowly going upwards
Jinglma i used to have a lappy with 500 gb of RAM (memory) and could only play 3 tbs. Its all about RAM so make sure you get a lappy with lots of it if you stick with a laptop.
Gl on yr grind 2 day scotty and best of luck in vegas, hope you cash big
Big spender here;
I'm, on 410, aiming for 500
Don't like multi tabling so its about my limit.
desktops are better for grinding tho so if its feaseable then get one of thsoe rather than a lappy.
on 18.5k and only got today to grind it in! gonna be close!
Starting to play a bit more this mth and will reach 4k, not my normal amount but its slowly going upwards
Jinglma i used to have a lappy with 500 gb of RAM (memory) and could only play 3 tbs. Its all about RAM so make sure you get a lappy with lots of it if you stick with a laptop.
Gl on yr grind 2 day scotty and best of luck in vegas, hope you cash big
Thanks4that guys, gud luk in ur grinds!