cant believe some people im sat at a table with 2 sitters for the whole game get down to me and one other player with the other sitter to the right of me gets all the way down to just about 100 chips left and other player in just keeps raising ever hand to steal i get a q high flush all they had to do was check it but no they put me all in when i have my flush and they hit k high flush on the river with k3 off beating my Q high flush i hit on turn. seriously it does my head in. its just down right bad sportsmanship.
Why register for a torny if your not gonna play it disrupts the flow of the game and couldnt do anything.
anyone else have this happen?
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t'was a freeroll, I take it?
God knows why anyone would do it in an MTT they're paying for, I've only seen people do it for any length of time in freerolls.
Fair play if you're just after a good "proper" game though, I can see how it'd be annoying if you're in it for a proper poker match. Got to be a good thing money-wise though!
never heard of a sitter before lol
Personally I don't worry too much about who else cashes as long as I do.