I think Staford gets the point now, if it annoys anyone that much, hit the ignore button on his name - his posts will vanish, now lets get this thread back on track..
While we're at it, any picture requests? That place is MAHOOOOOOSIVE, but will do my best to get as many of the pros while I am out there. That and the occasional pic of our own lolpro, Tikay, of course. :P
Looking forward to it Dylan. While we're at it, any picture requests? That place is MAHOOOOOOSIVE, but will do my best to get as many of the pros while I am out there. That and the occasional pic of our own lolpro, Tikay, of course. :P Posted by Sky_Dave
NAME THEIR STACKS! They begin with 30,000 chips, & Blinds @ 50-100 (oooooh, I am soooooo jealous) with two hour - TWO HOUR! - levels. Today, they will play FIVE x 2 hour levels. So, how many chips will Johnny end up with @ close of play today? How many chips will Roy end up with @ close of play today? Posted by Tikay10
How about we chuck a couple of prizes in on this one Tikay? Two Take on Tikay tickets up for grabs to Friday night's £5.50 Rebuy for the best guesses for the individual scores.
NAME THEIR STACKS! They begin with 30,000 chips, & Blinds @ 50-100 (oooooh, I am soooooo jealous) with two hour - TWO HOUR! - levels. Today, they will play FIVE x 2 hour levels. So, how many chips will Johnny end up with @ close of play today? How many chips will Roy end up with @ close of play today? Posted by Tikay10
In Response to Re: ** Official WSOP Thread - Day 1a: Terrell08 and w4rlock!! ** : How about we chuck a couple of prizes in on this one Tikay? Two Take on Tikay tickets up for grabs to Friday night's £5.50 Rebuy for the best guesses for the individual scores. Gogogogogogogogogo. My guesses: Roy - 57.500 Jonny - 66.250 Posted by Sky_Dave
To all those playing best of luck and may you all run deep and most of all enjoy it
Come on you sky!
This is going to be E.P.I.C.
The atmo is the Rio Corridor is BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZING!
We have just interviewed Johnny Terrell & Roy Wild to Camera, & the Videos will be uploaded as soon as we can, err, downupload them, or whatever.
Will let you know when they are up, or down, via this thread, & my Twitter feedy jobbie, which is @Tony_Kendall.
Both the guys are in good heart, Thewy has had a chat with them, & I've told them to ignore Thewy & just fold, fold, quick quick fold.
We just want these guys to have the greatest poker day of their life, win or lose, & your support - even Dylan's - means an incredible amount, tyvm.
Lets do this thung & lets hear some NOISE from yous.
While we're at it, any picture requests? That place is MAHOOOOOOSIVE, but will do my best to get as many of the pros while I am out there. That and the occasional pic of our own lolpro, Tikay, of course. :P
They begin with 30,000 chips, & Blinds @ 50-100 (oooooh, I am soooooo jealous) with two hour - TWO HOUR! - levels.
Today, they will play FIVE x 2 hour levels.
So, how many chips will Johnny end up with @ close of play today?
How many chips will Roy end up with @ close of play today?
They gave him a couple of weeks off before. What did he do with it? Blogged and worked like a champion.
Sir Tony Kendall. It's got to happen one day, surely?
My guesses:
Roy - 57.500
Jonny - 66.250
Ooooooh, jealous much?
The "Entrants" is the current total for ALL FOUR DAYS, not todays total.
3,225 entrants so far.
Who's gonna guess the final total after Day 1d?
Me? I'm Mr Optimistic, so I'll set the silly line @ 7,000.
Johnny - 42.950
Roy - 42.950
Will there be any feeds to the tables?
Just asking so I can go out and get extra Red Bull......!!