Suprised to see how young Jared Tendler is - i,ve had advice off him before on another thread while he was working on his book and from some of his posts you would think he was a lot older - i thought he was some ex-Uni proffessor or similar
Still not heard anyhting about Redmond yet - I presume he hasn,t sattelited in while out there so does that mean he,s gonna buy in direct?
985 players announced for Day 1b. Looks like we'll be lucky to break 5500 entrants at this rate. I was never in the school of thought that numbers would be up, but for it to be that low? I am a little surprised, tbh.
I am now making it my personal mission to take photos of anyone who has hand sanitiser at the tables today. I reckon I'll get about 2 pics. This one is for Lewis, who I know has a bit of a man-crush on Tikay... :P Posted by Sky_Dave
This just in from Tikay... Reds didn't satellite in as far as we know, but that's not going to stop him - he's buying in and playing on Sunday. Posted by Sky_Dave
Sick couple of last hands for Ryan. He wasn't going to sit there and give me bet amounts, etc - who can blame him - but it was two that did him in right before the break.
First was running TT into JJ vs a shortish stack. Down to 16k after that one. The real knee to the poker knackers was a hand where he managed to get a guy all in pre with AK vs the KQ of his villain. First card out is a Queen.
It's the dinner break here then. We've got Coxy left, with scotty77 and LOL_RAISE both on the rail. We'll be back in 60 minutes or so to make sure Coxy gets all of the rungood the other two should have had...
Slightly cheerier news for the Sky Poker Community - Redmond Lee has managed to satellite in to the Main Event! He'll be in the Pavillion Black, Table 17 seat 5 on Sunday (Day 1d).
When I lost with AA v AK I had around 14k behind. Then in the level I donked off 9k leaving me with a bowl.
So after the break I get back with 5.4k with blinds @ 150/300. 3bet shove all in like 3 times in an orbit. Then managed to find KK and find another 3bet shove to an UTG open. He called with AJ. I flopped a set so ez game.
Then a few hands later I have around 14k or so. MP opens to 700 and the guy to his left makes it 2k. I'm in the SB and look down at AKss. Was kinda a tricky spot here as I can't really cold 4bet as when faced with a jam I really really hate my life and will want to fold. I can't just open fold cos I'm not that good. So I just put all of my plastic betting discs in the middle. Get snapped called by QQ. I flop an A, once again ez game.
So upto around 28k within 20 mins or so of being down to 5k and loving life. Barely play a hand the rest of the level until the last 10 mins.
Guy min raise opens from HJ and I have TT in the BB. I 3bet to 2.6 and he insta shoves for around 11k total. Not liking life here but I make the call. He has JJ and don't improve. Oh well still had 16k and dinner break was only 5 mins away.
So then a nitty UTG pens and UTG1 calls. I have AKhh and 3bet to 2.7. Shortstack in the SB shoves his 6k bowl.
UTG tanks and tanks and eventually folds. UTG1 who is fishy, in about 50pc of pots etc then umms and arrrs and then says ok I'll gamble and shoves. If the UTG had shoved then I'd have found the fold but I couldn't to this guy. Worst he has here is something like 99. There is 12k of dead money in the pot and I ahve 13k behind, so could ahve come back to 40bb. But if I call and win I come back to just under 40k or 130bb.
Anyway I call and he has KQo and first card out is a Q. GG me.
Kinda disappointed. Was very very frustrated and annoyed during the level 2 break. Not so much after level 3. I got it in ahead.
Well done Ryan.
Just watched the vids - good work
Suprised to see how young Jared Tendler is - i,ve had advice off him before on another thread while he was working on his book and from some of his posts you would think he was a lot older - i thought he was some ex-Uni proffessor or similar
Still not heard anyhting about Redmond yet - I presume he hasn,t sattelited in while out there so does that mean he,s gonna buy in direct?
Reds didn't satellite in as far as we know, but that's not going to stop him - he's buying in and playing on Sunday.
P.S Dylan you scared the life out of me lol.....
Cheers dave _ look forward to that
mp opens we flat KJhh ~12k BTN calls also JdTc4hr pfr checks we bet 1800 btn calls pfr calls.
8c turn we jam 8.6k, btn tank calls, mp calls kinda quickly.
river As they check it down. MP has AKcc
Just been reading some of the updates from WSOP and am amazed at some of the ahnds ppl are going out on.
Considering this is such a long deepstack event some ppl seem to be playing it like a turbo
I think Tikay should play this nxt year - I reckon with a bit of luck he could have a good run and I know he wants to
GL to Coxy and Scotty _ Someone has to make day 2
Ryan 'scotty77' Spittles is out of the WSOP Main Event
First was running TT into JJ vs a shortish stack. Down to 16k after that one. The real knee to the poker knackers was a hand where he managed to get a guy all in pre with AK vs the KQ of his villain. First card out is a Queen.
Just had an e-Mail from Lord Lolufold.
He binked a satellite to the Main Event at the 2nd attempt (total spend $1,500) & plays Day 1d. He will be in PAVILION, BLACK, Table 17, Seat 5.
We will, of course, follow his progress.
Do a win please Reds.
Kinda tilted.
When I lost with AA v AK I had around 14k behind. Then in the level I donked off 9k leaving me with a bowl.
So after the break I get back with 5.4k with blinds @ 150/300. 3bet shove all in like 3 times in an orbit. Then managed to find KK and find another 3bet shove to an UTG open. He called with AJ. I flopped a set so ez game.
Then a few hands later I have around 14k or so. MP opens to 700 and the guy to his left makes it 2k. I'm in the SB and look down at AKss. Was kinda a tricky spot here as I can't really cold 4bet as when faced with a jam I really really hate my life and will want to fold. I can't just open fold cos I'm not that good. So I just put all of my plastic betting discs in the middle. Get snapped called by QQ. I flop an A, once again ez game.
So upto around 28k within 20 mins or so of being down to 5k and loving life. Barely play a hand the rest of the level until the last 10 mins.
Guy min raise opens from HJ and I have TT in the BB. I 3bet to 2.6 and he insta shoves for around 11k total. Not liking life here but I make the call. He has JJ and don't improve. Oh well still had 16k and dinner break was only 5 mins away.
So then a nitty UTG pens and UTG1 calls. I have AKhh and 3bet to 2.7. Shortstack in the SB shoves his 6k bowl.
UTG tanks and tanks and eventually folds. UTG1 who is fishy, in about 50pc of pots etc then umms and arrrs and then says ok I'll gamble and shoves. If the UTG had shoved then I'd have found the fold but I couldn't to this guy. Worst he has here is something like 99. There is 12k of dead money in the pot and I ahve 13k behind, so could ahve come back to 40bb. But if I call and win I come back to just under 40k or 130bb.
Anyway I call and he has KQo and first card out is a Q. GG me.
Kinda disappointed. Was very very frustrated and annoyed during the level 2 break. Not so much after level 3. I got it in ahead.
It is a minefield out there.
or go on