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TSP Lite League - Feedback thread

scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
edited July 2011 in Poker Chat
Hi everyone,

Last night was the last week of the TSP Lite League and thought it would be a good opportunity to gauge everyones thoughts on the tournie/league as a whole, so that if Sky do decide to run something similar again then they will have some ideas to go with.

So please post your thoughts here such as...

Time...was 7.30 too early?  Would 8/9 be better?
Day...we chose Wednesday as it is a fairly quiet day on the this ok?  Would Tuesday be a good day too?
Buy in...was £1.10 right or too small?  Should we mirror the DTD which is 2.20/3.30 I think?  Maybe a 5.50 league?
Length of league/format...8 weeks too long? Was the format ok to understand?  Everyone happy with the average of your top 5 scores?
Prizes...well hopefully no one has any feedback about them as they were pretty awesome!

And anything else that comes to mind.

Also well done to the top 5 in the league who are:

whoareya                 £220 Sunday Roller Seat
DTWBANDIT             £110 Sky Roller Seat
jjjach                       £55 Primo Seat
lawro19810               £33 Bounty Hunter Seat
rawhand                   £22 Main Event Seat

Wish you all the best in your events and hope that you can turn these free entries into some decent cashes!  Would be epic if someone could take one of these down for a total outlay of £8.80 MAX!

Finally just wanna say thanks for supporting the league, it was a lot of fun hosting my own tournies on Sky and it is something that I hope to do again in the future...and would also recommend it to all fellow members of Team Sky Poker, both old and new.  And a big shout out to Scouse_Red who put in a lot of work into the scoring system of the league and also railing duties too....oh and to Sky for organising the league and prizes in the first place which made for a great event!



  • debdobs_67debdobs_67 Member Posts: 3,615
    edited July 2011
    I was only able to play a couple of these i think but really enjoyed it as i do the DTD league , perhaps if there was any fault at all then maybe the buy-in could be £2.20 but thats only imo and if its run again i will make sure i play them all even if the buy-in remains the same xxx
  • lea116311lea116311 Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2011
    Thanks Scotty for a brilliant comp. For me I would say if this runs again keep it exactly the same, why change a winning format
  • yidette9yidette9 Member Posts: 703
    edited July 2011
    This league was an excellent idea Ryan and so very well run by yourself and Chris ... thank you both :))

    I really don't think that 8 weeks was too long for the league to run over ... for me, it could have gone on longer. Maybe a quarterly league leaving the buy-in as it is (10% of its big brother tsp classic) using an average of say top 10 scores from 12 weeks to allow for players who aren't able to play some weeks.

    Really really hope that you will be able to run this again in whichever format is agreed.

    Look forward to hearing more ....
  • achillachill Member Posts: 1,056
    edited July 2011
    Very enjoyable competition but i doubt sky will run it again in its current format.

    despite five great prizes worth £440 and £250 x 8 guaranteed tournaments the numbers have been poor, haven't been close to making the gtd in the six i played and with only 87 runners last night i don't think sky will look at this as a success or something worth repeating.

    now in the hope they do rerun it.

    how well was it advertised as i'm on the forum daily and i didn't notice this until the 3rd week. (which is obviously the reason i didn't win it :-))

    day, time, and 5 of 8 format were fine with me but would increase entry to £2 or £3 because as so many people seem to have enjoyed playing this i don't think they would mind paying a little extra and this would cover sky's gtd and might encourage them to leave the prizes as they are.

    big thanks to scotty and souse red for running it so well.

  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited July 2011
    Hi Ryan

    An absolutely excellent idea, managed a few week, but BR would not go up, so had to stop :(, hope sky do run it again though.
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited July 2011
    how well was it advertised as i'm on the forum daily and i didn't notice this until the 3rd week. (which is obviously the reason i didn't win it :-))

    the threads were put up either the day before or the day of the tournie.  during its first few weeks there were twitter/facebook posts made.  althought there could have been more done, yes.

    i will admit that when i was in Vegas i wasn't able to put in as much attention to it.

    think that the lack of runners last night was because a lot of people were out of the running for the league prizes and thus it didn't appeal to quite as many.  the first 4 weeks all got between 150 and 210 runners.

    thanks for the input.  i have every faith that Sky will run more TSP related leagues/tournies and therefore it is important that you all put your views forward.
  • harding10harding10 Member Posts: 849
    edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: TSP Lite League - Feedback thread:
    Thanks Scotty for a brilliant comp. For me I would say if this runs again keep it exactly the same, why change a winning format
    Posted by lea116311

    Love to see it run again. Keeping it to £1.10 gives more lower stakes players a chance to play against some of the better known players on the site.
  • SolarCarroSolarCarro Member Posts: 2,273
    edited July 2011
    I wasn't able to play in most of them but supported it when i could and thought it was an excellent idea.

    Really good to see a Team Sky Poker member get this off the ground and up the profile of the TSP team, as always well supported by Sky with fantastic prizes.

    Credit to Scouse, the man with magic spreadsheet! (How do you concatenate 2 integers within a triple cell merge?)

  • FlyingDaggFlyingDagg Member Posts: 4,146
    edited July 2011
    It was a great idea and would like to see it run again but maybe for a bit longer. I think better publicity would have helped as it was a few weeks in before I realised I could play in it. When I first saw the thread title I thought it was specifically about Team Sky Poker so missed it.
  • silentbobsilentbob Member Posts: 2,137
    edited July 2011
    I loved the tourney & the competition. Gutted I couldn't play last night :(

    I loved the buy in amount although raising it to £2.20 wouldn't be the worst idea. Unfortunately I can't see the guarantee staying as it is which is a shame as it's the perfect tourney for small BR players like myself.
  • DollieDollie Member Posts: 706
    edited July 2011
    Always enjoy this sort of comp.  If prize levels are to remain at this level, then it is inevitable that entry fee will increase, but I would think that interest level would still be there at £3.30.
  • Kiwini4uKiwini4u Member Posts: 3,830
    edited July 2011
    I really enjoyed playing in this competition and I certainly hope that you are able to run something similar in the near future.  From a personal point of view I prefer the 7.30 start time but would certainly be happy to enter it if the entry fee was to go up a little say to £2 or £3.

    Something that does need to be looked at IMO is a way to keep interest in the competition going in the latter stages of the event as I certainly noticed a drop off in players in the latter stages of the league even though there was a huge overlay in the prize pool.  Possibly the introduction of a weekly prize, of entry into the main TSP game, as well as the overall prize would work.
  • POKERTREVPOKERTREV Member Posts: 9,607
    edited July 2011
    I really enjoyed it and think it could be made more successful with a bit of effort.

    1. The thread needs to be up a little sooner & "bumped" regularly.
    2. Put the tourny in highlighted area
    3. Change Name - TSP "OPEN" Lite League (Less Confusion)
    4. Entry Fee - £2.20 with added free mini open entry or TSP Classic each week if it reaches its guarantee. This may encourage people to still have a go in the later stages even if they can't win the league.
    5. Encourage more TSP Players to enter. (We all like playin the big guns)

    These are my suggestions and are open to change, tweeks and opinions. 
  • wynne1938wynne1938 Member Posts: 20,572
    edited July 2011
    I enjoyed it. started late , played 4 weeks,thought I had a good average, not listed, dissappointed!
  • scouse_redscouse_red Member Posts: 5,968
    edited July 2011
    excellent structure all round Ryan and a pleasure to play in

    I would like to echo one of Trevs points in that it would have been nice to see more TSPers participating
  • POKERTREVPOKERTREV Member Posts: 9,607
    edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: TSP Lite League - Feedback thread:
    I enjoyed it. started late , played 4 weeks,thought I had a good average, not listed, dissappointed!
    Posted by wynne1938
    Thats probably because you need to play at least 5 out of 8 weeks to qualify.

    With your average, if it runs again you may even take it down :)  
  • scouse_redscouse_red Member Posts: 5,968
    edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: TSP Lite League - Feedback thread:
    I enjoyed it. started late , played 4 weeks,thought I had a good average, not listed, dissappointed!
    Posted by wynne1938
    Hi Wynne the table was worked on a 5/8 avg so if you never played 5 it wouldn't have generated an avg m8
  • DTWBANDITDTWBANDIT Member Posts: 6,451
    edited July 2011

       Well Done to Ryan for coming up with the Idea was a Great Comp & to Chris for the Updates

      I really enjoyed the buy-in & Structure also i like the idea by Pokertrev points 1. & 4. I really hope that you get to run another one

      btw Ryan have sent you a pm re: my sky roller prize (£110) could i play it on thursday 28th July (next week)

      Cheers m8  
  • kaymackaymac Member Posts: 1,437
    edited July 2011

    I played 7 of the 8 weeks, missed one due to work. Really enjoyed the games especially the first few weeks as people took it a lot more seriously. Was blitzed last nite by 89 beating my AKs, Ryan was on my table but it wasn't him!!!!!.

    Would like to see it continue and Wednesday night is perfect, 7.30 is a good start time and the buy in wasn't difficult.

    Would still play if the buy in was increased as I see these sort of tourneys the best way to learn when ure playing the higher rollers.

    I agree that a longer league would be good and maybe even after 6 weeks split it into two divisions dependent on entrants, thus giving the lower ranked players a chance to win.

    Great Idea, well run and could be better supported!!

  • whoareyawhoareya Member Posts: 43
    edited July 2011
    i honestly thought the whole league and structure was run perfectly and ended just at the right time (as i was top of league lol). all jokin aside well done scotty and scouse really enjoyed it. good luck all.
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