Pick a team of 11 players from the database. Your team must consist of 1 Goalkeeper (G), 4 Defenders (D), 3 Midfielders (M) and 3 Forwards (F). Each player has been assigned a letter (A-Z) denoting their team. only 1 selection from each letter can be picked!!!! Your budget is £50 million
Scoring will be based on the 8pm Main Event ONLY. points are awarded/deducted as follows
Playing the event - 1 point Cashing in event - 3 points reaching top 10 - 5 points final tabling - 10 points winning the tourny - 20 points
Thus the winner will score a total of 39 points
Bonus points will also be awarded for heads in the Monday and Thursday Bounty Hunter tournament (0.5 pts per head taken )
Minus points will be awarded as follows
-10 First player out the tournament -5 bubbleboy -2 out within the first 10% of the field
The season will co-incide with the premiership football season and a transfer window will appear midway through the season, when i'm not at work
There will be one transfer window in January, when teams may be changed around. Player values will remain constant for the whole season.
Good luck all
Teams to be entered on THIS thread by 7.59pm on Saturday 13th August
G - Karluke - S - 2.5 D - Samantha25 - D - 5.2 D - Solack - T - 5.9 D - Jaegerbomb - X - 6.2 D - Rosjim1 - I - 3.9 M - Eyeman - F - 6.5 M - Supersnedd - O - 4.9 M - Dtwbandit - Z - 2.3 F - Yayo - B - 3.5 F - Adey1984 - Q - 5.1 F - Ozzie08 - Y - 4.0
Young's Guns! G Corbett04 I 4.3 D Magicalman A 2 D seaford2 C 3.4 D DAIBOOT I 2.4 D Darkforce R 4.4 M Batkin88 C 2.8 M TommyD D 7.9 M BIGSHANN I 3.9 M DannyMcs L 4.8 F YOUNG_GUN L 4.8 F hurst05 P 9.2 Very tough to pick yesterday had a go went 10million over total spend 49.9mirrion great job oh shoot does that mean i cant have DannyMcs and myself?? Posted by YOUNG_GUN
Hi John
Just to let you know its 1 goalie / 4 Defenders / 3 Midfielders & 3 Forwards also you can't have 2 players with same letter
think i got it now : Team name: Young's Guns G Corbett04 I 4.3 D Magicalman A 2 D seaford2 C 3.4 D freechips1 S 2.4 D Darkforce R 4.4 M Batkin88 C 2.8 M TommyD D 7.9 M rentisdue E 3.9 F YOUNG_GUN L 4.8 F hurst05 P 9.2 F Wacko90 X 4.1 Posted by YOUNG_GUN
Hi John your nearly there m8 Seaford2 & Batkin88 are both from team C
put me down but i thought you was going to put values on players before we pick?
Scoring will be based on the 8pm Main Event ONLY. points are awarded/deducted as follows
Playing the event - 1 point
Cashing in event - 3 points
reaching top 10 - 5 points
final tabling - 10 points
winning the tourny - 20 points
Thus the winner will score a total of 39 points
Bonus points will also be awarded for heads in the Monday and Thursday Bounty Hunter tournament (0.5 pts per head taken )
Minus points will be awarded as follows
-10 First player out the tournament
-5 bubbleboy
-2 out within the first 10% of the field
The season will co-incide with the premiership football season and a transfer window will appear midway through the season, when i'm not at work
There will be one transfer window in January, when teams may be changed around. Player values will remain constant for the whole season.
Good luck all
Teams to be entered on THIS thread by 7.59pm on Saturday 13th August
For player lists (unfortunately the "link" tool isn't working today).
the list of players and values is in a seperate thread younggunjr
we have our first entry
i'll have to have a think so will do tonight
D. Arniesarmy 3.6 C
D. Mike1975 2.0 R
D. Jaegerbomb 6.2 X
M. Yidette9 3.6 H
M. Elsadog 9.9 V
M. Eyeman 6.5 F
F. Gerard9 7.8 M
F. Sparkysdad 2.4 Z
F. Talwrn 2.4 D
D - Drumahai W - 7.2
D - Old Rectory Q - 3.1
D - SolarCaro U - 2.3
M - Eyeman F - 6.5
M - Supersnedd O - 4.9
M - elsadog V - 9.9
F - NUTTY_TART M - 2.0
F - JohnConnor T - 2.8
F - YoungGun L - 4.8
£50M don't go far anyway here's my Team
Team Name - Orange Bandito's
G - Karluke - S - 2.5
D - Samantha25 - D - 5.2
D - Solack - T - 5.9
D - Jaegerbomb - X - 6.2
D - Rosjim1 - I - 3.9
M - Eyeman - F - 6.5
M - Supersnedd - O - 4.9
M - Dtwbandit - Z - 2.3
F - Yayo - B - 3.5
F - Adey1984 - Q - 5.1
F - Ozzie08 - Y - 4.0
G Kevcoke D 2.1
D GarryQQQ E 2.0
D PeteLTFC N 2.3
D Kimpet P 2.2
D Solack T 5.9
M Aussie09 F 3.0
M Supersnedd O 4.9
M TheDart U 5.9
F tallytink C 7.4
F YoungGun L 4.8
F Ebberdon M 9.4
Total : 49.9
This is going to take some administration Jaeger, I assume you work nights off-shore? :-)
D SolarCarro 2.3
D Codex 5.5
D oldrectory 3.1
D Kharlluke 5.2
M Supersned 4.9
M The dart 5.
M Uncle Pat 3
F Bazbazbaz 8.3
F Ozzie 08 4
F Fins 5.3
G Alex29 D 5.8
D jagerbomb X 6.2
D Oldrectory Q 3.1
D 4fingersAA Z 7.2
D Solarcarro U 2.3
M MacMonster T 6.0
M J3ono P 2.5
M Skicowboy A 2.0
F Ebberdon M 9.4
F Pomfrittes P 2.1
F Roguecell D 3.40
Total spend £50mil bang on
Team name "Sams boooom brigade"
Hi John
Just to let you know its 1 goalie / 4 Defenders / 3 Midfielders & 3 Forwards also you can't have 2 players with same letter
think i got it now :
Team name: Young's Guns
G Corbett04 I 4.3
D Magicalman A 2
D beaneh J 2.3
D freechips1 S 2.4
D Darkforce R 4.4
M Batkin88 C 2.8
M TommyD D 7.9
M rentisdue E 3.9
F hurst05 P 9.2
F Wacko90 X 4.1
Hi John your nearly there m8 Seaford2 & Batkin88 are both from team C