In Response to Re: 8pm Fantasy Poker League - Team Entries HERE!!!!!!! : lol, all in formation also hursty????? beaneh left-back just a co-incidence??????? Posted by JAEGERBOMB
i dont think he has the pshyical strength needed to be a centre back
Glenelg, I'm sure your aware that is JACKALLY you have for 2.6, jakally is considerably more expensive............should only take up about an hour each morning to score.
the hardest part was the 3-4 days it took to compile list and previous cashes for assigning lots of help assisting marking when im away working and, thankfully ive not been on nightshift for over a year now so hopefully play plenty MEs from the rig
ok here is my firstish attempt at a prelimenary team..............fffssss this was toooo blooming hard to pick, im might revert to puutting in Orford at 0.6M just to free up some cash
next saturday 12pm noon younggun, think it took almost as long picking my team as it did compiling!!! Why why why didnt i "ensure" the players i wanted in my team were cheaper and all a different "letter" doh! Posted by JAEGERBOMB
LOL Cheers mate i will probably change before then ill post rather then update for simplicity
Please note the final submission time has changed to 7.59pm on Saturday 13th August (in readiness for an 8pm kick-off). Get your teams in, and let's make it fun fun fun
g gadgerno1 c 2.9 d magicalman a 2 d magicMAGIC b 2.2 d SHANXTA k 2.3 d corn_rat22 l 5.9 m eyeman f 6.5 m sara36dd08 h 7.6 m BIGSHANN I 3.9 f THE TANK J 6.4 F PEG1 K 7 F JACKALLY R 2.6 TOTAL 49.3 MILLION
the hardest part was the 3-4 days it took to compile list and previous cashes for assigning lots of help assisting marking when im away working and, thankfully ive not been on nightshift for over a year now so hopefully play plenty MEs from the rig
here goes
mogsy1957 g
magicalman d
rosjim1 d
oldrectory d
joesman1 m
extraman m
eyeman m
divsdreams f
hitman rv f
uzi_lover f
team name omnipotent few
Just a typo, was losing will to live with my list in the end!
My ammended team:
G Alex29 D 5.8
D jaegerbomb X 6.2
D Oldrectory Q 3.1
D 4fingersAA Z 7.2
D Solarcarro U 2.3
M MacMonster T 6.0
M Aussi09 F 3.0
M Skicowboy A 2.0
F Ebberdon M 9.4
F Hitman _RV G 2.7
F Scouse_red W 2.3
Total spend £50mil bang on
Team name "Sams boooom brigade"
Team amended! Soz Jaeger.
remember irs an SPT final seat 2012 im donating for the winner, and hopefully some monthly prizes
Also can you confirm the closing time again is it week saturday or this saturday?
Many thanks in advance doing a great job
Why why why didnt i "ensure" the players i wanted in my team were cheaper and all a different "letter" doh!
Hiya Dave will be making changes to my team over the weekend
G- greghogg M 5
D- budgirl W 3.6
D- Jaegerbomb X 6.2
D- samantha25 D 5.2
D- oldrectory Q 3.1
M- eyeman F 6.5
M- yidette9 H 3.6
M- supersnedd O 4.9
F- adunne R 4.7
F- ozzie08 Y 4.0
F- whalen T 3.2
GK phokerboyo 2.3m
d samantha25 5.2m
d kevzo 3.2m
d daiboot 2.4m
d andrew1947 9.5m
m Tommyd 7.9m
m eyeman 6.5m
f hanson 2.8m
f suv 4.3m
f davezzz999 2,2m
apologies finger slipped and maths attrocious lol
team name rotten villians
g gadgerno1 c 2.9
d magicalman a 2
d magicMAGIC b 2.2
d SHANXTA k 2.3
d corn_rat22 l 5.9
m eyeman f 6.5
m sara36dd08 h 7.6
f THE TANK J 6.4
F PEG1 K 7