Just a quick hello to all fellow TPT players - Have been away for a while and just got back online, looking to play the private TPT tournament Wednesday night, if someone can let me know the password, i shall supply my mobile number for someone to message me.
Hello all of TPT Just a quick hello to all fellow TPT players - Have been away for a while and just got back online, looking to play the private TPT tournament Wednesday night, if someone can let me know the password, i shall supply my mobile number for someone to message me. Please let me know, and again Hello to all Chris J Posted by POKEY2011
sent u a private message with the password welcome back
Well done on all the cashes and welcome to our new team member.
Did you see Sporny email and Tikays rant about posting bad beats it put one of spornys rants to shame lol
Why do I have a feeling my bounty in the team torny is becoming a bit of a prize everyones after lol let battle commence ( i will post my first hand bust out to JJ on his 92 busting my AA i bet in the TPT torny lol)
Last couple of days not musch joy at tables going through that veriance thingy usual losing to 3 card draws etc but best to get the bad veriance out the way early
WD unbpower redking and sporn nice cashes.Nice to see you back pokey.No cash for me.To be fair i'm concentrating on sng need those stt points going for 1000+ by the end of month.
manage 2nd in 9.15 deepy, but e.t ( area 51) phoned home for ace v my k/k, lol dubmaster 330000 1 £45 + 15 League Points spornybol 0 2 £30 + 12 League Posted by spornybol
small cash for me in 805 bh last night £2.30 1hp 75p in good nick for tonight and took 6hp in mini on saturday gl all tonight and ty for rail jj and i feel lucky
Nice cashes all and Gl JJ with your points chase you can easly do it. I am also playing a lot more cash again to hopefully keep it for a second month in priority club not for the money just I loved seeing the slider change from blue to blue and stars lol I know small things please small minds lol
Why do I get a feeling tonight is more about who can get Mrb bounty I am getting to the stage of looking behind me when I go to the shops in case JJ and others are there waiting to get me lol I have made space on my bounty wall so if you could all post me a picture of you once I take your bounty so I can post it up there with all my other victims lol
Gl all tonight I have my clock on countdown till battle!
as the title said was in sky detention for a week then set a challenge by flyingdagg not to post bad beat for a week which is now done, yet i still can`t post what i want as i have 6 kids here ( only two are mine) so don`t want them to see what i write, ohhh the cruelty.
WD madmoo jonny and geo nice cashes.Managed 3rd in hi lo thingy wd bhoys for your 2nd.Gl in the TPT tourney tonight,especially mrb lol. DaHobbs360001£9 + 10 League Points67Bhoys02£5.40 + 8 League Pointsjjjach03£3.60 + 6 League Points
or are you's keeping FlyingDagg sweating on the numbers?
Just a quick hello to all fellow TPT players - Have been away for a while and just got back online, looking to play the private TPT tournament Wednesday night, if someone can let me know the password, i shall supply my mobile number for someone to message me.
Please let me know, and again Hello to all
Chris J
Game went like YOYO, kept getin donked by rag A hitting on river, lol,
just missed the cash bubble, shoved pocket 99. caller hit set of 5s,
Red_King032£7.50 Head Prizes2
Sporny can now post his bad beats to his hearts content. Run for cover TPT!
Did you see Sporny email and Tikays rant about posting bad beats it put one of spornys rants to shame lol
Why do I have a feeling my bounty in the team torny is becoming a bit of a prize everyones after lol let battle commence ( i will post my first hand bust out to JJ on his 92 busting my AA i bet in the TPT torny lol)
Last couple of days not musch joy at tables going through that veriance thingy usual losing to 3 card draws etc but best to get the bad veriance out the way early
dubmaster3300001£45 + 15 League Pointsspornybol02£30 + 12 League
MADMOO07£10.32 + 3 League Points
Good luck all tonight in TPT game.
thanks for voting in favour of me coming out to play with you all tonight.
Watch out MrBountyBurns, I'm after your head!!!!
See ya all later, glglglglglglgl
GEO68 0 2 £8.40 + 8 League Points 0
GEO68 0 5 £7.92 + £1.13 Head Prizes + 6 League Points 1
See you all tonight .
been released, challenge over and still can`t post
First: 7/2/2010
Last: 4/4/2012
Cash for me and JJ in the hi lo thingy. Epic 3 way batlle with the lucky, spawny, snake in the grass, rocket DaHobbs luckboxing the win.
Still, pays my entry for the TPT tourny. GL all tonight.
DaHobbs360001£9 + 10 League Points67Bhoys02£5.40 + 8 League Pointsjjjach03£3.60 + 6 League Points