Thanks for all the support team, anyone who is going let me know as i live in Bristol and will be driving up (anyone wants a lift) plus we can meet up on friday for a few drinks together and a game.
OK GUYS LINK BELOW, I`M GOBSMACKED THE B/HUNTER KINGS IN THE TEAM BEST GO TO LOO INFACT WHO EVER READS IT BEST GO FIRST. /> />>> i am........................ speechless <<< Posted by spornybol
I'd be calling that even with 72 offsuit. Maybe they felt sorry for you.
daggs link below, this is how much i`ve been biting tongue for challenge /> /> />> i feel i`ve been kicked in gut`s with primo semi <<<<< Posted by spornybol
i`ve just been kicked in guts twice now with post from gen chat to area 51, why ???? what did i say wrong !
Sporny there was a serious point about the challenge I set you last week. It was to try and stop you getting too worked up about poker FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR HEALTH. Getting so het up about things is not good for the old B.P. especially when one has a condition that you have. I hope you don't mind me posting this on here it's just that I think the rest of TPT will also say for your own sake sporny chillout!
Sporny there was a serious point about the challenge I set you last week. It was to try and stop you getting too worked up about poker FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR HEALTH. Getting so het up about things is not good for the old B.P. especially when one has a condition that you have. I hope you don't mind me posting this on here it's just that I think the rest of TPT will also say for your own sake sporny chillout! Posted by FlyingDagg
honestly, when sunday came up i was fine even when c/care phone back and explained fine but still had to post my disappointment in gen chat but for that too be moved i am very annoyed as who ever moved it never said why ? in no way did say criticize sky or customer care, i can understand why i ended up were i did in primo but for dare i say jobsworth move without saying why that has truely ( politily) cheesed me off.
Nice cash everybody and well said FD I even tryied to my bit for Sporny by letting him take my bounty in the team event lol Being serious please dont get worked up and that comes from someone who is also long term ill so I do know how it feels even if we have very differnt conditions please enjoy have fun and take poker for what it is which as far as I am concerned is to have fun and escape the normal world. I like FD are only saying this out of pure concern and is not intened in anyway to upset you the total opposite
Also dont forget Sporny with that hand you posted a lot of players like me can be multi 4 tables and maybe missed your stack or they were too scared of a posting lol
Any BH players in the team hope you have seen the Easter promo in the lobby I for one will be going all out to get as many bounties as poss.
again, i`m not worked up about sunday`s primo semi what has annoyed me is thread being moved for no reason or explanation, can`t see what the problem about thread never said how bad c/care/sky was just disappointment at semi primo but who ever is mod/sky moved with no reason.
£11.25 Head Prizes
Thanks for all the support team, anyone who is going let me know as i live in Bristol and will be driving up (anyone wants a lift) plus we can meet up on friday for a few drinks together and a game.
Chris J
bornablade520001£39 + 10 League Points
managed to TID!
was just a bit bored so thought I'd give it a go. enjoyed it though!
/>>>> i am........................ speechless <<<
/>>>> i feel i`ve been kicked in gut`s with primo semi <<<<<
I hope you don't mind me posting this on here it's just that I think the rest of TPT will also say for your own sake sporny chillout!
Also dont forget Sporny with that hand you posted a lot of players like me can be multi 4 tables and maybe missed your stack or they were too scared of a posting lol
Any BH players in the team hope you have seen the Easter promo in the lobby I for one will be going all out to get as many bounties as poss.
Good luck all at the tables
I will also not let this go, till a decent reply