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Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes



  • MRBURNS4MRBURNS4 Member Posts: 1,152
    edited May 2012
    FD I was touched by your post ty, I know what I am going to do which is just play my way out of it like I say its not the beats that changes.

    I totaly agree about the player how is a coward and I am not worried just dont think anybody should have the right to give out any abuse, construtive talk or banter I encourage particualy as I always want to learn. I am not worried enough about the player who made the spt threats as if I have a flare up with my back my walking stick is metal and I bet would hurt them more then it would hurt me to hit them lol

    I know abuse happens on other sites but it seems a lot less I had decided last night before today to trial another site and I do not like it anywhere as much as here and only 1 player when I took all his cash told me how bad a player I was at least he wasnt abusive or swore etc I dont want to leave and the  same reason I wont post it elsewhere is I am not looking for people to say how wrong it is I know that and to be quiet honest dispite popular opinion by people who know me I dont like attention lol

    I want to stay as I enjoy seeing good people at all level in this team feel part of something (mind you still waiting for Trev pm throwing me out for taking his chips in main last night lol) I pride myself usualy on my strength of character but of course I am aware i am not on top form in that respect and also made me think about how other people and new players would feel having things like this happen.

    Good luck with bolton and as always your posts are very to the point and wise and yes the player as far as I know that made those serious threats has a total ban when I was on the phone to sky they took it very serious and I have never seen the player since or appear on league tables (this was the other month). I am very greatful for your words they do help a lot but when you see the Mrs at Blackpool dont tell her as she said simular and of course I wouldnt have it lol
  • POKERTREVPOKERTREV Member Posts: 9,607
    edited May 2012
    Hi Mr Burns.
    Lets Keep It Simples

    These people are all wind and no substance and it is these type of players that are very unlikely to attend, never mind qualify for an SPT and if they did, do you really think they would risk everything at an SPT? The Answer is NO.

    Secondly - The reason these type of people have this mentality is because you are beating them consistantly at these levels.

    Turn this type of behaviour into a possitive. You are beating them, they know you are beating them, YOU know you are beating them, so whilst they have this type of mentallity you will always have an edge over them on the tables. This is after all what we are looking for right?

    SPT's are the greatest thing in the world for meating teamies, socialising and playing some great live poker and I can assure you that this type of nonsence would NEVER EVER Be accepted.

    Trust ME, You will have a GREAT Experianceat SPT. I have been there and think it is seconde to none.

    Ignore the Haters, Just keep beating them and move on.

    Good Luck

    ps, YES, when we are winning players we do get this type of abuse on a daily basis. Shrug it off, report it and move on.
  • FlyingDaggFlyingDagg Member Posts: 4,146
    edited May 2012
    I'm glad you can see the positive side and wish you good luck on the tables. Look forward to meeting yourself and your wife (lips are sealed lol) As an aside I believe that Sky could get rid of 90% of the abuse problems by introduving individual mute options. It's way overdue IMO.
  • POKERTREVPOKERTREV Member Posts: 9,607
    edited May 2012
    PS. - Although you did take ALL my chips and IF I was one of these types of players I could come round to your house and beat you to a pulp mob handed lol.

    But NO - I accept defeat, unlike some and although its NOT in the "Tearms & Conditions" of TPT, I can accept being beat by a player who is playing well or just totally luckboxing lol.

    Don't do it too often though, otherwise I might have to change those terms & conditions lol.

    Anyway, Ignore it and take pride in the fact that you are beating them to a pulp on the canvass. 
  • MRBURNS4MRBURNS4 Member Posts: 1,152
    edited May 2012
    I know Trev but I also dont forget a torny we were in and you managed to go fishing and hook the 1 card outer and like they say I never get mad just even lol :)

    Please do not missundertand me I am not worried in the slighest about someone attacking me so much so I didnt even take a note of their names yes I am very popular had 3 lots of players say they are going to get me lol Anyway I would feel sorry for them my Mrs is coming to Blackpool and she is a Northern girl it would be them beaten to a pulp lol

    I just started off wanting to rant to get it out my system but I took FD advice and I have raised it as a discussion as I do think it is getting worse at the moment and I think it should stop before they start to spoil the site

  • jjjachjjjach Member Posts: 3,393
    edited May 2012
    Hi mrb i echo what everyone says dont let these people get you down,just take their money.You have fish on his notes well i think on yours he had mrb is better than me so i'll abuse him instead.They are a joke as they are bad players.Hope you have a good time in blackpool along with the TPT crew and as trip5 says TKP will have a laugh as all will i'm sure.By the way thank you for not reporting me because you know i think your just a luckbox donkfish lol.jj
  • pomfrittespomfrittes Member Posts: 2,981
    edited May 2012

      Burnsy, dont worry about them m8, in fact revel in it. I absolutely LOVE this type of player and if i am honest there arent enough of them on Sky. Nothing more satisfying than winding up an uneducated, ignorant lowlife and then taking all his money. Just keep doing what you are doing m8 and dont worry about SPT Blackpool. me and Trev can be your bodyguards, if i qualify.

     GL at the tables m8.
  • MRBURNS4MRBURNS4 Member Posts: 1,152
    edited May 2012
     Pom I dont need bodyguards but hopefuly chip carriers lol

    Just qualifed for primo so cheap route in maybe the poker gods could come and help please.

  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,632
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Trev) Tribulations & Cashes:
     Pom I dont need bodyguards but hopefuly chip carriers lol Just qualifed for primo so cheap route in maybe the poker gods could come and help please.
    Posted by MRBURNS4
    That's the attitude you need MrB!  Just came to offer support as a result of your thread. I'm quite thick skinned and when I get abuse I know I'm playing well!  I'd say try and focus on the positives, great community, great teammates, oh and you're playing well!

    Oh and FD well played on survivor!
  • JeffterJeffter Member Posts: 658
    edited May 2012

    Jeffter04£9.62 + £11.96 Head Prizes + 8 League Points5
  • JeffterJeffter Member Posts: 658
    edited May 2012
    2005 b/h

    nearly 4 hours lol

    Jeffter03£37.20 + £2.73 Head Prizes + 14 League Points2
  • steelrodsteelrod Member Posts: 1,234
    edited August 2012

    hu 1st steelrod30001£40 + 4 League 

  • steelrodsteelrod Member Posts: 1,234
    edited May 2012



  • steelrodsteelrod Member Posts: 1,234
    edited May 2012


  • jjjachjjjach Member Posts: 3,393
    edited May 2012
    WD jeffter and steel nice cashes.
  • FLASHJONNYFLASHJONNY Member Posts: 2,537
    edited May 2012
    mr b your 20 times better than that hoi polloi you show em whos boss lad hoi polloi other term for riff raff lol
  • FLASHJONNYFLASHJONNY Member Posts: 2,537
    edited May 2012
    this has happened to me once i had 1700 chips in the big blinds were 200 400 so ss bloke raises on button i shove he calls jj i had a8 off i hit trip8s he calls me all sorts effin this effin idiot i keep quiet luckily i had a guardian angel who was cheerin me on and put him right in no uncertain manner he soon apologised tho thank god he was put in his place we know who the chap is he was on my table last night in mini primo but didnt last long
  • SlykllistSlykllist Member Posts: 2,888
    edited May 2012

    Just read your earlier post after seeing your thread in GPC

    Don't let the idiots get you down, anyone who's played on this site for any legnth of time and takes their poker relatively seriously knows that your a great palyer.

    When these idiots take a pop at you, they're doing it to get a reaction, don't give them the satisfaction, just re-load and take their money!

    I agree with you that the idiots can make the place uncomfortable for others sometimes which is why the community (which in my opinion is the best of any poker site) need to rise above it, go through the proper channels, report the idiots, get them banned and get on with playing and enjoying our poker.
  • j3onoj3ono Member Posts: 2,073
    edited May 2012
    Nice Chat burnsey on the cash table: U is my Poker hero :)

    Luckboxed this bad boy
    1045 bh with an overlay.

    j3ono880001£33.60 + £19.76 Head Prizes + 10 League Points8Heads
    Good luck to all tptsters in dtd tonight TID...........
  • MRBURNS4MRBURNS4 Member Posts: 1,152
    edited May 2012
    Nice cash JJ and it was fun on the cash table.

    I have to say I am amazed how how many of you are such poor judge of character calling me a good player we all know I am just the team luckbox lol

    Can I just say ty for all the amazing positive comments from not only my team m8s but even other postings on here from other teams. It did just start out as a rant to blow off steam and I agree with all the comments and most of the time it's water off a thick ducks back but sometimes that line gets crossed and you need to blow off steam.

    I never expected such response so ty to everyone who has been kind enough to take the time to post I know we can never change people's attitudes but I think the discussion it caused was positive as at least even any negative comments is discussing it and that all I hoped for because unless things are discussed it will never change. 

    As I mentioned in my other posting in GC look back 20 years ago in football with all the bulling and racism and hospitals the way the staff had to take the abuse and everybody said that would never change!

    Although so many of you have very kind Due to me being a poker player with no morals will still be after all your chips lol

    Good luck  tonight and I smell a TPT clean sweep tonight!
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