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Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes



  • FLASHJONNYFLASHJONNY Member Posts: 2,537
    edited May 2012
    thank you moo and dagg for the kind words yes had a nice day gl all at tables tonight
  • jjjachjjjach Member Posts: 3,393
    edited May 2012

    WD ryan madmoo nice cashes.Gl at the tables guys

  • MRBURNS4MRBURNS4 Member Posts: 1,152
    edited May 2012
    I havent looked through the hands J3 but from my experiance each of the BH has to be played  a different way i.e your £5 buy in attract a lot of low level players and for example I am trying the DYM challange at the mo and sorry I cant remember who told me but they said be carefull the low level players can play so bad dont bluff etc and that worked.

    This is the same in the BH the higher you go in buy ins the more moves are being made. I for that reason have droped the £5 buy in as I found it frustrating how many players just blindly called and hit, whereas the roller the standard of play and I am not ashmamed to admit, I have had  times where the excitment (or pressure os somme call it lol) has realy made me sweat and they say this isnt a sport lol

    I personally do not ever look at one nights results but over a month and if you look back at you cashes so far this month you will smile and if you dont sharkscope the players who took u out and I am sure you will see a graph like a roller coaster.

    I also am one of the few players if you look in a torny that untill later on I may even have no bounties, personally I see the bounties as the icing not my cake and you know I haved even joked to you I want to make FT with no bounties but as you know I do make the odd FT so I hope this is good advice as we all paly different.

    GL J3 and dont forget how far you have come as a player from when we first started chatting in games and look now big leap forward and I think you have the abality that this stage is just a steping stone as I think you will keep moving forward.

    Well done on all the cashes and gl at the tables
  • MRBURNS4MRBURNS4 Member Posts: 1,152
    edited May 2012

    I am sorry Trev but there has to be a new rebellion because I am starting a splinter group within TPT called TPLB Team Poker Luck Box

    This is after great fun at the DYM challange where me and xxxx(to proctect their identy names and voices have been changed  ) decided as we had both been told before all we have is luck

    So call goes out for the splinter group are you just a luckbox like me then join today the SPLB and be proud to be lucky!

    For legal purposes the information in this posting is false and there is no truth for more information please dial 0908 000000000000 for full terms and conditions calls cost £12 per min plus conection charge of £22 calls from mobile may banckrupt you all proceeds go to Mburns4 Poker account.
  • jjjachjjjach Member Posts: 3,393
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Trev) Tribulations & Cashes:
    BREAKING NEWS BREAKING NEWS I am sorry Trev but there has to be a new rebellion because I am starting a splinter group within TPT called TPLB Team Poker Luck Box This is after great fun at the DYM challange where me and xxxx(to proctect their identy names and voices have been changed  ) decided as we had both been told before all we have is luck So call goes out for the splinter group are you just a luckbox like me then join today the SPLB and be proud to be lucky! For legal purposes the information in this posting is false and there is no truth for more information please dial 0908 000000000000 for full terms and conditions calls cost £12 per min plus conection charge of £22 calls from mobile may banckrupt you all proceeds go to Mburns4 Poker account.
    Posted by MRBURNS4
  • 67Bhoys67Bhoys Member Posts: 2,553
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Trev) Tribulations & Cashes:
    BREAKING NEWS BREAKING NEWS I am sorry Trev but there has to be a new rebellion because I am starting a splinter group within TPT called TPLB Team Poker Luck Box This is after great fun at the DYM challange where me and xxxx(to proctect their identy names and voices have been changed  ) decided as we had both been told before all we have is luck So call goes out for the splinter group are you just a luckbox like me then join today the SPLB and be proud to be lucky! For legal purposes the information in this posting is false and there is no truth for more information please dial 0908 000000000000 for full terms and conditions calls cost £12 per min plus conection charge of £22 calls from mobile may banckrupt you all proceeds go to Mburns4 Poker account.
    Posted by MRBURNS4
    Okay Mr B, you had better sign me up.  Scorpio says all my hi lo wins ar due to luckboxing.

    I called your number, and I must say, there must be a lot of luckboxes trying to join, as I was put on hold for quite some time.  Thankfully the slash your wrists music was on low volume, but the interrupt message "Thank you for holding, your call is important to my bank account" was rather loud.  After 2 hours I had enough and hung up.  I'll try and call later.

    I look forward to receiving my SPLB hoodie.
  • POKERTREVPOKERTREV Member Posts: 9,607
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Trev) Tribulations & Cashes:
    BREAKING NEWS BREAKING NEWS I am sorry Trev but there has to be a new rebellion because I am starting a splinter group within TPT called TPLB Team Poker Luck Box This is after great fun at the DYM challange where me and xxxx(to proctect their identy names and voices have been changed  ) decided as we had both been told before all we have is luck So call goes out for the splinter group are you just a luckbox like me then join today the SPLB and be proud to be lucky! For legal purposes the information in this posting is false and there is no truth for more information please dial 0908 000000000000 for full terms and conditions calls cost £12 per min plus conection charge of £22 calls from mobile may banckrupt you all proceeds go to Mburns4 Poker account.
    Posted by MRBURNS4
    I have no Luckboxing Certificate in my resume MrB so unfortunately it looks like I will not be eligable to join your splinter group.

    Out of curiosity,,,, How many games would I need to luckbox to be eligable to join?

  • jjjachjjjach Member Posts: 3,393
    edited May 2012

    Little one in hi lo thingy. jjjach03£3.60 + 6 League Points

  • MRBURNS4MRBURNS4 Member Posts: 1,152
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Trev) Tribulations & Cashes:
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Trev) Tribulations & Cashes : Okay Mr B, you had better sign me up.  Scorpio says all my hi lo wins ar due to luckboxing. I called your number, and I must say, there must be a lot of luckboxes trying to join, as I was put on hold for quite some time.  Thankfully the slash your wrists music was on low volume, but the interrupt message "Thank you for holding, your call is important to my bank account" was rather loud.  After 2 hours I had enough and hung up.  I'll try and call later. I look forward to receiving my SPLB hoodie.
    Posted by 67Bhoys
    Welcome 67 to TPLB please pm me your home address to send the hoodie along with you bank details and password for our private forum I suggest team members use the same as their online banking so not to forget their passwords and also pin number.
  • MRBURNS4MRBURNS4 Member Posts: 1,152
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Trev) Tribulations & Cashes:
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Trev) Tribulations & Cashes : I have no Luckboxing Certificate in my resume MrB so unfortunately it looks like I will not be eligable to join your splinter group. Out of curiosity,,,, How many games would I need to luckbox to be eligable to join?
    Posted by POKERTREV
    I am sorry Trev by needing to ask that question it makes you ineligable to join.
  • Red_KingRed_King Member Posts: 2,850
    edited May 2012
    Sorry MRBURNS4, no luckboxing here, lol.
    Just this little one to report, so far tonight.
    Was in last place for cash bubble, until one donk took on the big stack, LOL.

    Red_King18506Entry to £12k Sky BH Semi. + As you have already registered/qualified for this event you have been awarded the cash equivalent of £7.20, which is equal to the Buy-in and Fee.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,126
    edited May 2012
    nice cashes guys.

    Mrb we have all known ur a luckbox, ur a poor player, prob one of the worst on any site on this planet :) lol....ok maybe you have a tiny bit of skill to go with it

    couple of cashes from timed mtts..5.50 buy in


    gl on the tables all
  • FlyingDaggFlyingDagg Member Posts: 4,146
    edited May 2012
    "RING RING" Hello is that MrBurns4? It is? Oh good. Do you have a section for Survivor luckboxes in your new group? You do? Oh splendid! Can I join then please and how much is it ? Only £3900 a month? What a bargain! Credit card details? Of course its 2758 9970 4461 8865 and my security number is 557. Yes of course I can afford it I have a limit of £10,000 oh it appears I have just spent £9990 oh it's advance fees ok not a problem, hang on I have another call coming in I'll just put you on hold (sail away,sail away, sail away........) Hello ? yes? Great Aunt Asoefatida Mgumbe calling from Nigeria? No I never knew my Uncle Frank had a wife in Africa. He died and left me £7,556,000? Wow this is my lucky day! But the money is tied up in a website and it will take £90,000 to free it ? And the website name is Caravannning And Similar Hobbies ? Oh ok C.A.S.H. for short. no problem money is on it's way. Goodbye... MrBurns 4? I've had a better offer you can stick your splinter group up your ***!
  • pomfrittespomfrittes Member Posts: 2,981
    edited May 2012

      OK MRB the secrets out, but i feel that as i luckboxed one level further than your good self in last nights little challenge i should be appointed Captain of the splinter group and as such should receive the bigger split of the subscriptions from new members. I would suggest a 70/30 split in my favour. I will forward my Bank details in due course and look forward to receiving my 1st payment in due course.
  • JeffterJeffter Member Posts: 658
    edited May 2012

    bits and bobs

    20.45 b/h
    jeffter022£1.91 + £0.75 Head Prizes1

    20.05 b/h
    Jeffter032£2.18 + £0.75 Head Prizes1

    21.0 b/h
    Jeffter034£39.39 Head Prizes4

    21.30 b/h
    Jeffter041£25.78 Head Prizes6
  • MRBURNS4MRBURNS4 Member Posts: 1,152
    edited May 2012
    LOL thank you for all you bank details Ha FD your the loser my splinter group is being funded by an ex bank employee who is worried the money is going to his corrupt goverment thats why my splinter group needs bank details as they are going to be bankrolled and guys if you get me all the details before the end of month our secret sponser has said he will also transfer money for our vegas trip they are paying for private jet also lol
  • MRBURNS4MRBURNS4 Member Posts: 1,152
    edited May 2012
    2k BH

    MRBURNS4015£10.67 + £16.17 Head Prizes + 4 League Points4
  • Eagle1966Eagle1966 Member Posts: 5
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Official - TPT (Team Poker Trev) Tribulations & Cashes:
    TPT (Team Poker Trev) 1 - POKERTREV (TPT Captain) 2 - MADMOO 3 - STOCKY8A1 4 - j3ono 5 - Red_king 6 - jjjach 7 - Pomfrittes 8 - Chubbers 9 - Stokefc 10 - GEO68 11 - Angie6108 12 - FREECHIPS1 13 - Kiwini4u 14 - unbpower 15 - Bornablade 16 - 67bhoys 17 - Cleaverjim 18 - Dudeskin8 19 - Poppy765 20 - FlyingDagg (TPT Vice Captain) 21 - Spornybol 22 - MRBURNS4 23 - Torryboy 24 - Scorpio13 25 - Jeffsjacks 26 - Pokey2011 27 - Flashjonny 28 - IDONKCALLU 29 - Laura11 30 - Bracewell1 31 - rrmarshall 32 - imarshall5 33 - G-OR-D 34 - SilenChiv 35 - DrwnDEAD 36 - Waller02 37 - steelrod 39 - Jeffter 40 - Donut64 41 - ryan83 42 - ajw1310 43 - davie-s 44 - engy 45 - Addo07 Team Colours are RED - TPT (Team Poker Trev) Lets get a little team spirit together in readyness for the challenges that lie ahead............ Post anything TPT related on here, wins or cashes general chat etc.............GL at the tables TPTers
    Posted by POKERTREV
    How do i join guys?

  • j3onoj3ono Member Posts: 2,073
    edited May 2012
    ty for kind words mrb x
  • j3onoj3ono Member Posts: 2,073
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Trev) Tribulations & Cashes:
    In Response to Official - TPT (Team Poker Trev) Tribulations & Cashes : How do i join guys?
    Posted by Eagle1966
    Top man is dave will fit right in at tpt or maybe not as he has no luckbox :)
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