Wd J3 -nice cash - hope u recover well - I've been trying to get rid of a lump for years....................... but the Mrs insists on staying. lol - (hope she doesn't see this or Im dead lol
WD j3ono see you in rebuy.Trev,2 things 1 can you check your email and 2 can you do me a new Team Poker Titans logo with spurs on it please,thank you. Posted by jjjach
Hi JJ Here is your New Logo - Hope you Like it.
I'm in Blackpool for a week TPTers, but hope to get a bit of poker in whilst i'm there all being well.
Nice cashes all, hope my runbad is over, lol. Made the FT in £100 gtd tonight, short, got it all-in with 55, got crushed by AA, . Why do they always hold-up, just when you don't want them to?
Good luck j3 I feel for you as I know what its like to be in hosiptal, but dont do what I did last time I was in I was so bored up nearly all night so went out for a cig it was glasgow in Dec lol They then shouted at me via intercom that security was coming as I was having a cig nr a door way (at 2am sure the passive smoke must have been a real prob lol) so legged/limped it round back till found a door open lol All in temp below 0.Wearing just a dressin gown and my best tarten pjs! Just so while your in hosp I hope u have the image of me doing this to make u smile a bit gl m8
4k Roller
MRBURNS4015£262.50 Head Prizes6
2k 9pm BH
MRBURNS404£108 + £24.38 Head Prizes + 32 League Points3
I know J3 will be putting his posting on in a min but many cong m8 on your win the the 9pm BH. I take my hat off to you the way you took it down was first class. You won that by pure skill from what I saw and as I told you I put you as Fav to take my bounty in the TPT game lol.
I bow down to you sir MrB formally excepts that there is a new challenger to my self proclaimed BH king lol
PS If I do see anyone at the tables please do not think I am being rude if I do not aknowledge anyone as I now play full time I am nearly always on mini
WD jeffter waller reding steel and mrb nice cashes.WD j3ono nice cashes glad you got a big one,one of many i'm sure.Hope you do ok in hospital to j3ono.See you back soon steel.Gl all TPTers in blackpool,have a great time.I'll be watching the live stream so get interviewed.
WD jeffter waller reding steel and mrb nice cashes.WD j3ono nice cashes glad you got a big one,one of many i'm sure.Hope you do ok in hospital to j3ono.See you back soon steel.Gl all TPTers in blackpool,have a great time.I'll be watching the live stream so get interviewed. Posted by jjjach
We will jj but your about 3 weeks early. I'm assuming Trevor is going for a holiday. Well done in Orfy last night but especially Sporny, well played and good to see you back. Nice cash Burnsy and J3ono very well done indeed.
Talking of Blackpool as this is not only my first spt but my first live event does anyone know do they run any classes before the event or if not is there any team member going who plays live that wouldn't mind helping me out before it starts with a few basics?
I know J3 will be putting his posting on in a min but many cong m8 on your win the the 9pm BH. I take my hat off to you the way you took it down was first class. You won that by pure skill from what I saw and as I told you I put you as Fav to take my bounty in the TPT game lol. I bow down to you sir MrB formally excepts that there is a new challenger to my self proclaimed BH king lol PS If I do see anyone at the tables please do not think I am being rude if I do not aknowledge anyone as I now play full time I am nearly always on mini Posted by MRBURNS4
ty matey, somehow the mtts not in my sky poker can u remember how many heads?
This One Any Good VC Dagg? (May Take a Bit to Approve)
j3ono200001£6,000 Rebuy Open
just had this in 1800 250 gtd
j3ono780001£100 + 20 League Points
j3ono07£13.68 + 3 League Points
cash from orfordable
trev, can you do a grimsby town badge with the new logo? doesn't matter if not
Here is your New Logo - Hope you Like it.
I'm in Blackpool for a week TPTers, but hope to get a bit of poker in whilst i'm there all being well.
Good Luck at The Tables
Made the FT in £100 gtd tonight,
short, got it all-in with 55, got crushed by AA,
Why do they always hold-up, just when you don't want them to?
Red_King06£8.75 + 4 League Points
22:40 £200 BH
Red_King013£1.65 + 1 League Points0
Have fun Trev in Blackpool.
Good luck j3 I feel for you as I know what its like to be in hosiptal, but dont do what I did last time I was in I was so bored up nearly all night so went out for a cig it was glasgow in Dec lol They then shouted at me via intercom that security was coming as I was having a cig nr a door way (at 2am sure the passive smoke must have been a real prob lol) so legged/limped it round back till found a door open lol All in temp below 0.Wearing just a dressin gown and my best tarten pjs! Just so while your in hosp I hope u have the image of me doing this to make u smile a bit gl m8
4k Roller
MRBURNS4015£262.50 Head Prizes6
2k 9pm BH
MRBURNS404£108 + £24.38 Head Prizes + 32 League Points3
just had best result since joined tpt and thanks for support and rail burnsey
in 9pm 2k bh
1j3ono - £356.40 + 50 League Points
i must confess i was a bit card dead and hid for long periods:)
I bow down to you sir MrB formally excepts that there is a new challenger to my self proclaimed BH king lol
If I do see anyone at the tables please do not think I am being rude if I do not aknowledge anyone as I now play full time I am nearly always on mini
Well done in Orfy last night but especially Sporny, well played and good to see you back. Nice cash Burnsy and J3ono very well done indeed.