Well done j3 and hopefully the blackpool lights will be shining bright for you tonight Trev when you take down the DTD.
Good luck all tonight I hope my bad varience out of way early as even I get a bit upset losing trip aces to 53 lol I know the poker gods will soon relise bingo players are very bad for their great game and I predict which I have transulated from old mayan prophecy whic reads
" In the year of the new callender 2012 from the start of sunset will be the end of the poker world for all donks they will suffer the anger of the highest poker gods and there bankroll will be empty, however the poker gods anger will last for a 1000yrs at the donks and all their following generations and they will have no free will and therefore will reload their bankroll on a daily basies untill they have paid for MRBs children to go through uni"
You could imagine my shock to see my name in the mayan prophecy I even got the top expert at St andrews uni to recheck my transulation and he confirmed I was right! lol
Well done j3 and hopefully the blackpool lights will be shining bright for you tonight Trev when you take down the DTD. Good luck all tonight I hope my bad varience out of way early as even I get a bit upset losing trip aces to 53 lol I know the poker gods will soon relise bingo players are very bad for their great game and I predict which I have transulated from old mayan prophecy whic reads " In the year of the new callender 2012 from the start of sunset will be the end of the poker world for all donks they will suffer the anger of the highest poker gods and there bankroll will be empty, however the poker gods anger will last for a 1000yrs at the donks and all their following generations and they will have no free will and therefore will reload their bankroll on a daily basies untill they have paid for MRBs children to go through uni" You could imagine my shock to see my name in the mayan prophecy I even got the top expert at St andrews uni to recheck my transulation and he confirmed I was right! lol Posted by MRBURNS4
Can i ask what medication your on? It's obviously having some effect and not neccesarily a good one!
Trev I have spoken to Sporny regarding the Orfy on Friday. Apparently he mailed Dagg to enter his name in the thread for this month. can you ensure he is entered for the rest of the month mate.
Good luck all in the DTD tonight, I may be playing if the missus doesn't have other plans for me.
Lol FD but if your a fan of the big bang theory like me the line "I am not mad my mother had me tested as a child"
I am afriad I cannot blaime any medication and the strongest drink I will or be having is coffee I frighten myself sometimes how strange my mind is and thats stone cold sober lol
Already satted into 2 semi's today £10k & £12k BH's, twice, so cash-back .
Red_King12686.252£12k Sky BH Semi.For some reason this one doesn't show the £7.20 for already qualifying.
Red_King010Entry to £10,000 BH Semi + As you have already registered/qualified for this event you have been awarded the cash equivalent of £7.20, which is equal to the Buy-in and Fee.But this one does, Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Right, back to the Sats-4-Cash for me, cul8r in the DTD & GL at the tables TPTers.
Well done j3 and hopefully the blackpool lights will be shining bright for you tonight Trev when you take down the DTD. Good luck all tonight I hope my bad varience out of way early as even I get a bit upset losing trip aces to 53 lol I know the poker gods will soon relise bingo players are very bad for their great game and I predict which I have transulated from old mayan prophecy whic reads " In the year of the new callender 2012 from the start of sunset will be the end of the poker world for all donks they will suffer the anger of the highest poker gods and there bankroll will be empty, however the poker gods anger will last for a 1000yrs at the donks and all their following generations and they will have no free will and therefore will reload their bankroll on a daily basies untill they have paid for MRBs children to go through uni" You could imagine my shock to see my name in the mayan prophecy I even got the top expert at St andrews uni to recheck my transulation and he confirmed I was right! lol Posted by MRBURNS4
Well done J3 and yes Smithers was off for the bank holiday he must of logged into my account thank you bringing this to my attention and the hounds will be set lose on him
Good luck all tonight I hope my bad varience out of way early as even I get a bit upset losing trip aces to 53 lol I know the poker gods will soon relise bingo players are very bad for their great game and I predict which I have transulated from old mayan prophecy whic reads
" In the year of the new callender 2012 from the start of sunset will be the end of the poker world for all donks they will suffer the anger of the highest poker gods and there bankroll will be empty, however the poker gods anger will last for a 1000yrs at the donks and all their following generations and they will have no free will and therefore will reload their bankroll on a daily basies untill they have paid for MRBs children to go through uni"
You could imagine my shock to see my name in the mayan prophecy I even got the top expert at St andrews uni to recheck my transulation and he confirmed I was right! lol
Trev I have spoken to Sporny regarding the Orfy on Friday. Apparently he mailed Dagg to enter his name in the thread for this month. can you ensure he is entered for the rest of the month mate.
Good luck all in the DTD tonight, I may be playing if the missus doesn't have other plans for me.
I am afriad I cannot blaime any medication and the strongest drink I will or be having is coffee I frighten myself sometimes how strange my mind is and thats stone cold sober lol
GRAND TOTAL £95743.10
Already satted into 2 semi's today £10k & £12k BH's, twice, so cash-back
Red_King12686.252£12k Sky BH Semi.For some reason this one doesn't show the £7.20 for already qualifying.
Red_King010Entry to £10,000 BH Semi + As you have already registered/qualified for this event you have been awarded the cash equivalent of £7.20, which is equal to the Buy-in and Fee.But this one does, Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Right, back to the Sats-4-Cash for me, cul8r in the DTD & GL at the tables TPTers.
nice cashes guys had this but played awful:(
£11, 2pm bh£3.30, £50 gtd
j3ono03£16.20 + 6 League Points
TPT PRIVATE GAME is in the lobby here
Anyone who need the pw please pm me. Thank you
Good Luck TPTers
Looking forward to running deep in the DTD tonight.
Played a 30 minute timed tourney £3.30 while waiting for DTD to start and cashed
Hope I run better in tonights £10k BH, than in Saturdays, out 5th hand, lol.
Todays sats have paid for themselves, with a little profit left over.
Red_King021Entry to £10,000 B/Hunter
TPTiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii FTW
EDIT: Better reg for the mini, just in case, lol.
Who said AA was the best hand, busted out ME AA bt by flopped flush.
lilfish17266451£12k Sky Sports BHRed_King83202£12k Sky Sports BHconnell1257353£12k Sky Sports BHLEE00133004£12k Sky Sports BHPeckie2205£13.20
Strange that the winner isn't registered in Thursday's £12k BH