Nice cash there j3:)...... just read MRBURNS4's post re his connection problems and his decision to withdraw most of the funds from his account... shortly after the main event and mini event frooze the other night i made the same decision and withdrew most of the funds from my account, i'm sure it would't ammount to the wad burns probably had so will hardly impact much on skys bank balance. The simple fact is there have been too many problems with things crashing and freezing, the fiasco of the christmas bounty hunter should have set alarm bells ringing in an executive office somewhere in the sky boardroom but alas it seems not. The other night i sat, like a lot of other people. looking at a table which for an hour and a half did nothing until it was cancelled. Skys response should have been to email those involved and appologise, a refund gose without saying..... but the real gem for me was the freeroll. Consider it for a minute... 1000 people... your odds on winning... the total cost to sky must have ammounted to at least a couple of hundred quid!!... then there's the league, or rather its sudden disappearence!!! no announcement, no notification.... mabe they'll appologise and stick us all in another freeroll!!! someone at sky needs to sort these things out once and for all otherwise people are gonna leave....... my suitcase is already packed...
Now I am not saying it is getting worse BUT IT IS I CANNOT EVEN LOG IN VIA MY IPAD NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come on sky this is turning into a Monty Python sketch.
I got £2 from the freeroll last night. I may play the 2pm 4pm and main event tonnight but realy not sure about anything else.
Even though I only spent 1 day away from a lot of Sky I miss you guys arrr lol
I dont even have anywhere on the other site to post my cashes yesterday yes wiiii
Sorry Dagg wont be playing tonight, just tried playing cash but keep disconnecting. Tilting me badly now so not playing till it is sorted, I know the effort you put in to organising the game Dagg so am sorry but its doing my head in now. Started thinking maybe it is my computer but with all other peoples problems I doubt it
Well done Sporny and J3 nice one guys wiiiiiii Now I am not saying it is getting worse BUT IT IS I CANNOT EVEN LOG IN VIA MY IPAD NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come on sky this is turning into a Monty Python sketch. I got £2 from the freeroll last night. I may play the 2pm 4pm and main event tonnight but realy not sure about anything else. Even though I only spent 1 day away from a lot of Sky I miss you guys arrr lol I dont even have anywhere on the other site to post my cashes yesterday yes wiiii Posted by MRBURNS4
wiii software update, it me better, pmsl. Post them on here lol
Unoffical Sky update there is a new software update within the next week or so. I did get a refund as I expect them to do but they are still strying to get to the bottom of these disconection problems.
Obviously I hope the new update when it comes will sort this out and the priorty manager has said he is reporting I have withdrawn a large amount of my roll due to the problems.
As you all know I all want is the site to work and I even told them that I know I can better rake back elsewhere but the comunity here and the extra things sky do is worth not worry about the higher rake. But the other site had about 11,000 players at any one time when sky has only 2,000 so I am sure sky servers software can be easly fixed.
hope they sort it mrb gl
nice cashes all gl
gl all at the tables guys
2230bh how fing hard
j3ono1740001£121.80 + £43.39 Head Prizes3
still on ft of 0000 need sleep, crashed and burned
tar jj for rail
software update, it me better, pmsl.
Post them on here lol
£4000 bounty hunter
Primo !st July
DivsDreams 0 3 £1100