Great cashes from addo (welcome to tpt m8,) trev in the biggy last night, albaking, 3Jono, RedKing, steelrod and good luck unpower at Nottinkham have a safe journey along with all the other TPTers.
Annother small one for me yesterday.
£100 Gtd 15min timed. started 1840hrs 4th for £23.38
MINI SPT FINAL TONIGHT Well not really merely a £5-50 Sit n Go at 9p.m. tonight. Let's try and fill a 10 seater with TPT players. I'll sit at the first vacant table at 9pm so just search my name. It will be first come first seated So get in quick before any of those other so called teams get in.
Well done to all the cashes here too.
I had a couple of small ones
£100 Gtd timed 1st for £29.62 8.50hrs
£100 Gtd timed 5th for £7.45 16.40hrs
Good luck all today
Another sat-4-cash 4 me
Finished at 21:12 - 07 Sep
Just missed the cash in 22:15 £25 GTD, finished 8th
hi all just got in from my home poker up 35 quid wiiiii.
wd all on ya cashes
vwd j3ono 2nd in orfy n1 m8
gl on the tables all
Annother small one for me yesterday.
£100 Gtd 15min timed. started 1840hrs 4th for £23.38
GL on the tables today all.
Well not really merely a £5-50 Sit n Go at 9p.m. tonight. Let's try and fill a 10 seater with TPT players. I'll sit at the first vacant table at 9pm so just search my name. It will be first come first seated So get in quick before any of those other so called teams get in.
Ty dagg.See you tonight at 9.00pm.