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Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes



  • kirbsuk83kirbsuk83 Member Posts: 319
    edited September 2012
    some very nice cashes there ryan v.well dine
  • FlyingDaggFlyingDagg Member Posts: 4,146
    edited September 2012
    Nice cashes guys and welcome to the team rumble. Hope you enjoy your stay with us.Good luck all in the DTD tonight
  • Kiwini4uKiwini4u Member Posts: 3,830
    edited September 2012
    Good luck to all those playing in the DTD games tonight
  • kirbsuk83kirbsuk83 Member Posts: 319
    edited September 2012
    3rd in a £1.10, £25 gtd

    probably would have been more had the site not gone down after their tech issues .... thank god i wasnt on the wrong side of the bubble or it would have been 3 hours wasted lol

  • chubberschubbers Member Posts: 491
    edited September 2012

    Hi all,

    Welcome to the team rumble.
    Good to have to back trev, hope you had a good time up in scotland.
    Good luck to all in the DTD tonight.

    great cashes everyone.

  • kirbsuk83kirbsuk83 Member Posts: 319
    edited September 2012
    4th in a speed for £7.04
    Gl tonight all
  • jjjachjjjach Member Posts: 3,393
    edited September 2012
    WD kirb nice cashes.VWD ryan great stuff in bh and great cash.Gl in the DTD tonight guys.
  • engyengy Member Posts: 723
    edited September 2012
    nice cashes ryan, welcome to the team rumble, gl everyone in dtd tonight
  • FlyingDaggFlyingDagg Member Posts: 4,146
    edited September 2012

    THIS WEEKS MTT TOTAL   £3575.58

    GRAND TOTAL               £156990.18

  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,123
    edited September 2012
    Hi Guys,

    Hope you don't mind me posting but I couldn't read about what has been going on without giving my opinion.

    Most of you know that I was a member of TPT from the very beginning and I must say I was shocked to see some of the comments questioning Trev's leadership.

    Trev, you were the one who started the team and you have done a fantastic job, setting up the website in your own time at your own expense just goes to prove this. TPT is a great team and I only left for personal reasons, certainly not because I was unhappy.

    New have joined a great team with a cracking bunch of team mates.

    Prob see a few of you on the tables later (there is still a bit of TPT inside me and it will upset me slightly when I take your chips in the DTD tonight haha)
  • ryan83ryan83 Member Posts: 42
    edited September 2012
    Tonight will be my first ever attempt at the DTD games
    gl to everyone who is playing
  • steelrodsteelrod Member Posts: 1,234
    edited September 2012
    some nice cashes there wd all

    gl in the dtd tonight all

    welcome back trev hope you had a good time m8

    gl on the tables all
  • FlyingDaggFlyingDagg Member Posts: 4,146
    edited September 2012

    Since an ex member raised the subject of railing last week I have had a few thoughts. Speaking for myself any railing that I do seems to be at my buy in levels ie 3 quid max and mainly the deepies or DTD and Orfy. I notice guys like Pokey,unbpower and Ryan posting big cashes but then its too late to rail. When I've finished playing I'll sometimes search for TPT players to see what they are playing, but when we have so many in the team now and with some playing 5 or 6 tourneys at a time a lot of names fall under the radar. This is especially true for players who aren't frequent posters. What I would like to see happen more often is when a player is on a FT or approaching then they could search for fellow TPT players and say "I'm on FT want to come along?" jjjach, steelrod, pokertrev,flashjonny,kirbsuk83 and myself ( well I try) all try to rail but I'm sure you could add you own poker buddies to the list. I do realise with the number of tables some of you play this may be asking a lot but it's only an idea. Apologies if I included your name and you didn't want me too and apologies if I missed you out but you get the general idea. It shows the strength of TPT to other players and railers and although I don't like the term it is a bit of team bonding thing. So get to those FT's brag about it and let's batter the rail!

  • POKEY2011POKEY2011 Member Posts: 311
    edited September 2012
    Good luck to all in the DTD tonight

    I shall be doing my best to run deep

    See you at the tables guyz / girls



    Chris J

  • POKERTREVPOKERTREV Member Posts: 9,607
    edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    Hi Guys, Hope you don't mind me posting but I couldn't read about what has been going on without giving my opinion. Most of you know that I was a member of TPT from the very beginning and I must say I was shocked to see some of the comments questioning Trev's leadership. Trev, you were the one who started the team and you have done a fantastic job, setting up the website in your own time at your own expense just goes to prove this. TPT is a great team and I only left for personal reasons, certainly not because I was unhappy. New have joined a great team with a cracking bunch of team mates. Prob see a few of you on the tables later (there is still a bit of TPT inside me and it will upset me slightly when I take your chips in the DTD tonight haha)
    Posted by waller02
    Nice Post Waller.
    Thanks for the support, I wont be taking your chips tonight,,,,,,I see it more like stealing your Diamonds :)

    Best of Luck m8 - See u at the tables.
  • addo07addo07 Member Posts: 97
    edited September 2012
    addo07 17000 1 £37.50
    derby_daz 0 2 £12.50
    cobweb 0 3
    bigd265 0
  • addo07addo07 Member Posts: 97
    edited September 2012
    hi ppl just a quick quick question ! does d2d1 have late reg ? comp is really bad so can only play 2 tables max any advice wud be great !!
  • jjjachjjjach Member Posts: 3,393
    edited September 2012
    WD addo nice cash.
  • POKERTREVPOKERTREV Member Posts: 9,607
    edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    RAILING Since an ex member raised the subject of railing last week I have had a few thoughts. Speaking for myself any railing that I do seems to be at my buy in levels ie 3 quid max and mainly the deepies or DTD and Orfy. I notice guys like Pokey,unbpower and Ryan posting big cashes but then its too late to rail. When I've finished playing I'll sometimes search for TPT players to see what they are playing, but when we have so many in the team now and with some playing 5 or 6 tourneys at a time a lot of names fall under the radar. This is especially true for players who aren't frequent posters. What I would like to see happen more often is when a player is on a FT or approaching then they could search for fellow TPT players and say "I'm on FT want to come along?" jjjach, steelrod, pokertrev,flashjonny,kirbsuk83 and myself ( well I try) all try to rail but I'm sure you could add you own poker buddies to the list. I do realise with the number of tables some of you play this may be asking a lot but it's only an idea. Apologies if I included your name and you didn't want me too and apologies if I missed you out but you get the general idea. It shows the strength of TPT to other players and railers and although I don't like the term it is a bit of team bonding thing. So get to those FT's brag about it and let's batter the rail!
    Posted by FlyingDagg
    Thia ia a good idea Dagg.
    It's always difficult to rail everyone as we have so many. Some nights are more difficult than others depending on how many tables we/I have open.

    I have also opened other TPT tables and said hi and good luck on the rails with no response. Sometimes those players are on mini view which is understandable, so I tend not to go back unless I do happen to see them close to the cash or on FT.

    The website template is coming along nicely and looks like a Pro Poker Room or Casino imo. It will be up and running soon and then it will take a while for the forum to be added, but one piece of the jigsaw at a time I think is the best policy.

    Good Luck Tonight TPTers
  • FlyingDaggFlyingDagg Member Posts: 4,146
    edited September 2012
    You have to pay all 3 for a score to count I'm afraid. Late reg is only for first level.
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