It's your best month to date and you have whinged like a champ at the bad beats? Think how good it could have been! Just a joke but seriously well done. There's a few say that being in a team helps them focus, me included
Hi all, had an awful night last night, played all 3 DTD's badly even though in DTD2 had 48k at one point, soon disappeared though.Also had a go at the mini, which managed 2 heads, but donked that off as well. For some strange reason, lost all concentration at one point, which isn't normally a problem for me. thats when the DTD2 and mini went pear shaped. The other two DTDs, played aces badly in one and op hit trips, in the other had jacks, op had queens.
So afraid can't post any cashes from last night.
Got to say KIRBS lovely post, has been great fun representing TPT, the monday nights DTD (as thats where it started), and posting cashes (wish there was more), reading advice and other peoples cashes and mishaps,events and messages on here. Being here from the beginning and seeing how much people put into it, from the CAPT, VC and the raillers makes me proud to still represent TPT.
It's your best month to date and you have whinged like a champ at the bad beats? Think how good it could have been! Just a joke but seriously well done. There's a few say that being in a team helps them focus, me included Posted by FlyingDagg
Glad you're feeling better mate, them all day hangovers are never good. lol
The Vice Captain has been suffering from a weekend hangover?
Well. The Captain is suffering from a weekend hangover and can't cash in an MTT (Other than Timed Tournies) due to what I can only put down to having 3 nights off and forgetting how to play (This could also be down to the hangover lol)
Kirbsuk is winning far too much money imo, whilst suffering his worst ever best ever (i'm not too sure which) badbeats Month lol (Can you offer me some advice please?)
Chubbers has started writing essay's? (He must be the sober one lol)
The new website is developing nicely (wish I could give you a preview) but all good things come to those who wait (Or so my mum says) Not so sure how relevent that was whilst I was waiting for the number 10 bus, that I had already missed
Hi all, had an awful night last night, played all 3 DTD's badly even though in DTD2 had 48k at one point, soon disappeared though.Also had a go at the mini, which managed 2 heads, but donked that off as well.
For some strange reason, lost all concentration at one point, which isn't normally a problem for me. thats when the DTD2 and mini went pear shaped. The other two DTDs, played aces badly in one and op hit trips, in the other had jacks, op had queens.
So afraid can't post any cashes from last night.
Got to say KIRBS lovely post, has been great fun representing TPT, the monday nights DTD (as thats where it started), and posting cashes (wish there was more), reading advice and other peoples cashes and mishaps,events and messages on here.
Being here from the beginning and seeing how much people put into it, from the CAPT, VC and the raillers makes me proud to still represent TPT.
Good luck today all.
Well. The Captain is suffering from a weekend hangover and can't cash in an MTT (Other than Timed Tournies) due to what I can only put down to having 3 nights off and forgetting how to play (This could also be down to the hangover lol)
Kirbsuk is winning far too much money imo, whilst suffering his worst ever best ever (i'm not too sure which) badbeats Month lol (Can you offer me some advice please?)
Chubbers has started writing essay's?
The new website is developing nicely (wish I could give you a preview) but all good things come to those who wait (Or so my mum says) Not so sure how relevent that was whilst I was waiting for the number 10 bus, that I had already missed
Good Luck at The tables Tonight TPTers.
yeh trev am up for that see you there
gl all on the tables
run good
2nd chubbers - £20
Yes Trev am far too sober most of the time. Dagg did tell me i should contribute more, so am lol..
Nicely qualified for the SPT semi..
Good luck today all.