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Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes



  • FlyingDaggFlyingDagg Member Posts: 4,146
    edited September 2014
    Cashed in ther 7-15 deepie. Pdavo leading it right now 4 left.

    FlyingDagg0 5 £13.82
  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,387
    edited September 2014
    WELL DONE Dale n Keith on your I was saying earlier, I seem to do better in Deepy's.....cashed in tonight's 9.15pm Deepy

    MISTY4ME   0  6      £11.78

    This hand helped a lot.......1 for Craig to smile about......NICE to punish the LIMPER !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I couldn't believe my LUCK actually  (:D}

    skyemoe Small blind  100.00 100.00 14155.00 spookyeye Big blind  200.00 300.00 9597.50  Your hole cards 8 10    benny_hall Fold     woody207 Fold     MISTY4ME Call  200.00 500.00 13287.50 DJerv Call  200.00 700.00 1817.50 skyemoe Call  100.00 800.00 14055.00 spookyeye Check     Flop  6 9 K    skyemoe Check     spookyeye Check     MISTY4ME Check     DJerv Check     Turn  7    skyemoe All-in  14055.00 14855.00 0.00 spookyeye All-in  9597.50 24452.50 0.00 MISTY4ME All-in  13287.50 37740.00 0.00 DJerv Fold     skyemoe Unmatched bet  767.50 36972.50 767.50 skyemoe Show A A    spookyeye Show 8 5    MISTY4ME Show 8 10    River  K    MISTY4ME Win Straight to the 10 36972.50
  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,238
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    Hi Guys I'm away until monday as its my bro's Birthday & we will be celebrating his 50th in Blackpool. Bounty Hunter Strategy Help.................. I will put a post on here on Monday regarding this - I will play three games on tuesday for you to follow. I have had a lot of success in these tournies and it somewhat goes against the grain of ordinary MTT's but as long as we adhere to the basic principles, then it should improve your game in BH's. So I will post a short intro to how my strategy will work. I will also enter a BH and let you know what time & what buy-in are involved and you can come along for the ride and watch it play out in real time - I will also post any hands which I am unable to show at the table due to giving away information. Chances of making a profit .....imo - 65/35 - If the first one can follow my next - same principles will apply. results will vary, dependent on players at any given table but overall you will see your BH results improve. DO NOT attempt this in MTT's - it will ruin your game. I will attempt this at £5.50....£11.00 and either £22.00 or £55.00 in the same evening and post my results along with any hands which are of interest or address any questions you have for a particular hand. I don't do this often cause i'm not too articulate at expressing what it is I actually do differently and most peeps would say it's a losing strategy anyway - Which in a standard MTT I would have to agree with - but in a Bounty Hunter, it's all about giving false representation . More info to follow. false representation - this will be your first lesson in BH Strategy. Look forward to accomplishing this at my first attempt and helping you all progress. Wish me luck & I hope I can help.
    Posted by POKERTREV

    Thanks Kapitano Trev,

    I really look forward to following this, already intrigued.


  • POKERTREVPOKERTREV Member Posts: 9,607
    edited September 2014
    Hi Guys
    I'm away until monday as its my bro's Birthday & we will be celebrating his 50th in Blackpool.

    Bounty Hunter Strategy Help..................

    I will put a post on here on Monday regarding this -

    I will play three games on tuesday for you to follow.

    I have had a lot of success in these tournies and it somewhat goes against the grain of ordinary MTT's but as long as we adhere to the basic principles, then it should improve your game in BH's. So I will post a short intro to how my strategy will work.

    I will also enter a BH and let you know what time & what buy-in are involved and you can come along for the ride and watch it play out in real time - I will also post any hands which I am unable to show at the table due to giving away information.

    Chances of making a profit .....imo - 65/35 -

    If the first one can follow my next - same principles will apply.

    results will vary, dependent on players at any given table but overall you will see your BH results improve.

    DO NOT attempt this in MTT's - it will ruin your game.

    I will attempt this at £5.50....£11.00 and either £22.00 or £55.00 in the same evening and post my results along with any hands which are of interest or address any questions you have for a particular hand.

    I don't do this often cause i'm not too articulate at expressing what it is I actually do differently and most peeps would say it's a losing strategy anyway - Which in a standard MTT I would have to agree with - but in a Bounty Hunter, it's all about giving false representation. More info to follow.

    false representation - this will be your first lesson in BH Strategy.

    Look forward to accomplishing this at my first attempt and helping you all progress.
    Wish me luck & I hope I can help.

    Ive chosen Tuesday to do this as we play Forum DTD on Mondays, so Tusday I will be able give it more attention. Plus I hate Turbo Tuesdays :) Now theres a game I do need a better strategy with :)
  • POKERTREVPOKERTREV Member Posts: 9,607
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Thanks Kapitano Trev, I really look forward to following this, already intrigued. Neil
    Posted by HENDRIK62
    Hi Hendrik.

    I see a lot of peeps strugling with the Bounty Hunter Format, so hopfully I can help.

    Whats the worst that can happen? - well it could all go belly up on the night I suppose :) but i'm confident I can make it happen.

    I've chosen 3 levels £5.50 - £11.00 & £22 or £55.00 just to try & prove we can make it work at all levels.

    Someone mentioned the other night that they found it difficult at the £55.00 level due to the quality of players, but imo we can take advantage of this too.   
  • Grace08Grace08 Member Posts: 35
    edited September 2014
    a few cashes from yesterday
    £200 rebuy 2nd £60
    £400 Bounty Hunter 2nd £72 and £28.60 in bounties
    £200 GTD 5th £19.60
    10k BH 43rd £32.25 and £11.25 in bounties

  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,238
    edited September 2014
    ''Ive chosen Tuesday to do this as we play Forum DTD on Mondays, so Tusday I will be able give it more attention. Plus I hate Turbo Tuesdays :) Now theres a game I do need a better strategy with :)''

    Interestingly The Tuesday Turbo is one of the mains I have most success in (even won it once upon a time) Sunday night is also good for me(if I can sattelite in- not confident enough to buy straight in, don't want to play with scared money).

    My guess is I can gradually build in those two, using almost DYM strategy in the opening levels, although the blinds build quicker on TT patience is still rewarded, caveat being that on Tuesdays we are relatively short stacked and that is very expoitable with a tight table image (no one wants to get in a potential stack off with a percieved tight player who suddenly starts slamming the chips down......well most times ;-)).
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited September 2014
    a couple of BHs

    £400BH 3/34
    GELDY03£51 + £26.72 Head Prizes3
    £750BH 3/45
    GELDY03£67.50 + £16.88 Head Prizes2
    I only make a few tweaks to my game when playing BHs. Maybe that's why I often cash without taking many heads. But it is important to understand how others may be varying their strategy.

    Nice initiative Trev, looking forward to it if I have the time.
  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,387
    edited September 2014
    Very kind of you TREV.....have a GREAT weekend, it'll take you til Tuesday to recover anyway !!

    Looking forward to your help and watching you play, in the meantime I'll keep trying to last more than an hour. At least I normally get into the Bounty Hunters thru the satellites which I dont seem to have a problem with (touching all available WOOD), so it doesnt cost me too much.

    NICE cashes GELDY, and Grace continuing a GREAT RUN......WELL DONE

    GOOD LUCK to everyone jousting at the tables tonight, and as always......

    ........MAY the CASH be with you ALL
  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    ''Ive chosen Tuesday to do this as we play Forum DTD on Mondays, so Tusday I will be able give it more attention. Plus I hate Turbo Tuesdays :) Now theres a game I do need a better strategy with :)'' Interestingly The Tuesday Turbo is one of the mains I have most success in (even won it once upon a time) Sunday night is also good for me(if I can sattelite in- not confident enough to buy straight in, don't want to play with scared money). My guess is I can gradually build in those two, using almost DYM strategy in the opening levels, although the blinds build quicker on TT patience is still rewarded, caveat being that on Tuesdays we are relatively short stacked and that is very expoitable with a tight table image (no one wants to get in a potential stack off with a percieved tight player who suddenly starts slamming the chips down......well most times ;-)).
    Posted by HENDRIK62
    Turbo is all about getting your chips in first and using fold equity in the later stages. Bounty hunter too many people go crazy over bounties but you should not do that. Take advantage of these light callers, you can jam much deeper than normal. Even in the five pounders you can jam AA 100bb deep and still manage to get a call. Once you go deep in a bounty hunter the bounties will come. Too many people go in with the mindset of 'if i take 3 bounties i will end up freerolling'. Thats a big IF.
  • jjjachjjjach Member Posts: 3,393
    edited September 2014
    WD on your cashes guys.Gl with this trev and i'll be keeping up with your progress.Gl at the tables guys.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,125
    edited September 2014
    Hi all,

    Sorry I have not been posting much of late. I haven't even been playing, I had a couple of games last Friday and that's about it. I have bought a PS4 and this has taken up the vast majority of my spare time.

    Back on the tables tonight though, albeit verrrry rusty!

    Gl all
  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,387
    edited September 2014
    Well lasted all of 15mins in tonight's Main Bounty Hunter. I led after the 1st hand but then a short while later had a real COOLER of a hand, with Q8 on the button, flop comes 9,10,J, ...HAPPY DAYS or so I thought. Ran into K,Q after I'd got it All-in. 

    So rather than try again in the Mini, thought I'd enter Matt2's MEGA which was going steadily for an hour and a half, then a bit of yoyo-ing. Finally got a big hand with Aces. Flop comes QQQ. Now I know theres only 1 hand can beat me and surely nobody has a Q, so eventually got it All-in and......."Time 4 Bed said Zebedee". 

    OH WELL.....what does the Captain say...."Take the beats and move on", and at least I know I'm one step nearer another win.

    Hope you all had a more successful night than me.
  • Red_KingRed_King Member Posts: 2,850
    edited September 2014
    Not really Misty, this variance thingy, sky speak of, still eludes me :(

    DYM 4 left, blinds 100/200, utg with +7BB, got QQ,
    small blind been playing aggro in any position,
    so I decide to open shove expecting a call by SB with any2,
    sure enough he calls, shows 77, happy days (i must be mad),
    flop 5/8/10, Oooohhhhhhhh dear, here we go again,
    turn is a 6, now he's got more outs than I can count, (must grow more fingers),
    (drum roll and usual pause in dealing) and the river is a 4, who'd have guessed.

    Where else can you go from zero to hero in the space of five streets, LOL.

    "One step nearer a win" Only problem is I'm on a long walk.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited September 2014
    main starts well ends bad
    mini starts well ends bad
    mega stack starts well ends well

    BH are very loose so i need to think much more carefully depending on who i'm up against as there are lots more Calling stat, fish and passive type that we get in deeps.

    tournament report you guessed it is a win first place in ther mega
  • Red_KingRed_King Member Posts: 2,850
    edited September 2014
    VWP Irishrose and K8LOU
    taking down £3kBH and £8kBH ME

    Nice1 Craig, soz was railing Rose and K8
  • IrishRoseIrishRose Member Posts: 1,663
    edited September 2014
    Hi all

    Really sorry I missed the orfy tonight - mother in law round :(

    However - I bought into 5 all in sats for the 9pm BH game as she usually goes home around 9.15pm.  I only went and won entry via the first one, £24.50 for coming 2nd in the next one, and then £55 cash for winning a 3rd one!!

    That was my night already paid for so now I was playing purely for fun.  She didn't go home til nearly 9.45pm so missed the first hour and was blinded down to approx 3200 chips by the time I got to play.

    What can I say?  Great rail from the team - especially JJ, Red King, K8 (who was busy winning the MAIN!!, doubleAAA, Matt237, Misty and others).  I acutally managed to win it!!  First time in ages

    IrishRose 356000 1 £634.12 + £408.84 Head Prizes 6

    Thanks again all - you're all fantastic!!!   Hope to see a few of you on tables tomorrow night.

    Run golden all - absolutley golden xxx
  • K8LOUK8LOU Member Posts: 630
    edited September 2014
    Ty for the awesome rail as always tpters! 
  • K8LOUK8LOU Member Posts: 630
    edited September 2014
    also a big well done to rose on shipping the 55 also! wp
  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,387
    edited September 2014
    WOW......WHAT A NIGHT !!!!!!!!!

    FANTASTIC WINS..... K8LOU, CRAIG and of course my ROSEEEEEeeeeeeee.

    As I was about to go to bed I thought I'd have a quick look to see if any TPTers were still playing, and what a time to join in the fun on the rail watching K8LOU Take the Main DOWNnnn. 
    I hadnt realised Roseeee and Craig were doing so well too, so sorry I wasnt on your chatboxes, but at least I spoke to you Roseeee and managed to sprinkle the 'Misty Magic' just in time LOL.

    Very, Very WELL DONE to you all.

    My little Tips for today's Horse Racing......

    Es Que Love ...........Haydock 3.50pm  @20/1  Each Way
    and Extortionist........Haydock 3.50pm  @16/1  Each Way

    They're running against my favourite Flat horse (SOLE POWER) but I think they will be better suited to the 6furlong race,
    and for a real flier try them in a little Reverse Forecast for them to finish 1st and 2nd any order coz it pays around 300/1

    GOOD LUCK to everyone playing tonight........ I'm going out to the Pub/Restaurant where my daughter works coz there's a band on who play all 80's my age away but just LOVE IT !!!!

    So keep up the GOOD WORK and as always.........

    .......May the CASH be with you ALL

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