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Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes



  • FLASHJONNYFLASHJONNY Member Posts: 2,537
    edited September 2014
    wd rose and craig great results  todays nag lol free wheeling 33 to 1 ew 155 ascot in the bigrace at haydock 350 I like Gordon lord Byron at 5 to 1 gl all see you next week taking a few days off
  • KEITH1960KEITH1960 Member Posts: 441
    edited September 2014
    brill cashes wd guys cheers for the tips on the nags gl at the tables guys
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited September 2014
    what an evening to have had an early night :-(

    congrats craig, K8lou & Rooossssseeeee

    only played 1 mtt with some hilo dyms

    £100 PLO Omaha 3/20
  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,238
    edited September 2014
    Great night, 

    I had a bit of a night off only played the Orford and £300 freeroll and unusually I actually cashed for the princely sum of: 

    But forget that, very well played everyone, brilliant WINS and cashes....sorry I was tucked up in bed or I would have been on the rail.........brilliant!!!
  • FlyingDaggFlyingDagg Member Posts: 4,146
    edited September 2014
    Very well done Craig K8 and Rose, great results. I did briefly drop by K8's table said Hi but no response from him or rail so I logged off and missed all the fun :(
  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,384
    edited September 2014
    Can't believe 2 of the horses I half-fancied have gone and won Sorry Keith I'll have to give you 5 or 6 next time for you to take your pick. I haven't had a penny on them either

    CAPTAIN CAT owned by my ex-boss at Seasons Holidays....won @ 15/8, a horse I told my DAD to follow 2years ago and NAUTILUS......won @ 10/1 (Grrrrrrrrrrr)

    at least I've qualified for £15K Roller Early semi...(Sorry Craig) and then coz there was only 2 entries I had another go in the next qualifier too and....

    MISTY4ME80001Entry to £15k Early Semi. + As you have already registered/qualified for this event you have been awarded the cash equivalent of £24, which is equal to the Buy-in and Fee.

    HAPPY DAYS.......   (:D}
  • 67Bhoys67Bhoys Member Posts: 2,553
    edited September 2014
    Apologies all for the lateness of this post,

    I played the DTD on Monday for the 1st time in quite a few months, and was fortunate enough to come 3rd, which was a surprise, as I have not been able to play a lot of poker recently due to business commitments.

    So many thanks to those who railed me, especially Trev and JJ, who had the old matchsticks in the eyes railing me on the final table.
  • B1enjiiB1enjii Member Posts: 19
    edited September 2014
    £300 FR




  • mattprawnmattprawn Member Posts: 632
    edited September 2014
    What a great performance from the team last night, especially well done to K8LOU and Rose, brilliant stuff.  Had a decent evening myself, although pales in comparison.  Managed to take down one of the Roller semi's for £110 cash equivalent and cashed the main for around £100.  Went out calling two all ins with AKs which would have left me chip lead with 20 odd left - probably a daft call, but looking for he win rather than a bit of laddering.

    Tonight's gone pretty well also.

    3rd in the 10.30pm speed bh for £193

    winnersl04126520 £275.41 Head Prizes11£116.78jonnyrkd25480 £51.57 Head Prizes2£42.18mattprawn03£142.50 + £51.56 Head Prizes2 31st in the main for a bit of cash (thanks to Geldy for the rail)

    mattprawn031£33.75 + £25.31 Head Prizes2
    and a small cash in the mini (c£10).

    Gl all.   Looking forward to the roller tomorrow, although there is a big event at the Grosvenor in Leeds which I'm tempted by...


  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited September 2014
    why oh why does the super roller have to be £110 buy in.

    i didn't get a win in any but the deep stacks were my best MTTs of the night, deep stacks are great, relaxing and best of all they have the closest manner of play to the cash tables.

    i played a lot of sats, the thing about them is they go at such a fast speed that i'll have very little time to get a stack, also the villians themselves are far too loose for bluffs to be done.

    when playing bounty hunters i'm thinking it will be far better to just keep the pot small as people do play very loose, also the pot will not be very large so if by the river they did miss what they were chasing i mightstand much better chance of steeling.
    jakx85027£5.12 + £14.76 Head Prizes6 
    craigcu12028£5.12 + £9.40 Head Prizes5 
  • FlyingDaggFlyingDagg Member Posts: 4,146
    edited September 2014
    No apologies for posting this from the other night but our team cash  posts are slipping and we need a boost to the total :)

    K8LOU6220001st/311£1212.90 + £380.36 Head Prizes11
  • FlyingDaggFlyingDagg Member Posts: 4,146
    edited September 2014
    THIS WEEKS MTT TOTAL  £5601.02

    GRAND TOTAL              £113440.77

    2013  £161766.23

  • jjjachjjjach Member Posts: 3,393
    edited September 2014
    Some real great cashes all.Espically rose and k8lou.Nice to see you again bhoys and wd in DTD.Gl at the tables guys.
  • POKERTREVPOKERTREV Member Posts: 9,607
    edited September 2014
    Wow - I go away for a couple of days and TPTers are cashing for fun :)

    Well done guys, especially Rose & K8 taking down the3K & 8K bounty tournies.

    Some great cashes all - well played.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited September 2014
    i didn't get anything from main or mini but i did have 2 cashes to report from today.

    i strarted of with a very early £150BH and got myself a 6th place in that
    gogsw05£9.07 + £5.33 Head Prizes4 
    craigcu1206£7.61 + £7.09 Head Prizes5 
    baileycake07£6.43 + £4.21 Head Prizes
    one deep event i did get my way in was the £200 deepy and came 1st so won £88
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited September 2014
    in one of the DTDs on monday i got a good prize, the mega stack on friday was won by myself, now i've won a prize in the £200 deep stack from tonight and last month i was top of the table in the orford league deepy too.

    deep stacks are most certainly the best ones to play and i'm going to be needing to start doing them more rather than BH.
  • POKERTREVPOKERTREV Member Posts: 9,607
    edited September 2014
    Little cash for the captain Mini Roller
    POKERTREV0 9 £59.40
    Thanks for the rail all
  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,238
    edited September 2014
    Well done Geldy in the Roller, matchsticks gave up the ghost and I had to hit the sack.

    Very nice cash.

    honourable mention to Pokertrev.....playing through his hangover in the mini   :-)
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited September 2014
    £15k Super Roller 11/178
    £2k Mini Roller 33/264 near miss

    got in twice through sats so was freerolling. Was in top 10 for first three hours until as sb vs bb I ran my A high flush into the K high straight flush, AQ<55 that houses up and KK<A6 that makes a straight - ended up spending the last couple of hours at the bottom of the list but still managed to ladder up from 40th to 11th! Thks for the rail Trev & Hendrik.
  • POKERTREVPOKERTREV Member Posts: 9,607
    edited September 2014
    It's Monday Forum DTD Again.

    Look out for those Pesky Pinkies.......but never mind them (They are easy :)............I have noticed there are a number of Dragons entered into tonights festivities - So maybe the dragons den is getting a bit crowded and they have come out for a bit of fresh air or to play or maybe Dragons hibernate and its that time of the year to come out? :)

    The OUTLAWS are also running a mock in the DTD Tournies this evening, so be vigilant or vigilantees, show them no mercy. Hack away at their chips stacks with your mighty Titan swords until victory is ours.

    Best of Luck & Stay Safe TITANS

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