Richard Orford and Tony Kendall are off shooting their romantic date with the ducks as detailed by Richard in this thread, but we're after some questions from you.....
If you could ask Tikay any question what would you ask?
They're on location right now, so get them coming in people!
You can also tweet your questions to Tikay if you're on Twitter. Message @Tony_Kendall and include #duckswithtikay at the end of the message. We'll try and get as many of them in the final edit as possible.
Sky_Claire is loving being there for this, I can't tell you how excited she sounded on the phone to tell me she was there with them...
Does the human bile duckt cease producktion when crossing an aquaduckt - or is it just a reducktion in in the powers of deducktion caused by the inducktion and heat conducktion of ducks on the canal??????????????
or which number one record spent the longest time at number one in the history of the UK charts?(it's not Bryan Adams!)
or what is your favourite song of all time - mine happens to be "seasons in the sun" by Terry jacks
you are in one of those train cabin things they have in Europe. you get to choose 3 other people, alive or dead, to share that cabin with. who would they be and why?
With his vast knowledge of the duck world, does Tikay.... ....consider Donald Duck as 'bang tidy' or just a normall run of the mill duck? Posted by MAXALLY
I think Daisy Duck won rear of the year 1954 - I bet he remembers that!
In Response to Re: Ducky questions for Tikay - Post them asap! : I think Daisy Duck won rear of the year 1954 - I bet he remembers that! Posted by elsadog
Question for Tikay
Which Train Station in the World has the most Platforms & how many?
I heard he detests using a rag
or which number one record spent the longest time at number one in the history of the UK charts? (it's not Bryan Adams!)
or what is your favourite song of all time - mine happens to be "seasons in the sun" by Terry jacks
who is the best and worst player in Luton?
would you stake Orford into a GUKPT Main Event?
Answer: It's a Barbary drake crossed with a mallard-derived hen. (This is a cross breed and therefore like a mule would be sterile).
Question for Tikay
Name the Duck that is also a Fruit? will give you a clue " TKP"
If you were reincarnated as a Duck, what type of Duck would you be and why?
I think Daisy Duck won rear of the year 1954 - I bet he remembers that!
Jack or Vera?