is **** exothermic or endothermic ?? boyles law may apply but. first we need to know how the mass of **** is changing i.e. how many souls are entering ****. given that all religions state that people of other religions will go there, then, we can project all souls will go there. therefor using boyles law the volume of **** has to expand proportionaly as souls are added so that if **** is expanding slower than the souls entering, the pressure and tempreture will increase until all **** breaks loose, or if **** is expanding faster than the souls entering, then the pressure and tempreture will drop until **** freezes over. which is it ???????? a free entry to take on bludreid on offer for a good explanation. Posted by bludreid11
the trouble is using boyles law, **** will never fill because the deeper you go into **** the smaller the volume will get creating more space.
If he could go back in time and change anything that he has done or didn't do in his life what would it be?
If he was 21 in today's times would he take poker seriously and try and become a professional poker player, or would he go down the traditional route i.e. get a good education and have a 'proper' career?
What does he think the state of the poker industry will be in ten years?
Thanks for these questions guys. I asked Tikay a few of them as I only received them right towards the end of the filming day. However, none our wasted! I'll ask the rest of them on Saturday night when Tikay and I are reunited on-screen with Mastercash from 9! Keep the questions coming! Posted by RICHORFORD
Thanks Rich - yes, if you could do that, it would save me replying in writing to all the fantastic questions.
We received the questions right at the very end of the film shoot, so only had time to reply to 3 or 4 of them.
Of those we never replied to, or received in time, the best questions (in the context of what we were doing, & ignoring the lovely humorous stuff) if you could ask the questions raised by the following, I hope the answers would be interesting.....
One other question (plural actually, there were 3) stood out in the context of the interview, which ended up as a sort of potted life history, & was sort of addressed in the interview, & at some length.
It was an immensely good question, probably the best & most perceptive question I've ever seen on this Forum - the 3 questions by Irishrover. The replies might be a bit deep for a "fun" Poker Show on Saturday night telly, & I'm not sure I could do them justice in that medium, but I'll try. If there were a prize for best question (so far!), it'd be "no contest".
edit; should i stick it in the mallard or wait and baste
SNG player on sky
TOURNAMENT player on sky
CASH player on sky
what is your happiest childhood memory ?
what is your saddest childhood memory ?
which is the most influential book,
you have ever read ?
If he could go back in time and change anything that he has done or didn't do in his life what would it be?
If he was 21 in today's times would he take poker seriously and try and become a professional poker player, or would he go down the traditional route i.e. get a good education and have a 'proper' career?
What does he think the state of the poker industry will be in ten years?
1. where did Tikays interest in railways come from?
2. All the analysts promote watching better players to improve game play!
Would that make Tikay a peeking duck?
We received the questions right at the very end of the film shoot, so only had time to reply to 3 or 4 of them.
Of those we never replied to, or received in time, the best questions (in the context of what we were doing, & ignoring the lovely humorous stuff) if you could ask the questions raised by the following, I hope the answers would be interesting.....
One other question (plural actually, there were 3) stood out in the context of the interview, which ended up as a sort of potted life history, & was sort of addressed in the interview, & at some length.
It was an immensely good question, probably the best & most perceptive question I've ever seen on this Forum - the 3 questions by Irishrover. The replies might be a bit deep for a "fun" Poker Show on Saturday night telly, & I'm not sure I could do them justice in that medium, but I'll try. If there were a prize for best question (so far!), it'd be "no contest".
Keep the questions coming, if you wish.