Adam just rung me. The Tourney will NOT re-start tonight, so feel free to log off if you wish.
As to money, it will be settled in the morning, in the normal way, with the EXACT total stakes in the Prize Pool refunded in acccordance with the Rules which cover this.
No other Tourneys are affected - it's just this one.
Chatting to a customer agent who said it is our decision to leave the table, they cannot tell you to leave as they do not know when the problem will be resolved. Great Help!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi again...... Adam just rung me. The Tourney will NOT re-start tonight, so feel free to log off if you wish. As to money, it will be settled in the morning, in the normal way, with the EXACT total stakes in the Prize Pool refunded in acccordance with the Rules which cover this. No other Tourneys are affected - it's just this one. Again, apologies. Posted by Tikay10
so will i tell peeps on table game over ? Posted by IRISHROVER
Yes denis...and then do your usual stunt and sneak back in later and steal all their chips (been at it for weeks now) no wonder no one else can take you've binked everything you've entered.... -
Chatting to a customer agent who said it is our decision to leave the table, they cannot tell you to leave as they do not know when the problem will be resolved. Great Help!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted by wynne1938
Hi wynne,
Please see my previous Post.
A note to that effect has been Posted onto every Table, too.
surely it cnt b that difficult for them 2 stop the tourny re-launching after u close it down, is pretty annoyin
also another prime example 2nite as to how it seems no1 at cust serv actually talks to eachother, and it just comes down to pot luck as to who you get to speak to whether u get told the correct info
Does this mean that if you was not in the top 20 when the tourney crashed, you get no refund? When my table stopped i was in top 20,but as other tables were still going on,i finished outside it.??? Posted by FINS
i dont know, and i hope not becase there is no gtee that the person in 1st would even have cashed, and that the person in last wouldnt have cashed...
i would like to find the terms and conditions for mtts being cancelled by sky due to a tech issue. dunno where they are can anyone find the link?
surely it cnt b that difficult for them 2 stop the tourny re-launching after u close it down, is pretty annoyin also another prime example 2nite as to how it seems no1 at cust serv actually talks to eachother, and it just comes down to pot luck as to who you get to speak to whether u get told the correct info Posted by SHANXTA
I agree - Firstly they told me it was a problem with my flash player and they couldn't offer me a re-fund.
Until I told them that Tikay's table was frozen too - then they went for a manager.
It was very frustrating having them try to pass on the blame to me first of all.
I also kept a copy of the chat log for reference.
I'm sure it will get sorted but customer services are really hard work at times.
Does this mean that if you was not in the top 20 when the tourney crashed, you get no refund? When my table stopped i was in top 20,but as other tables were still going on,i finished outside it.??? Posted by FINS
Well I was 2nd at the time it froze - it took me 10 mins to get onto live chat and I was on there for 45mins. In the meantime other players were accumulating chips.
+ what happens to the peeps that were still in and had a rebuy early.?
IMO a full refund is the only possible outcome including the re-buy.
In Response to Re: I think I've broken the Thews at 10 : i dont know, and i hope not becase there is no gtee that the person in 1st would even have cashed, and that the person in last wouldnt have cashed... i would like to find the terms and conditions for mtts being cancelled by sky due to a tech issue. dunno where they are can anyone find the link? Posted by GREGHOGG
Do we shut table down
these things happen when trying out new ideas, the software guys are donig a great job ( not including the RNG guys obv fffsss)
better luck next week, and lets hope this tourny becomes an institution just like monday DTD.
Hi again......
Adam just rung me. The Tourney will NOT re-start tonight, so feel free to log off if you wish.
As to money, it will be settled in the morning, in the normal way, with the EXACT total stakes in the Prize Pool refunded in acccordance with the Rules which cover this.
No other Tourneys are affected - it's just this one.
Again, apologies.
Please see my previous Post.
A note to that effect has been Posted onto every Table, too.
i would like to find the terms and conditions for mtts being cancelled by sky due to a tech issue. dunno where they are can anyone find the link?
Until I told them that Tikay's table was frozen too - then they went for a manager.
It was very frustrating having them try to pass on the blame to me first of all.
I also kept a copy of the chat log for reference.
I'm sure it will get sorted but customer services are really hard work at times.
Everyone still in the MTT at the time of it being cancelled gets their first buy in refunded.
The excess money created by the busted players and the rebuys is then divied up by chip counts percentage.
Checking T & Cs now to confirm.
+ what happens to the peeps that were still in and had a rebuy early.?
IMO a full refund is the only possible outcome including the re-buy.