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We dont want more than 1-2 callers with AA,KK



  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited August 2011
    i dont find big pairs play well multiway IMO. Would rather have 67 sooted.
  • grantorinograntorino Member Posts: 4,710
    edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: We dont want more than 1-2 callers with AA,KK:
    There is no 'optimum' number of players you want in a pot against your AA/KK. You also have no way of controlling how many players will call a pre flop raise so its kind of silly, obviously your raise size could manipulate this a bit but ultimately it will be a case of whether an opponent decides to call/fold/raise with whatever they have and this is mostly out of your control. i personally prefer to play a 2-3 way pot as people are more inclined to stack off with hands like TPGK, in a 4+ way pot you will rarely see players getting in 100BB's with 1 pair. If i ever find myself in a multiway pot with an overpair i always seem to end up pot controling because i dont want to be getting check raised by a turned/rivered 2pair, but often pot controlling = missed value. Aces and kings will be highly profitable over time, when playing them i think the main concern is to try and Induce bluffs whilst not giving away bet sizing tells Vs your other PFR/c-betting range.
    Posted by pr1nnyraid
    Nice post

    When I started this thread I wasnt really looking for advice on how to play big pairs, or advocating limping or a particular raise size. I was just interested in whether a line I often heard actually had some solid theory behind it. I cant really control number of players in the pot anyway.

    Certainly it will be tough multiway against good players ( although getting them to stack off with worse hu in single raised pots can often be difficult). Against fish that play obviously and will overplay top pair hands and play draws straight forward I'm not sure going multiway is so bad, I think it may well bemore profitable
  • debdobs_67debdobs_67 Member Posts: 3,615
    edited August 2011
    I think this has become a good thread here as it seems pretty 50/50 in the way AA can be played , not saying im right or wrong BUT i think over time 1-2 callers is gonna be the most profitable xx
  • WHOAMI196WHOAMI196 Member Posts: 1,170
    edited August 2011

    I like the thread , if your a good player post flop then you can play 2-4 handedm, making smaller controlled bets to induce action because you can read the board, oppo etc and therefore fold when necessary if not so good post flop then avoid if poss.

    But your very unlikely going to stack an oppo in a four way that is an underdog to aa, who is going to stack-off in a multi way pot with top pair for eg. poss if the board comes k28 rainbow? and oppo has kq, maybe?

    You cant allwys control how many callers you get to the flop so you have to deal with it, in an ideal world though we all should want to get it all-in pre.

  • CodexCodex Member Posts: 211
    edited August 2011
    when you play AA, KK, you're unlikely to improve beyond 1 pair

    while this is fine against 1 opponent, in say a 4 way pot, one pair is a lot less likely to be the best hand by the river

    very often you dont get 4 all ins, what you get is 3 callers then one hand hits and plays against you while the other 2 fold

    if 4 people are all in pre, of course, you call and be overjoyed about it, but there are a lot of boards that you would need to improve to a full house on to be confident of having best hand and 4 handed, its far more likely someone connected

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